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w-what happened to her?

she did porn I guess?

stay pure

Killed by the porn mafia once she tried to leave the industry.

it was shit



where is the bulge

Something something lewd

>3d shit

Carmageddon 2s sattelite dish mission is still, after 18 years the bane of my existence.

GDP is the hero porn needs but doesn't deserve.

I played the new bartender VN. 10/10 for being the only game that wants to get drunk with me, 2/10 for dragging and dropping ingredients I've never heard of to make drinks I never heard of.

At least teach us how to make real cocktails, fuck.

Ace combat zeros story felt like I was rushing through it. It's gameplay is superb but shit like pixy leaving happened to fast for me to really comprehend it.

Fuck, does that include the game I'm playing right now or the one before it?

>tfw it was boring as fuck

Fire Emblem Conquest
Really fucking hard
Good waifus
Shitty character creation for dudes

shadowrun dragonfall played for an hour cant review fuck you

Mount and Blade Warband

Wiped Swadia off the map and made a shitload of money kidnapping and ransoming two kings, I am god


Pokemon Alpha Sapphire has a hilarious system called wonder trade, where you give away a random pokemon and get a random back 10/10

Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus is a fun game with nice anime tiddies.



It's like Dostoevsky and Lynch made a game together. It's dense, oppressive and exhausting and I love every minute of it

Destiny kicks ass.

oh man i sure love this VIDEO GAME thread. good going guys


It's a demo, but it's a cool one, although the final puzzle is stupid as fuck especially without a mic.

who is this grill OP? where can I save her

It's a bit shit to tell you the truth lad

Zero Time Dilemma: It's much worse than I expected. So far it seems that it's going to be the worst game in series.

Fair, but what I said is true too.

All around me are familiar faces

Jak 3 was an alright game, much better than Jak II, gameplay was okay and loved the gun upgrades, driving wasn't complete cancer, but still could've been a lot better, story was an absolute mess and the pacing was dumb along with stupid twists that made no sense. 7/10

Dark souls 3: It's ok.

STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl

It's not as good as Call of Pripyat, but it's ok.

Pokemon Platinum
One of the best pokemon games with an awesome amount of content both during and after the main game. The battle and walking speed is still slow as fuck which sucks.

Diablo 3

Was playing it because I felt like comparing it to Grim Dawn which I've been playing a bunch of lately. And despite all of its issues D3 is just way better than the competition, hands down.

Good for the guys at Crate Entertainment, I think I saw that they sold 500k copies on Steam so good for them. But it just doesn't scratch that itch like Diablo can.

Rocket League - shit's hilarious when you're a shitter and play with other shitters

It's shit

Burnout: Paradise


Elder Scrolls Online

Surprisingly better than I expected but still a MMO so still shit.


it's pretty comfy and the waifu game is spot on

Oldschool Runescape
Grind and nothing but grind 10/10 I recommend

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. It's pretty good. I'm just glad Shulk is in another video game.

Pokemon X

I like Team Flare as the goofy and incompetent villains.

I haven't gotten to the end-game phase yet, but it seems like there'll be plenty to keep me occupied then.

3D is only somewhat decent in battles, but the framerate can drop on the 3DSXL for some attacks.

3D was an absolutely horrid idea for the central and largest city. The streets and shops all look the same on the outside, so I never know where I'm supposed to go, and the controls for moving are ridiculous.

I also much preferred the 2D sprites to the 3D models, but that's more because I think they simplified the designs to keep the size of the models in check.

Sm4sh with friends yesterday
played a drunk Smash Tour, shit was great

>Shitty character creation for dudes

I didn't think this meme could possibly be true until I actually tried to make an acceptable character. I have no idea why I didn't switch to a girl, considering I liked playing as a girl more than a guy in Awakening.

I did like switching his hairstyle to shorter hair after I assumed he got hardened though.

Uplink: not bad. the cost to upgrade seems really steep. I can't figure out how to avoid being traced so quickly

AC black flag, this is my first AC game which I picked up because I like the pirate sett-

Natural Selection 2
The idea is cool but the aliens are ugly and the marines have every advantage

Sold her body to porn and her soul to satan

so its your mother?

I've been seeing that a lot, and I only played 999 a few years ago. I don't feel like playing the sequels at all now.

And the best fucking music.

Dude, VLR is FANTASTIC. It's definitely better than 999 and miles ahead of ZTD as it stands right now. You just can't skip VLR, it's one of the best storytelling games in last... I don't know, 20 years?

pretty good for an early access title. surprisingly addictive. really scratched my underwater itch

>to porn


Most of the ideas are used from Infinity series. VLR brings nothing new.

