Overwatch Permaban Discussion Thread


My normie friend linked me this post he just made on the Overwatch subreddit. Yes, I know le reddit is cancer maymay, get over it.

What do you think about Blizzard permabanning people for saying the wrong thing or for playing around with mods/hacks?

I think it's DRM gone crazy and actually agree with my normie friend (who was somehow autistic enough to actually type all that shit out).


Other urls found in this thread:


No, fuck off faggot

I haven't heard any examples of people being perm banned for saying stuff

I think the no-nonsense perm ban on first offense for cheaters, exploiters, and hackers is absolutely hilarious and great for the game. It's fun trying to see those kids defend themselves and whine about how they "should have at least gotten a warning that deliberately being a dick was a dick thing to do"

>its not fair that i have to abide by the terms of service i tacitly accepted previously


this """"""friend"""""" is just you isn't it.

Leave this site and never return.

"There are also two (very tired) arguments that are raised whenever views like these are presented. These are:
"If you don't like it, don't buy it/ don't cheat!"
"But it's in the EULA and Blizzard wrote it in the contract you agreed to!"
Both of these arguments have the same flaw, and that's that restating the problem being addressed here, and then suggesting you just avoid it, doesn't actually discuss whether the topic is right or wrong. This is a discussion of whether something is acceptable for a video game to do-- not whether it does it."

It's good that they ban people who cheat.

Look at it another way: If you are caught cheating at a University Entrance Exam, you get kicked out, and most likely can't apply any more.

Also, other companies do the same, but no one cares (Riot Games)

Oh I'm sure your "friend" made that reddit post. I mean who would just go and insult himself like that just to avoid suspicion, right?

>cheaters shouldn't be banned ;_;
fuck off faggot, you're going full retard

>getting banned over language
Every game I play, faggot or nigger are some of my most used words. Not once have I gotten a ban.
A friend keeps going nuclear about getting stomped or focused, he's never gotten a ban either.
It's not as strict as you would like it to be.

So, in short, go kill yourself faggot.

>I haven't heard any examples of people being perm banned for saying stuff

Sup Forums tier language is a common thing in matches


>caring what 11-year-old children say about you online

its their product and their servers. they can make it with whatever lawful conditions of use they wish. there is nothing unacceptable about that whatsoever, and if you think that this is some special case for a commercial product, you have a lot of growing up to do.

>My normie friend linked me this post
Sure thing buddy, does this "friend" also suffer from erectile dysfunctions?

The last time I played competitive in Overwatch we noticed their Mei was whiney and angry as fuck and we were able to taunt them enough to get them to rage out and start sabatoging his own team by locking the team in spawn with ice shields

It's a pretty sweet strategy

>playing around with mods/hacks

No, fuck you. Overwatch is a multiplayer game. Fucking around with aimbots/wallhacks/etc takes what little skill the game involves and throws it out the window so you can stroke your own ego.

You're not "playing around with mods/hacks", you're cheating for an advantage.

Get BTFO and have to pay again to play until you learn better.

>"If you don't like it, don't buy it/ don't cheat!"
>"But it's in the EULA and Blizzard wrote it in the contract you agreed to!"

L I T E R A L L Y already in the parent post

oy fucking vey

>TL;DR: Cheating, swearing, or being a 'bad person' does not necessarily warrant the nuclear option of total banning and cancellation of a purchase
Cheating is, everything else isn't
Next question

>No, fuck you. Overwatch is a multiplayer game. Fucking around with aimbots/wallhacks/etc

"Restricting cheaters to solely play with other detected cheaters is a more reasonable solution, I feel."

"In this way, the 'punishment' for cheating no longer exceeds what is necessary to create a positive gameplay environment for non-cheaters. Furthermore, Blizzard would not be required to finance the server costs of cheaters, and they would be segregated amongst themselves. If cheating produces a negative experience, then they would automatically be punishing each other."

It's like you people cannot even read. Holy mother of god.

Yeah, but it only works with children or massive manchilds, but useful af

>redditors first day on Sup Forums

git gud fgt

First, your entire post bleeds normie trash. Get bent, poser.

Second, cheaters should get banned. Everyone agrees with this, and if you don't, you're a fool.

They should keep banning the cheaters so the detection system can be worked out and avoided completely like with CSGO.

Nothing makes me happier than to listen to the autistic, impotent rage of people when they get wallhacked. Best money I've ever spent has been on cheats for CSGO competitive.

They should permaban reddit users. Sup Forums should do it roo.

