In what games can I play as a Togruta? A cute one, ideally.
Star Wars
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Star Wars: The Old Republic.
this is literally the only one
How about good games?
Really? I know that the species are kind of predispositioned towards being Sith due to hack writers picking the red-ish ones, but really?
Anyone have that Ahsoka but slap webm?
dont think there even were Togruta before Ahsoka came along
they wherent in the release version of ToR
You've got Shaak Ti in episode II, but I don't know of any others before her.
>watch the clone wars
>fell in love with Ahsoka
oh yeah, thats true
the clone wars is pretty old too tho
boy do i have so pics i cant post
>tfw orange pussy will never be real etc
Sad but true
Did anyone else notice the 40k references in the later seasons?
The game used to be one of the best MMO's and Biowares best game.
Then they started trying to be hip and alienated long time players. Like myself 3 years and i havent touched it since they decided to fuck with scaling. No point in having unique items they all have the same fucking stats now.
Its a damn dress up sim now.
The amount of strongarming bullshit they pull to get players to sub is insane.
Best thing about VII were all the Star Wars vidya threads.
SWTOR and be ready to cough up some shekels. Torgruta ain't free.
Ahsoka playable in "Battlefront 2" please
Not as playable. Plenty of NPCS however.
>Watch The Clone Wars
>Fall in love with The Clone Wars
>Disney kills the best thing to happen to Star Wars in decades because lol competing networks and we can't be touching anything pre-OT anymore
Then Rex and Ahsoka make a comeback in Rebels anyway.
Rebels is like a diet version of TCW. It's also a more traditionally kid-friendly show while its predecessor was squeezing an incredible amount of crap under the radar.
ahsoka looks like shit in rebels tho
did this bitch ever die
triggered me hardcore how she became a fucking mary sue "i'm untouchable even though the shit I'm doing would kill fucking Jedi Masters"
Yeah, played up till the cap recently. First time playing. Everything just sort of falls apart in the end game and nothing has any meaning.
Rebels is kinda shitty. Lower animation quality. Average at best animation quality. Even at its worst at least clone wars was still fun in that silly way.
At its worst, Rebels is just boring and at its best its just a weak clone wars.
Everybody looks like shit in Rebels
Rebels started out okay but then it just progressively got worse and worse
Sabine was a cutie before she dyed her hair to that awful color she has now
It's assumed she died in the season two finale but Disney pulled this kind of maybe but maybe not bullshit instead of outright killing her, so they can pull her out of their ass whenever they want.
Darth Maul is still fucking alive so i never trust anything they do.
I got you
I feel like you haven't watched the show at all. None of that happened. In fact, TCW routinely hammered down the idea that Ahsoka was niave and horrendously inexperienced, and she suffered a lot of losses. In fact, I think she lost every single lightsaber fight in the entire show.
So yeah, nah, she isn't a mary sue. You want a Star Wars mary sue? Watch The Force Awakens.
Thanks m8
Nope. In good games you play as Kyle Katarn who is not a qt Togruta.
>It's assumed she died
Assumed by the blind or those poofters who always look for hidden meanings where there are none (so you know, Star Wars fans)
She was seen walking away, therefore she lives at least beyond that episode.
Star wars galaxies
Also good for ERP
Darth Maul being alive came directly from George Lucas, as he felt there was a good story to tell there. And George was right. It was a mistake, to kill Maul. I think everybody agrees on that.
George fixed that mistake, despite Dave Filoni (The guy who oversees "The Clone Wars" and "Rebels") initially saying it was a bad idea.
Filoni and Lucas managed to make Maul into one of the most compelling villains in the entire franchise, and Filoni still has plans for him, teasing an upcoming Maul/Vader fight.
There WAS a lot of deeper meaning there, Filoni himself saying so, despite the fact that he is usually against that kind of storytelling.
Ahsoka "died". There was a LOT of mystery there, and Filoni says we will get answers eventually, but not anytime soon. However, he suggested fans look towards the Mortis Arc of TCW for answers. That arc was all about metaphorical shit, Celestial Force beings, and the seeds to becoming a Force Ghost, leading to many fans believing that Vader really has killed Ahsoka, and that she is trapped on Malachor as a Force Spirit, protected by a Celestial, which you see throughout the final Rebels's episodes in the form of an Owl. The Owl being a Celestial was heavily implied by the fact that Malachor was glassed and should have no life on it.
