Witcher thread

>End of blood and wine
>main story finished
>bitter sweet ending
>contracts around toussaint are drying up
>not much left to do
>restore corvo bianco fully
>hang up all my armor sets
>go around the house and hang up all my swords
>drink with BB
>realise its finally over

I didnt expect it to be this sad.

witcher 3 post game depression claims another victim. FeelsBadMan

Fuck that other shitty witcher thread with Reddit tier begging for a witcher 4. Game ended perfectly, it's time to rest the series and move on.

Post your endings cunts

>fate of ciri
>who rules skellige
>who rules the north
>fate of olgierd
>fate of detlaff and Regis
>fate of the syanna and Anna

Its so sad, from that smile geralt gives you at the end credits until youve hung all your painting and trophies, hung up all your swords and armor and just lay there with [insert chosen girl here]. The ending is perfect.

>>fate of ciri
>>who rules skellige
the chick who wasnt a retard
>>who rules the north
>>fate of olgierd
saved him from the devil and got a cool sword i still use
>>fate of detlaff and Regis
detlaff dead after trying to kill synna and failing, regis retired to nilfgaard
>>fate of the syanna and Anna
syanna survived detlaff unfortunately, wanted her to pay for her crimes against him. She survived and then killed her sister before being killed herself.

Bittersweet as fuck

This, I haven't been able to commit to playing another game fully for two weeks now since I completed The Witcher 3. I've tried about 4-5 other games, laid them aside, watching some anime and just not bothered with vidya. Fuck.

I chose the exact same with the exception of Ciri becoming Empress.

It's been pretty effective for me, haven't touched a Vidya since I finished B&W.

>fate of ciri
>who rules skellige
Svanrige. I just wish a Place of Power wasn't locked behind choosing Cerys.
>who rules the north
>fate of olgierd
>fate of detlaff and Regis
Detlaff dead. He's a true monster and will only kill more. My only regret is that Regis has to shoulder the burden of being hated by all vampirekind. If there was only another way to kill Detlaff for good.
>fate of the syanna and Anna
Both alive and reconciled. As Syanna said, "[I] really want that happily ever after."

Guys help, i have only a week off until i go back to what is certain to be another year of non stop work. I finished BaW the last 2 days and want to make the most of my time but i cant bring myself to play another game

Empress Ciri is best ending, fits in with the setting.

Witcher Ciri is fanfic garbage tier.

>Witcher ciri ending is really nice in main game ending
>Witcher ending in B&W breaks the lore of the game