What's your Competitive rank on Overwatch right now?
Mine's at 45
What's your Competitive rank on Overwatch right now?
Mine's at 45
Zero, still need to hit lvl 25 Tbh
42, D.Va main
48. I solo Q because I have no friends and I get fucked by retards and/or leavers.
i think blizzard has the entire division of shills who post this dogshit of a game daily on Sup Forums
58, git gud shitters
Stopped playing competitive. Way too much salt, it's not fun.
Was in three games in a row where the healer threw a hissy fit halfway through, blamed everyone else on the team for the predicted loss, then switched to something useless. Totally different teams each time.
I think competitive should only really be played between friends using voicechat.
rank 49
Raging cunts keep leaving and I get fuck all XP
60, was 62 until I lost a level per game.
I've had pretty decent luck with voice chat lately. If just one person speaks up then 1 or 2 usually respond.
Don't talk to me sub-70 shitter scum.
cause fuck competitive
I really want summer to end so you can leave
>calls other people summer for not shilling his moba shooter
>pretends to not care about Overwatch
>he's in an Overwatch thread
Get the feeling I won't be going much higher than this as I solo queue because I don't know anyone.
46, was 50. I keep getting people who get pissed when I tell them to watch their backs for Reapers/Tracers/Genjis since for whatever reason they just go ignored and spam Need Healing when their back line is dead.
>two Hanzo on enemy team
>they don't switch ever
>defence, attack, they stay as 2 Hanzos
What kind of retardation must be going through brains of literally every Hanzo player
i wanna be da sniper !! :D
50, and it will stay that way for the season. Until they fix it.
Theres enough evidence given that Ranked has the most broken matchmaking in any game, to the point where a KoTH win was about 1/20th of a win. They fixed it, but its still glaringly obvious that shit needs to be fixed badly.
Fun and interesting games all around.
It's sad that those with low ranks are stuck with retards, how do you even make progress at that point when all you get are quick play tier players?
I either had connection issues or got blown the fuck out during the first four placement matches, and would rather not deal with the pissants that would populate my likely-shit-ass rank, so I'm not going to bother.
Stuck at 59, feels like blizz are really trying to fuck me with this matchmaking.
Solo queued placement and now I'm 61. Won 8 lost 2. Now I'm afraid to actually go into competitive mode.
I'm 39. And I play on the PS4. Should probably just off myself.
only play 4 characters, soldier, roadhog, zarya and lucio
I kind of want to play but I don't think solo queue is a good idea
Started at 41, ended at 36 lowest, now 37. It's literally worse than quick match when it comes to team composition and team behavior, at least at the shitter level.
Still level 16 so no ranked yet.
I placed at 57 went 6-4, played a few games went down to 55 and then back up to 56 where im at now. Rolling solo in ranked hasnt been as bad as I thought it would be, the teams ive been on actually try to play the objective. Ive only been btfo when theres a monster stack on the other team.
Started at 56 and ended the night at 59. Competitive mode has actually been so much more fun than quickplay so far because I've actually been getting pubs that at least try now.
>Solo queue
>Win 4 in a row
>Wow this isn't so bad
>5th match
>See enemy team has similar game handles
>get rekt so fucking hard
>they rush to the control point with two winstons, zarya, lucio, mercy and dva.
69, would probably be 74 by now if it wasn't for so many leavers/server crash dodgers.
Anyone think there should be a momentary pause of the game if someone d/c? I mean, it isn't fair because losing one team member can make a diffffffference in the world.
>It's sad that those with low ranks are stuck with retards, how do you even make progress at that point when all you get are quick play tier players?
Zarya, Roadhog, S76, hard carry for days and pray you don't get a team of 3 hanzos and 2 torbjorns
ranked in 54 dropped to 52 allways played /w 48s ..
0 cause I want no part in that toxic community after playing two rounds of qualifiers.
I'm surprised they can't just shove bots in there. Shooters have had bots since forever, L4D replaces you, MOBAs replace you, but here you're just fucked if someone leaves.
48 and I'm afraid to change it
Does it matter what classes you play in your placement matches? I went 6-4 and got 53 by pretty much only playing tanks/supports while my friend got 61 by playing assault/sniper classes.
Yeah. Fucking bots would be a really good idea.
I went 8-2 with just Junkrat and got 61.
You placement is likely affected by your QP MMR.
Should have made a straw poll. I'm 11-3 and rank 59. All soloqueue.
What do those stand for
Started at 56, never won any game ever again, I'm at 42 now.
quickplay match making rating you flaming faggot
Get on my level
What is the point of Solo Q if you're just gonna get thrown against clanbabbys anyway?
Man some of these pubstars are too good
>koth against stack with two double stars
>my ragtag team is communicating but still barely manage to cap the point
>they push in like fucking seal team 6 all at once with lucio speed boosting
>lose round
>second round we cap first
>winning entire round get to 99%
>getting cocky but noticed earlier one of them switched to zen
>he switches off zen
>cue the motherfucking SAS
>lose round at 99%
>3rd round we get our shit pushed in so hard I dont think I even saw the capture point
>potg is reaper getting speed boosted into his ult
Thanks. I guess.
Started at 55, I've played around 15 matches since then and I seem to be hovering around there. I win a couple matches and then lose a couple matches. I'm at 56 right now.
