All things considered, this game wasn't all THAT bad.
All things considered, this game wasn't all THAT bad
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>All things considered
Name a few of those things you are considering.
>been in development hell for 12 years
>developed by infamous Gearbox
If it came out within 5 years of 3D it would have been legendary
"All things considered" doesn't mean anything. It's a pathetic justification for uttering a statement you know is wrong.
The game fucking sucked, although I will give it some points for being so hyped and delayed that it could have never lived up to the expectations. It's the Chinese Democracy of video games.
>If a modern technology product was released before its creation, it would have been seen as revolutionary.
Sony and Microsoft must be banging their heads against a wall for not releasing the PS3 and X360 back in the 90s then.
Those things just explain why it's bad. Not why it should be considered otherwise.
It did do a few things right.
The shotgun was great.
The ripper sounded better
I liked the Pipebomb's Car key detonator
Some funny moments.
But on the whole, it was pretty bad for a sequel to Duke Nukem 3D.
>Those things just explain why it's bad
What don't you understand? It's clear that considering the game was made by Gearbox and has been in development hell for 12 years it wasn't all that bad, it's quite enjoyable. Most Gearbox games are much worse than Duke Nukem Forever.
It was bad. It had a couple decent segments but most of it was bland and boring. The gunplay and mechanics were the worst offenders, which is a big problem since those are supposed to be the strengths of a Duke game.
It's a sad situation when the most enjoyable part of the whole game is fucking around in the first level before the game really even starts.
Explain to me how being 12 years in development and being made by Gearbox magically make the game better than what my experience with it was.
Because you could be playing Alien Colonial Marines instead.
Not overly awful, but it was still mediocre overall.
Wasn't the game mostly done by the time Gearbox got their hands on it?
What does that have to do with DNF?
That's not what I meant
Even with what was available back then the overall story and feel scaled down to Ps2 tier would have made it a hit but as time went on the player base got more hyped and were spoiled but better games with better stories
The hype would have been justified if it was released within 5 years if the original
You can find funny moments like that in literally any other game. It wasn't Rouge Warrior bad, but it's really only there for someone who wants to blow through a barely passable fps for the achievements.
>It's not bad because other games are also bad
Being a shitty game isn't exclusive, user. There can be multiple terrible games. ET isn't okay just because Superman 64 and Big Rigs exist.
>Wasn't the game mostly done by the time Gearbox got their hands on it?
I don't know but I heard a lot of shit was also scrapped and remade by Gearbox, like monster designs and the story.
I can't think of any other recent games that I've played.
I guess there's the new Shadow Warrior but I found a lot of the humor in that really lame.
Yes it was.
It's amazing how this place will defend even shit games after a few years.
The humor in Shadow Warrior feels dated, sure, but the gameplay was top notch.
t r o l l e d
Agreed. Duke Nukem Forever wasn't that bad.
If I remember correctly. One thing it did do, that felt true to what Duke Nukem 3D did. Was it's level of environmental interactivity. Lightswitchs, toilets, billiards table, etc.
That being said, Prey felt more like a sequel to Duke 3D than this did. Obviously tonaly very different, but gameplay felt like what the next game would be.
It killed the joke.
I prefer the original Shadow Warrior.
The new one focused too much on the melee combat
And this makes the current DNF better, how?
I never played Prey, I wish it was still being sold on Steam, maybe with the new one coming out they might rerelase it.
Worst game ever considering the budget.
Prove me wrong
You saying that "IT'S NOT THAT BAD" means IT'S THAT BAD.
>Mighty Number 9
Yes it was THAT bad. Incredible mediocre gunplay and lackluster everything. It doesn't feel like classic duke, it doesn't feel like a modern shooter done right it just feels like shit.
The new DOOM however felt like a "reboot" done right, it felt more Duke3D than this garbage.
>giving money to Zenimax after they fucked over the original creators
You're scum.
In a few years we'll have 'It wasn't that Bad' threads about Aliens: Colonial Marines
Nope it sucks compared to 2005+ time frame
Pre 2005 release and DNF would have been 9/10 tier
Oh hey, I remember that thread
this game literally has the best interactive environment I've seen it in the game. I'd pay 60 dollars just to fuck around in the strip club and duke burger
Duke could kinda afford to shit on his contemporaries in 3D since his game was as good, if not better than them.
It's just kinda sad when he does it while his own game is complete shit.
The game was 4-5 years old when it was released. Considering this should have been released in 2007-2008, it is a decent game. It was in development for so long, it could never live up to the expectations, but in the time frame it SHOULD have been released in, it would have been better received.
It did have its share of problems though. The recharging health, I was fine with that. The weapon limits though? That really killed the speed. Look at the new Doom game. That's how DNF needed to play.
I wish someone besides Sega was developig the Alien games.
Oh hey, I remember that bulge
what pisses me off is the hate it gets for the humor. people complain about it all the time when it's literally the same kind of shit from 3D. and then there was some video or article where some faggot SJW in disguise complained about it saying all the humor was too dark and meanspirited, and everyone fell for it.
Nope, OP, the game was and still is shit compared to what we could have gotten if the development wasn't that fucked.
Should have just released the second Quake 2 build and moved on.