Is there any RPG with good combat system?

Is there any RPG with good combat system?

>inb4 Dark Souls

enemies have such delayed reaction you can just run past them and roll - backstab is hardly engaging you dumb fucking fromdrone

>inb4 MNB Warband

it had a great idea but the animations are stiff

No, there has never been an RPG with a good combat system.

>MNB Warband
well you dismissed my favorite one, so maybe dark messiah?


Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

Isn't Dark Messiah more of a hack and slash with some RPG elements than RPG game?

If OP thinks Dark Souls is a RPG, DMoMM fits he bill too I'd say.




MNB: Bannerlord

Kenshi if a squad based RPG you play from a birds eye view.

It's a lot more interesting than it sounds.


Dark Souls is an RPG first and foremost because stats and builds actually matter. (Vigour/Vitality for Health, Endurance for Stamina, Strength/Dexterity to deal damage and use better weapons)

Dark Messiah is an action game with emphasis on environment and physics, RPG elements like skillpoints take a backseat because you only get them at specific points in levels. It's essentially the same thing as AssCreed Unity/Watch Dogs where abilities are locked behind skill trees. It's still an action game.

If any more words come pouring out of that cunt mouth of yours, I'll have to eat every chicken in this shop.

Dragon's Dogma.

Dark Messiah is a traditional RPG game.
Dark Souls is a game that pretends to be an RPG by stealing the D&D stat system and fucking it up the ass.


>DnD stats system
>Thinks DnD came up with stats
>Thinks DS uses any RNG in stats

Chivalry if you're under level 15

after that, the combat is complex enough to where high level pros can do these 360-noscope-switcheroni-pistolwhip movements that just fuck a player in half and they'll never understand what had even happened, i personally enjoy the fact that i can participate in that part though

Dragon's Dogma. it's basically Capcom action game in open world rpg setting

>Dark Souls is an RPG first and foremost because stats and builds actually matter

Given how little difference I saw between my initial DS3 run and my deprived level one run, I don't know that I agree that much.

And builds matter just as much in DMoMM I'd say.

Actually it's a JRPG

>Dark Souls is a game that pretends to be an RPG by stealing the D&D stat system

I failed to see a Dark Souls thac0.

mah nigga

How did he not get shot in the face for saying that?

>and fucking it up the ass
>implying anyone understands how thac0 works


>Dark Souls
>Stats, levels, and builds actually matter
>Boss with health bars
>Linear dungeon crawler level design
It's an RPG/3D Metroidvania

>Dark Messiah
>Environmental hazards/kills
>Get skillpoints after reaching a certain place in a level
>Mission based
It's an open-ended action/adventure game not unlike Thief or Dishonored

Because you can totally use great weapons, halberds, and magic at SL1, right? More stats = better survivability and more options. Builds matter.

Get out of here no fast travel and if I have to listen to my companion say Harpy one more time I want to stab my self with a spoon

>Dark Messiah is a traditional RPG game.
>Dark Souls is a game that pretends to be an RPG by stealing the D&D stat system and fucking it up the ass.
The fuck you smoking

Both games are ARPGs

They were too focused with stannis about to bust through the door

Dark Messiah is an RPG

buuut its not openworld and is linear

you still get to have decisions and character building effects the gameplay more than most the RPG games

>roll dagger assassin character
>in late game, get spotted by an enemy
>he shouts "assassin!"

I just purchased Dark Messiah

What the hell is this multiplayer thing downloading

Divinity: Original Sin

I still need to beat that game but I keep rebuilding my team.

Legend of Zelda

Because they were in a battle and the last thing anybody needed was infighting, least of all against a psycho badass like the hound, most of the people who would carry out that order just watched him kill like 15 people, he straight up cut a dude in half

>playing with companions
>doesnt know about ferrystone

Because he's the hardest man in all of Westeros, no sane man would fuck with The Hound

objectively, witcher 3
soulsfags may refrain from posting outdated webms

How the fuck is DM an RPG?
>Skill trees
Dishonored, Watch Dogs, Mirror's Edge: Catalyst and recent AssCreed and Far Cry games must be RPGs as well, then.

dragon's dogma. feels clunky at first, but becomes great once you get the hang of it.

don't listen to these skyrimbabbies with their "hurr durr no fast travel". there is fast travel, you just can't do it anytime and anywhere

multiplayer is, take a fucking guess: multiplayer
nobody play it though so dont waste disk space and play the adventure of sir kickalot instead.

>there is fast travel, you just can't do it anytime and anywhere
You can if you cheat engine in warp stones in the beginning

Makes the game infinitely better, trust me

>feels clunky at first
what the fuck do you compare it to? an fps? it's all right.
the ui is a travesty though.

Divinity 2
Dragon Age Inquisition

Yeah right I don't have my battered, duct-tapped to hell and back, original AD&D manual sitting right on my shelf here.

That book alone has probably traveled more miles than you ever walked your whole life - though to be fair probably seen less than the miles and miles of dicks that went through your ass.

There isn't any fucking similarity in the way D&D (I'll grant you I don't know anything about D&D5) uses stats and the way Dark Souls uses them.

Yeah don't fall for this shit. To even call it an RPG is a bit disingenuous.

Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3

>Because you can totally use great weapons, halberds, and magic at SL1, right?

You can't use magic and weapons in DMOMM before having the right stats either.

More importantly, you can easily do without in DS3. So even if they do matter by your definition, they don't matter that much.

Bloodborne. Literally the only good ARPG combat.

Dark Messiah, M&B, Chilvary, D2X, Dark Souls 3 are alright. Everything else is Skyrim/Witcher tier garbage.