>Pause games when someone DCs
>If person does not return the game is cancelled/ended and teams are rewarded/deducted points based on the current standings
>Rank points gained/lost are limited so that people on the leavers team are not punished for something out of their control
They also need an accept queue system like all other games, when a game is ready give each player a popup that they have to click to confirm it.
fuck now im scared to try
I'm not playing competitive until the game is properly balanced.
>double WINston double lucio + double anything KOTH
haha so much fun
Why solo Winston is absolute shit and double Winstons are absolute wins is beyond me. I mean they are suck so hard
Sorry I was mad, was it a lucio to junkrat?
lost the first placement hard. I have no friends so I always get matched with some shitters against a competent team.
lol I wonder what rank I'll get .
I don't know but it was fucking beyond our control. There were only two people communicating throughout our team and when they capped the first point in mere minutes, I knew that we wouldn't be able to win the final two.
Doing ranking after win/loss with random matchmaking is pure rng and anyone that defends this insanity is a complete idiot. Especially in this game. Ranked mode as it is is pure rng and that's the exact opposite of competitive.
I laugh at every single one of you kids.
Fuck that girl is so sexy.
61 playing nothing but supports and tanks in solo queue
a good support can make a team of shitters into a winning team
remember to use your voice communications and try to stack with friends if you have any
also double zarya is winning games outright at this point
you also get bonus rank if you paint goblins
Twice the monkey trouble.
Single Winston is still very viable, especially on the first capture points like Anubis.
suddenly I hate this bitch in competetive
Yeah you're right. Winston is more of a nuisance really. I remember attacking on Anubis and we capped the first point cause the Winston just flew into the capture point with no one defending it. We ended the round in a 2 minutes
You should learn to play Reaper. Completely shits on every tank in the game, even Zarya.
>D.Va main
>Complaining about what competitive really is.
>While in the same post saying he doesn't queue with 5 other people.
"Real" competitive match-making is playing a co-ordinated game with 5 other people regularly on something like teamspeak or mumble.
Why the fuck are you playing a heavily team-based game by yourself or in a small group and then complaining?
I've hardly touched him, guess it's time.
Why is she such a boner condoner?
>Why the fuck are you playing a heavily team-based game by yourself
not all of us have friends
Just don't underestimate how much damage you do up close. You can kill Tracers in one hit for example.
Make some bruh, making friends on the internet is 10 times easier than in real life. I mean, you could just go and ask if anyone wants to play in the /vg/ general or some shit.
Who shit in your neck son, where did I complain?
I merely summarized the obvious, which for some reason doesn't seem obvious to any of you fuckups
>Complaining about what competitive really is.
I can't even imagine what your pea-brain wanted to say here.
Jump off a bridge.
Just letting you know I am a footfag and I want to smell and fuck her sexy korean feet. Korean girls have the best feet ever. Fucking silky smooth and sexy toes. God, I wanna rub me cawk all over her heels and tongue her toes until they are pruny.
yoshiyuki sadamoto called
he's sueing
You have never met south koreans have you.
Even if you hypothetically assume that you always got a 6 man group to play with it's still rng.
The only way this could be at least bearable and make for better matches is if you were actually only ranked by skill, meaning accuracy, damage-done, healing-done ect.
Ranking after win/loss only works in 1v1 games and should never be even considered in such team heavy based games.
This is such a no-brainer it's disgusting someone has to even spell it out.
Thank you for sharing, user.
i have. i work with them. they all have gorgeous feet. they are high maintenance whores
Placed at 56, lost game 5 of a control match, now at 55. I don't know if I'll play much more t b h
Does anyone know if I can team with my friend even though he hasn't finished placement but I have??
>all these sub-60 shitters
yes you can.
Fucking life is RNG son.
Please tell me a situation where you play against someone in a game that isn't fucking RNG. Like what the fuck do you even want for ranked? To pick who you fight? Because then you'd never lose if you chose to.
54 dropped from 60
>can't play with friends because if I'm with them it bumps the team average out of their skill range and we get stomped
>lose too many games in solo queue to ever gain rank
>Only playing comp to grind to 300 wins to get a golden gun
The good part is Quick Play is now pretty chill and people don't mind if you fuck around that much anymore
I'll be happy once I get 70, really hoping I can get top 500 for that animated spray too.
The way they determine your rank gain/loss based on your performance/number of medals is retarded. Win/loss and your team's relative rating to the other's should be the only thing that matters since it balances out for everyone in the long run.
Either way I am a shitter who can't aim for fuck and I only play competitive for golden guns.
48 > 42
Are your parents brother and sister?
It's really telling that the term competitive is a complete mystery to you kids..
Let me educate you son, pic related is the epitome of competitive. There is as good as no rng involved, it's solely skill based.
Notice how It's 1v1 and no other parties are involved you can't control.
>Being on a team is RNG
Lmao, heard it all now.
>The way they determine your rank gain/loss based on your performance/number of medals is retarded
How stupid are you they shouldn't base it at all on win/loss, thats what the fucking system does right now. It's 80% win/loss and 20% god fucking only knows what. I bet it's a random number algorithm from those hacks.
And I think I'm done with competitive. It's just not fun at all.
was 61 out of placement
proceeded to lose 8 games in a row cause i dont play with friends who communicate
now im around like 54
>Being on a team is RNG
Ok listen you hillbilly sob randomly generated teams are pure rng. That's already in the fucking term you insane bastard. but even if you make the team yourself, you still can't control the other parties of your team.
It's basic fucking math.
Stop posting.
>Being on a team is RNG
Lmao, heard it all now.
welcome to bell curve lol