It's a really interesting idea, they will eventually expand on, but for now, we just have the theories. Either way, that Vader fight was brilliant.
For anybody who hasn't seen it; Vader Vs. Ahsoka:
B-but muh force ghost and owl
I agree with you user. It is the perfect set-up for her showing up at one point with new powers because she found some jedi holocrons.
Literally who
Untrue. In good games you sometimes also play as T/F Alpha
Rebels is godlike compared to what other companies have done when they decide to replace popular cartoons with new crap. See: Marvel
there are no togrutans in galaxies tho
New powers? Jedi Holocrons on a dead Sith world/Temple?
Fuck are you talking about?
Plus you have to factor in Ahsoka has no way off the planet, if she is alive. Maul took the last ship off, as far as we can tell. I guess, maybe, if Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother came in separate ships and both remained intact following the explosion, you could maybe bullshit a reason for her to be alive, and escape the planet.
But the metaphorical stuff was very much encouraged by the creators, and Filoni (Ahsoka's creator) has even stressed that they aren't just milking her, and that he doesn't even plan on addressing her fate anywhere in the near future, choosing to focus on the rest of the cast instead. He says she wont even return on the show.
He also hasn't told anybody on the show what happened, so only he knows if she is dead/alive/ a ghost, ect.
Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalkers apprentice. Where have you been the last 8 years?
>the last shot of Vader coming out of the Temple
When Rebels gets good, it gets REALLY good.
Clone Wars surprised me in terms of quality, especially after how sub par that movie was. Is Rebels any good? I lost track of the series after it left Cartoon Network.
I would be stunned if they actually killed her and I don't think it would be in a good way.
I need more orange butt cheeks.
I know the metaphorical stuff was encouraged and I greatly appreciate that Darth Filoni has sacrificed his waifu in order to achieve a good plot. I was just stating that while being aware of the symbolism I don't expect her to be dead.
Ahsoka told the jedi to fuck themselves after their refusal to stand up for her, and she went to become a gray master
now she fucks Anakin's force ghost all night long
So why was the old Jedi Order so far up its own ass when it came to rules and regulations? They clearly aren't actually required, I mean Luke did just fine with virtually no instruction compared to most pre-Empire Jedi.
>Pulling a Bindo
Based Ahsoka
Needless bureaucracy/dogma. Thus the whole point to the Jedi being renewed properly with Luke.
Shut up, Anakin. You already made the wrong decision.
>tfw Ahsoka walked out of the Temple at the end
Rebels is very much a spiritual successor.
>Filoni, who has worked with Lucas himself for a decade, and helped shape TCW into what it is, returns for Rebels
>The music is great
>The animation is great
>The characters are telling an important original story that tells the origins of the Rebel Alliance
>Essentially a Prequel to Rogue One, with the Alliance coming together for their first Major attack/victory.
(Pablo Hidalgo from the Lucasfilm Story Group has said Rebels is essentially getting to the perfect point in the timeline to connect neatly with Rogue One)
>Expands the lore of the Canon in positive ways, while also keeping one foot back in the EU for inspiration and fanservice.
>Vader returns for the first time since the end of RotS, voiced by James Earl Jones himself.
>Speaking of which, the entire cast is phenomenally voice acted, especially Freddie Prince Jr. as Kanan, and Sarah Michelle Gellar as Seventh Sister.
>Heavily inspired by, and feels like, A New Hope without needing to rip off its plot like JJ did with The Force Awakens
>While the animation is fluid, the TEXTURES are a huge downgrade from The Clone Wars. This is due to Disney not giving them a large budget like Lucas did.
>The first Season had such a small budget that they stay in the same locations for quite a while.
>Show feels similar to Firefly, although there are concerns about the status quo getting stale. Season 3 is looking to change that though.
>Some people have said that the earlier story arcs take a little bit to get going, and the show started off as being overly "kid-friendly"
(Note, complaints of the show being too immature basically die when Tarkin shows up and starts executing people. Happens about 2/3rds into Season 1)
Overall, if you liked TCW, give it a go. It's essentially just more Star Wars, what's not to love.