The only thing that I'm sort of scared about is the chat thing. And only because it's pretty fucking vague about what you are and aren't allowed to say. There is a profanity filter in the options menu, so I just assume that swear words aren't ban worthy on principle, but then you have people saying they are. The only thing I can assume that is ban worthy is being a dick to people, which I don't like doing anyway.

No fuck you. Cheaters should be wiped our completely not get a wrist slapped.

on Sup Forums we use meme-arrows to quote stuff, user.

Entitlement much?

You want to cheat and fuck with people until you get caught, then you want Blizzard to make a special server for shitters like yourself to further hone their cheats rather than just banning them.

Fuck you. Get BTFO and then buy the game again. I see no reason why Blizzard should cater to someone who cheats honest players out of the fair match they signed up for.


yes, as i explained in my post.

or, is the only valid way to answer your question to expressly agree with your point of view?

Should just turn this redditfags thread into a loli dump desu senpai

>Yes, I know le reddit is cancer maymay, get over it.
No, you don't get a free pass because you nod and wink in your post.

Be a good ant and go back where you came from.

>butthurt cheating Sup Forumstards defending cheating in online games

Get fucked nerds.

Cheaters DO NOT deserve to play the game
They C H E A T E D on a MULTIPLAYER ONLY game and they were properly punished for it. People like that are cancer and deserve the punishment.
Allowing CHEATERS to play on servers, even if they owned them, is stupid. You basically don't punish cheaters because [guess what] ALL THE FUCKING POWER IN THE SERVER GOES TO THE FUCKING OWNER.
Just fucking kill yourself

This. If you want to cheat online play CS:Go, League or Dota. Overwatch should stay clean.

Ass fractured faggots whose egos depend on winning in videogames detected.

Nothing wrong with cheating. Leave the match if you run into a cheater and it anally annihilates you.

why is subsidizing those who broke the rules you set forth more reasonable than eliminating them?

i got caught using camera hack in LoL and got 10 day ban

As someone who has had countless chill/fun TF2 games ruined by regular hackers that I recognised by name/avatar, fuck your defense of cheating. Blizzard does a lot of things wrong, but swinging the ban hammer as hard as it does on shit like this is a good thing.
No, I don't care if they are on my team. Hackers ruin games.

That's why they give themselves the right to deny you the access to their product. Even if you argue that you own a copy instead of the license, they still have the right to give you the access to their servers.

Not him, but I really don't see the reason to discuss whether that's acceptable or not. You accept this by default when you log in to their servers first. This is a standard rule set anyway, most of the companies have realized long time ago that they are better off without customers that worsen experience of everyone else, be that cheating, griefing or raging. In most cases ragers are bad players in general as well.

Although I do not agree that people should be banned for shittalking, companies that already have such rules will never, EVER change them: that's why this discussion is futile in the context of OW.

>Guys, cheating is c-cool, r-really you fags!

>gets banned
>cries like a babby on Sup Forums

As stated above, get fucked, nerd ;^)

we don't have to because blizzard will take care of them.

the cheaters can leave the game if they run into a ban and it anally annihilates them

If it will get this deleted, and make OP cry like a baby, then go for it.

>Leave the match
I would really want the avoid option back instead



Of course, servers are at present provided only by Blizzard. Blizzard shouldn't have to finance the activities of people who break the experience of other players --but they also don't need to outright remove the games of people who do. The netcode already clearly exists to allow people to create and connect to custom servers; it would be a trivial matter to allow these cheaters access to their purchase and data, and let them connect and communicate across their own hosted servers.


holy FUCKING christ it's like teaching kindergarteners

>CS:GO Aimbot user detected

Why should the 11 people in the match who aren't cheating get their fun ruined by the one faggot who decides he needs to compensate for his tiny penis?

Cheating's not fun even if I benefit from it.


>11 people

Brevity is a virtue, how did your friend manage to drag out his whine to so many paragraphs


>Getting ban in Overwatch
All you gotta do is not cheat and not be a massive cunt. Why do people have such a hard time just following some basic rules and social etiquette.

>cancerous littel faggot starts viralling his shitty reddit thread on a child porn image board

Ass fractured faggot who relies on cheats to be able to play games.

Next thing, we get `safe zones`in gaming

I asked myself the same thing after the financial crisis.


>murica killed 90% of civilians in irak

>murica burger kids can't handle ban in a vidya game and call this a second holocaust

hope your country will be nuked soon you fat fucking fuck

so now a blizzard employee has to be paid to set up custom server functionality for cheaters?

>cheating isn't fun
I don't know how anyone could not see the fun in how angry people get at the mere mention of cheating.

When the Overwatch cheat scene gets better I might even buy some. I have the game for free anyway since I chargebacked the purchase and they never banned me.

