Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma

They actually killed him! The absolute madmen
Post best moments

But you could... y'know... buy the game. It'll play a legit cart

I posted this for COMPLEX MOTIVES.

The Boy and the Ring

First fragment I did. Injected and saw Eric's backstory. Knew I was in for a ride.

there was actually some user complaining about that plot being wasted and yet i loved it because it tied in perfect into the "life is unfair" theme.
it was impossible for carlos to know akane and junpei were still in the pods. at least they retained their memories in the end.

So what happened during the panel yesterday? Just the 999 VA thing and a bunch of question dodging?

>Any time Eric is talking about his shitty backstory
>You have to look at that stupid fucking table or that icecream store
>While the worst music in the series plays
>Can't click spam through it have to listen.

I hate it every fucking time. Second only to door opening scenes in VLR

You can fast forward never before read stuff if you checked the box in the options.

Didn't want to risk missing good shit with an accidental click