Fair enough mate. You are right that there is a good chance she is alive. Definitely possible.
I like to humor the idea that she is dead though. It's creepier and more interesting to think her poor soul may forever be trapped to a vacant Sith Temple. Has story potential too.
But we'll have to wait and see.
>Best girl's soul trapped for eternity in an ancient Sith temple
Say it ain't so.
>Somebody in a script meeting said 'and then she slaps her ass' and nobody disagreed
But she fucks up constantly and has been badly injured a few times too.
>tfw no slutty twilek gf
Why a slutty blue when you could have a qt orange?
on the other hand I think it sort of diminishes the story if by the time of empire strikes back Ashoka was still alive
At least it would be a proper character rather than the thousand other doughnut steels that were running around the old EU canon at that time.
true enough, but all those EU characters could fairly easily be ignored given their shaky cannon status
Ashoka not so much, she's full on canon at this point.
Might just be me but Vader having someone else hanging around with an emotional connection to him that rivals Luke's just feels off.
Why not both?
I think you can mod to be one in kotor 1/2
Vader killed her, or in the slim chance she is alive, thinks he has killed her. His hunt for her is over.
I wouldn't say she rivals Luke. Filoni once said that She and Obi-Wan occupy the same space in Vader's mind, one of complete and utter hatred. Hatred at the fact that they abandoned him (to his eyes) when he needed them the most.
>no chiss gf
You know, TCW almost makes Anakin a worse character in RotS due to how much more it fleshes him out. It makes him seem so much dumber and pettier than he already did.
folks are saying she survived and what not
while from the very start she was doomed to be a tragic character in the end, no matter how likeable she and even anakin were during the series we all know what happens to him and everyone close to him in the end
Anakin had a hard life.
But Chiss are SW's Space Jews.
>Tfw you will never protect a cute blue senator
I thought the neimoidians were the space jews. Or were they the space chinese?
RotS should have been the starting point for the prequels and its story expanded over the course of 3 movies
nobody wanted to see vader as a kid or whatever the hell he was in 2 but the way he acted in 3's opening sequence was a good way to start
and have him slowly fall to the dark side from that point onwards
>space jews
>tfw persevere with Rebels so I can see all my favourite characters return
>tfw didn't really think it through because now they're all old and full of regrets
Are there any characters who have the force but are not jedi or sith?
Or jedi who use sith powers?Or sith that had good causes?
Seems starwars is only bad guys vs good guys in regards to the force.Never grey Tbh my famalam
Literally all of those things exist in various EU material of varying quality.
Blue tits already got taken by fish lips.
why live
Go back to bed Chris Avellone.
Jolee Bindo from kotor I guess. He doesn't really use any dark side powers but he's very neutral and hands off when it comes to galactic politics
recommend me shit only watched the movies and part of the cartoon network show with durge.
The KOTOR games would be the first thing to come to mind.
See . Mostly KotOR II, but the first game has a little bit of it sprinkled here and there.
Modded Star Wars Galaxies Emu.
Do it for her.
>Highly insular community stressing success in an individual's chosen field
>Don't mind serving giant evil empires so long as they can maintain their own status quo
>Often insert themselves into positions of power over time through merit to benefit their species
>Just as planned
>tfw no slutty twi'lek padawan
Vette is literally the only good thing about SWTOR.
It's a decent watch. Takes a bit to get the ball rolling and it is a tad too "kiddy" with those stupid cliche's Disney put into everything.
Worth watching, though.
Is it worth it for her?
Showing his eye was a brilliant move there, damn that scene carries some emotional weight
Man I got hard just looking at her when I watched the show.....
>that cute nz accent
muh dick
>No Padawan Trainer where you're secretly a Sith Lord and corrupt a qt alien girl of your choice
>Are there any characters who have the force but are not jedi or sith?
Currently, Ahsoka
>Or jedi who use sith powers?Or sith that had good causes?
No such thing. Jedi can't use the dark side because it's literally contradictory to what a Jedi is. Like a cat chewing a bone and claiming to be a dog
>Seems starwars is only bad guys vs good guys in regards to the force.Never grey Tbh my famalam
Not true, there is a LOT of blurred lines between good and bad.