>shitter friend flips into the air, completely failing to save


so fucking fun

I haven't played so I can't compare. Also kys for posting spoilers.

Good music.

>ad block for streaming
>don't pay for porn ever
>torrenting porn

Shekels you don't have that's I've squarted away on the regular for free. Suck it, Steinberg.

On topic, I keep trying to get into Trails in the Sky, but it manages not to hook me, even though I somehow liked the Gagharv PSP LoH games. Am I ill?

B-but user, are you sure you don't want to try that Premium Brazzers™ membership for just $119.88 a year?

I've heard that it's a very good deal!


This should be filtered desu.

>$119.88 a year
That's not actually how much it costs right?

ZTD isn't nearly as bad as the small group on Sup Forums would have you believe, but it is somewhat underwhelming compared to 999 and VLR. They're all worth playing. Just don't raise your expectations to insane levels.
And don't listen to any Ever17fags who say the Zero escape games aren't worth playing.


Being an asshole for a change never gets old.

It's 71.95€/$80 for a year.

That's pretty reasonable consider that it's Brazzers

Crappy game where you do shitty platformers to unlock some stranger's family vacation photos. Was advertised as being le emotional indie game, but it only made me feel like a stalker checking out someone elses's kids. The graphics are very good but the gameplay is mediocre and the music is grating and forgettable. Not worth 20 bucks so I asked for a refund, but would buy again if it was $5 just for the graphics.

>small group
>Every ZTD thread is full of people complaining about the ending
>Everyone who says they finished it a few minutes ago come here and start complaining about it

Keep telling yourself that.

'Small group' as in the users on Sup Forums are a small portion of a greater number of people who are enjoying the game.

I've yet to see a person who has played the previous entries in the series and say the ending wasn't a disappointment or that the game was really good. Even steamfags who've played them all mention the ending being shit and it being the weakest game in the series. The only ones who praise it are those who never played 999/VLR. join now btn

>Billed yearly in one payment of $119.88
Obviously in the small text in a typical Jewish fashion.

Nice try, Shekelberg!


I played the other two games when they released and finished ZTD a few days ago. I thought it was really good, albeit not as good as the previous entries. I have seen many people talk about how they enjoyed it, despite the ending which I agree was lackluster.
I say it's a good game despite the flaws and that it's up to user to play it and VLR to form his own opinion.

>that picture

At least it wasn't Luis or Niko. One more junkie off the streets.

Where are you getting that from?

They link I provided clearly states what's in my picture.

Blizzard did good shit

Oh, wow. It actually changed now. When I was looking it up it was 79.95 like in my pic. I even clicked your link and it showed 79.95, but now whenever I click it, it opens up a different page and the price is 108 euros.

Tried with a different browser and it's the old page again with the price being 79.95. I guess they're trying to jew people and force them to pay more with that ~108 euro price.

Who was in the OP image?

>Image isn't even NSFW
>Gets deleted


Pretty good movesets with plenty of cancels, and attacks actually require timing; air combat works well. Really fast-paced, no delays in anything.
Enemies are pretty shitty so far, however, not too fun to fight. Especially the bosses. And the story is pretty much about nothing.
Nice appearance customization options. Training mode is a great feature, DMC could use that. Character switching too. Haven't tried the mission mode yet.

It's okay, fun enough.

I saw that thing too, fucking hilarious
>tfw you are so moved by the purity of a wannabe porn star that you throw a chair at a fluffer


Pretty damn enjoyable so far, combat is nothing special but I feel like I could spend hours on crafting and bartering in the hub area alone, hope some kind of plot takes shape soon.

Oh, I forgot one thing. You can't fully rebind the controls which is terribly uncomfortable. Lock-on is on R1, dodge/dash on R2, weapon switch on L2, and "reload" at L1. Reload is the least used and isn't really needed mid-combat.
So while you hold lock-on, it's uncomfortable to dodge. You can only switch reload and lock-on but then it would be uncomfortable to switch weapons. You can change lock-on to click instead of hold but that only works well on bosses and terribly on anything else.
The perfect scheme would be R1 - lock-on, R2 - reload, L1 - weapon switch, L2 - dodge/dash. But you can't have that.

Alternately, last game I finished, Dishonored

Very enjoyable gameplay, not pure stealth but I wasn't expecting it to be, not incredibly long but I can tell that there's a lot of replay value there, design and writing are great.

Who is she?

Just go to Girls Do Porn and find her in the thumbnails.