It's time, Sup Forums.
TF2 or Overwatch?
It's time, Sup Forums
Overwatch is what TF2 was before F2P.
We've been over this OP
TF2 has the Demoman. Therefore the entire overwatch roster loses by default, then the entire TF2 roster loses except for Scout who kills Demo.
Anyone who thinks any hero in overwatch stands a chance against Demo is a fuckin moron.
They're basically the same game with different coats of paint.
Say what now what now
I prefer when "countering" means having better movement and aim, and not throwing my rock at their scissors.
Also has 10x the content that OW has.
>inb4 9 years old
We are comparing the games now, not in 9 years. You fuck.
This not up for debate.
People already want Junkrat nerfed, and Junkrat is a baby Demoman.
Vanilla TF2 > Overwatch > Current TF2
Can't Demo just airburst stickies to deal with scout?