>Why do people have such a hard time just following some basic rules and social etiquette

I really have no issue with Blizzard outright banning people who behave like toddlers just because they think they're anonymous

If you're going to be profane, at least be funny

I don't care if the Widowmaker headshotting people all over the map is on my team or headshotting me, either way it's not fun.

Sitting back and watching some faggot run train on the enemy team is about as fun as being on the receiving end of it.

Is that official art?


>mods deleting threads complaining about the toxic community
Please mods, don't make me believe the Blizzshills meme

banning for people swearing in chat is legitimate cause for concern
but thats not what this thread is about, its about some stupid faggot who sucks at vidya crying he got banned

I thought you meant CS:GO

Nice. At least I can downvote it.
Btw I do support full / perma bans.

They do full bans for a reason.
And yes, bitches who get them, get them for a reason. Suck it up, faggots.

Because I'm not a moron who needs to ruin the experience for everyone else in order to have fun.

Grow up.

If they started banning people for being cunts who need to call everyone niggers and faggots to have fun it would be hilarious when those ban fags come on Sup Forums to cry about it.

Ban every cheater mercilessly, don't give a shit about language because you have a mute button. Should apply for every game.


>It's fun for me, so it should be fun for everyone

>The netcode already clearly exists to allow people to create and connect to custom servers
How do you know


So, private servers? Blizzard will never give them the source, it undermines the point of having official servers in the first place. Not to mention it would take people months if not years to reverse engineer the server hosting code.
If private servers will ever appear in OW, be assured that Blizzard will not tolerate them in the slightest, because it's not just about creating a separate realm, it's about creating a competitor.

>feeling bad for cheaters
Fuck right off OP

The tears will be as delicious as all the children mad they can't pirate Doom

>Ass fractured faggots whose egos depend on winning in videogames detected.
You just gave the description of what a cheater is.

It's all Overwatch playerbase this fucktarded? I was thinking of getting the game but watching the recent threads the playerbase seems to be nothing but Fedoras and losers pretending to be normies.

>hurr fedora tip grow up
There's nothing wrong with enjoying making others miserable over a fucking videogame. If your ego is so fragile that cheaters shatter your rectum then you deserve to be made miserable.
Just like there's nothing wrong with cheating.

I wish I were 12 again.

this, anons, is a narcissist. they are insecure faggots and must be ridiculed mercilessly.

look at him. look at him and laugh.

My name has been DocPenis since the game was released. I've gotten one notice saying basically "we've received reports about your name but we couldn't find anything wrong with it". I'm glad this anti-cheat works against hackers at the very least.

Lots of fedoras playing the game but luckily you don't have to interact with them in any way. It's probably the most fun team shooter out right now, don't let idiots put you off

>Doctor, I dropped my balls on this cactus, why does it hurt?

Since I've gotten Overwatch I've grown incredibly bored with it, and just report every single person that shows the slightest hint of harrassment. Is that shitty of me?

>fragile ego
>needs to cheat to feel good

>people reported a guy for having penis in his name

>There's nothing wrong with enjoying making others miserable

Sure is twelve-years-old in here.

You betcha

>Ass fractured faggots whose egos depend on winning in videogames detected.
hilarious coming from someone who so badly wants to win he cheats to do it

Yes, acquire friends

*my friend dropped his balls on this cactus

If you're okay with making the game even more boring by reporting people who spice it up

>There's nothing wrong with enjoying making others miserable over a fucking videogame
edgiest thing i've heard all week and i watched an isis beaheading video

>Blizzard should allow cheaters to run rampant in their game so that people stop playing it

if your image one of those "mfw"s?

I report for harassment cucks that say gg.

If its any consolation, your reports are probably being ignored due to their volume

>set script on s76 to release m1 after 5 shots (23ms)
>zero spread
>still haven't gotten banned

It's lovely really. My buddy is called DrDildo and we keep getting reported whenever we pubstomp. Shit's great, I love the salt.

this still makes me sad to this day,and the fact that everyone of them were trying to act like they weren't aware that everyone else they knew was doing it too makes me feel worse

>implying it has anything to do with winning
Bots that call out the position of my teammates in CSGO competitive are just as fun as wallhacks. The fun comes from impotent autistic rage. Has nothing to do with winning or losing.

>What do you think about Blizzard permabanning people for saying the wrong thing or for playing around with mods/hacks?

It's the right thing to do in regard to mods and hack. Bad behaviour should grant you a temporary ban at least because people like that ruin the community even more

>Talk about ego
>When all you do is bloating yours with hacks

Nigga you went 50 shades of retard.