I just installed mass effect 1 and I don't know a single thing about the series

I just installed mass effect 1 and I don't know a single thing about the series.
What I'm in for, also what is best class?

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A few things:
>Talk to everybody
>Your actions and words will be rated as "paragon" or "renegade", aka white knight or end-justifies-the-means. Don't blindly follow one path, choose what your Shepard believes in and make appropriate along the way
>Read the Codex, especially at the start. The game drops a ton of stuff on you in the opening scenes, knowing what is being talked about will help.
>Vanguard as a class. There is no other choice, especially ME2 and onwards. Best mixture of biotic (basically space magic) and combat classes.

For ME1 only the Soldier is a suitable class. ME2 and ME3 - Vanguard.


become invisible and let your pals do most of the grunt work while you pick off enemies with well-timed headshots for support

You're in for a shitty third-person shooter with a terrible story and several gameplay elements (vehicle section, all sidequests, any location that isn't tied to the main story) that are 100% unfinished and feel tacked on and completely unnecessary.

Jump straight to Mass Effect 2 if you're planning to play through the entire series. ME2 basically retcons ME1 entirely.

Adept is fun, ME1 is great with janky gameplay and ME2 is pretty good with better gameplay, especially for the Adept class. Infiltrator is OP in ME2.

ME3 might turn you off of playing games for about 2-3 months.


Soldier is a very valid alternative to Vanguard in ME2 due to the extreme versatility and the andrenaline rush slowmo.
>mfw I have no face because using AR to hit 5 sniper rifle headshots in an instant or to rush enemies and rapid fire on them with my Krogan Shotgun was fucking amazing

And when you get to ME3, don't bother with the sidequests unless you're very patient. They took a lesson from ME1 and made them as bothersome as possible. Map design also took a lesson from ME1 (loading screen, loading screen, loading screen).

Go sentinel for that sickass tech armor in later games