>mmo age: offline grind

Are all the original Thief games worth the £3?

Shadow of Mordor. It's kinda rpgish and the combat is fun.

>Bloodborne. Literally the only game on my ps4.

Yes you moran

This and add Dragon's Dogma and MH to the passable pile.

ARPGs are all fairly lackluster. BB combat is still fun even after a year and a half. The only problem with it is a lack of build variety. Maybe if you weren't poor you could afford both a PC and a PS4.

Only if you aren't smart enough to get past the first zone

Why is everyone assuming he only wants aRPGs or is that what he implied? I cant tell.

If you dont mind turn based combat here are some good RPG combat games...

Expeditions: Conquistador
Divinity: Original Sin
Jagged Alliance 2
Underrail (You probably wont like this if you hate stiff animation.)

There is one RPG not turned based thats worth mentioning.

Exanima ( Still in beta but its worth it)

> BB combat is still fun even after a year and a half
well, it's the only thing that run best on a ps4 so...



>Dragon Age Inquisition
Why are trying to trick others to play that horrible game?

Role Playing Game
If you have ability to customise your character into a specific role among others, it becomes an RPG

Dark Messiah allows you to be a Ranger/warrior/assassin/mage with skill trees and equipment customizations

Deus Ex Human Revolution
Borderlands 2
Fallout 4

This is not Todd Howard
I'm Todd Howard, T-o-d-d, H-o-w-a-r-d
Director of fallout 3
And fallout 4 has the best combat.
Buy it with the season pass for the most bang for your bucks.

>worth it

Not really, it is novel but the controls just suck, they are not good enough.

It is objectively one of the best RPGs that have come out in the last 5 years.

There has never been a good videogame.

>It is objectively one of the only RPGs that isnt fallout 4 in the last 5 years.

if you get dark arisen, you get a ferrystone that never runs out

When it comes to swordplay, the Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is still the unparalleled masterpiece.

Dragon's Dogma
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

Dragon's Dogma
Dark Messiah of Kicks and Tits

It's less of an RPG than Diablo, and Diablo is not even a RPG.

>If you have ability to customise your character into a specific role among others, it becomes an RPG

Not really or any tabletop game that allows you to customize a character would be a RPG, or I'm pretty sure we all understand Shadowrun: Crossfire isn't a RPG, when Shadowrun itself is. Or, conversely, every one shot RPG scenario where you cannot make, let alone customize your character wouldn't be part of the RPG genre for some reason.

The RPG genre is at its score about the - some would argue collective - manipulation of narrative elements. If anything, I would argue the capacity to alter your character is the least important one. It's how everything else can be altered that matters in the end. The former is only important in how it relates to the latter.


Is it me or does the production value drop off with each episode? It's funny because each subsequent episode is printing more and more money while the said money is not proportionally invested into production of the rest of the episodes. Why does this remind me of a pusher giving you the prime shit for free once and and then cuts it a bit with baking powder or some other crap with every next batch? And people don't really notice because they're too busy rationalizing the fuck out of what they've witnessed trying to convince themselves that what they saw was nothing short of amazing.

I just realized I sorta answered my question.

The Hound was already wounded in several places and Brienne had a fucking valyrian steel sword. It was hardly a fair fight.

how does the sword being made of valyrian steel help at all?

Fuck me, it's just a sword you twat

It gives you +10 against canines.

Well, for one, it's a lot easier to use and lighter than Sandor's usually heavy as fuck swords. And also, it's a lot stronger and sharper.

Fuck, GRRM said between Arthur Dayne and Barristan Selmy would win Arthur but only if he had Dawn, so it's not like what sword is being used isn't a big factor.

>why does having one of the best quality swords help?
you're brain dead

Rested hound vs. rested Brienne wouldn't be a fair fight. Fuck, even Jamie would kick her ass in that scenario. Brienne so far only beat woefully under geared or under skilled opponents. Even Bron would murder her ass.

a sword is a sword, you stick the pointy end into your opponent, having a valyrian sword doesn't make you into some fucking supersaiyan just because the STEAL HAS BEEN FOLDED OVER 50 MILLION FUCKING TIMES or some bullshit

The quality of production appears the same to me. The drop-off is in the writing and direction. You can't throw money at writing and directing.

>Is there any RPG with good combat system?
No, because if there were they wouldn't need to rely on a leveling system.

Realistically, no the sword doesn't mean that much but GRRM gave special attributes to some swords even beyond the whole +100 to White Walker killing.

You're not supposed to run past them you fucking coward.

If you want a true RPG you should play DnD or Pathfinder buddy.

They just do a lot of filler to save up for the CGI, CGI is outrageously expensive

>Beating anyone competent now that he's a leftie

Gothic 2

>watch gameplay footage from MnB Bannerlord
>attack animations are still the same

There's no reason to even make banner lord, viking conquest already added all the features every one wanted and better graphics is only going to make it run like shit

Yeah its fucking weird how this show literally prints money and will for the next century, yet HBO didn't give them any real money until the third season, and even now they're still very limited

Next season has like $8m per episode though

>Viking Conquest
>Giving anyone anything
How are you even posting right now.

>viking conquest already added all the features every one wanted
are you retarded? Viking Conquest didn't add working siege equipment, a smoother engine, actual weight to your swings, a HUGE crafting system, etc etc

Viking Conquest added the best ship system out of all the mods, but they were still absolute dogshit

Its because they waste all their money on computer graphics.

For Honor is coming out next year. Has a few RPG elements with you being a knight, viking, or samurai. Combat system is interesting.

inb4 shill

Brianne beat a healthy loras.