How do you feel knowing that this company's ONE (1) GAME is dying?

How do you feel knowing that this company's ONE (1) GAME is dying?

They deserve it because they've systematically reduced the ways in which people can play LoL. In everything from characters builds to the way you join matchmaking.

Any time there's something not even remotely to their liking they will remove it, no matter if tons and tons of people enjoyed said thing.

The game's meta has been stagnant for literally years because they want people to play exactly how they want you to.

I mean it was bound to happen soon or later. Riot mainly needs to understand people are leaving and try to get them back by changing stuff that needs to be changed (i.e. DQ, balancing for the Community not LCS, more bans in matchs, etc.)

get ready for the fighting game.

Is this still about their ideas on solo queue or has something else happened too

>a lot of people have been playing exactly 1 character in the exact same single way for multiple years now
I don't understand how these people still play the game

LoL the MMORPG incomming

Balance is almost on the best state it's ever been, considering the massive reworks they've done for most characters, but it's still broken as fuck. Needs more bans until they get their shit together. At least 1 per player.

Balance implies the entire/most of the roster being picked in tournaments.

This however, does not apply here.

Overwatch has stolen away their playerbase. Ironically TF2 is still doing fine.

Also too much of a focus on selling skins and esports. Can't think why.

A LOT of people still play LoL because their friends still do. They will admit they've been bored with the game for a while now but still play because LoL is a way of socializing for a lot of people.

I hope it's because the ASSFAGGOTS fad is finally starting to fade. It would be about fucking time.

They dont, unless they main people who havent been touched in a couple years, or were buffed and are now fun with their reworks.

For example, Dyrus still plays Darius/Gangplank because they were buffed and GP is now more Skill = Reward, and Singed hasnt been changed in any significant way since he came out besides Fling into Slow becomes a root.

But he and a lot of people are still mad as fuck they removed crit from Ghostblade and Crit from Trinity Force.

do you have a single snackalicious fact to back that up

>TF2 is still doing fine.

There will always be broke 13 year-old PCMR kids, tradefags, and furries who use TF2 as a replacement for Second Life

I think there is a Fan made LoL fighting game actually

Riot is owned by Tencent and Tencent has their hands is just about everything they want. Most importantly they have their hands in things like WoW and XIV.

>Tencent has their hands in XIV
As far as google can tell me only in China, they have no influence on the global game


I played beta and was interested in it.

I never understood why they nerfed that spartan guy's ultimate not to be global. It was pretty much a really telegraphed ultimate and underwhelming one as well.

Tencent has investments all over the gaming industry. It's one of the reasons why Capcom refused to sell to them. They didn't want Tencent bringing Capcom to America or China, to be a subsidiary of another one of their companies.

they've been infested with imbecile suits. The kind that has near maxed charisma but 1 int. They're fucked

Good. Ghostcrawler and many others ruined the fun of support in that game. Even hots does support better.

>they have no influence on the global game

keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better

They were developing a card game when Hearthstone was released, I don't know if they ended up scratching that but it wouldn't surprise me if they released or announced it soonish.

>As far as google can tell me
If you're going to be smug and tell me I'm a retard, at post post a source for Tencent having any influence on FFXIV's development. They're not a Square Enix shareholder, and they're not the company that is publishing FFXIV in China (though the two do sometimes work together). There's literally nothing that suggests any kind of link between FFXIV and Tencent, let alone any kind of influence.

They nerfed all global ults in preparation for that giant magma map that never came out

Amazing. They fucking deserve every lost penny.
Fuck Riot, fuck LoL, fuck all the retards who play it.

Sad because they're about to pollute the FGC with Smash Round 2 with League of Fighters.

lolbabby here

I'm fine with the game dying because I can't climb back to Challenger where I've been for a year and a half so the game has lost all purpose for me

I never really liked that game but the ego gain and getting my dick sucked felt real good

Might be nice for the pot monsters though...

Tencent has nothing to do with WoW or FF14 you fucking idiot.

Is Jhin the best MOBA character ever made?

What happened? I heard nothing about league dying? Did something major happen?

The only reason I'd want LoL to stay alive is so they make more yordles

Dynamic queue fucked the game and tons of middle/high level players are pissed about it and leaving the game, and in general it's also just falling out of the spotlight and starting to lose steam

they allowed premades to ruin my ranked games
i sincerely hope they'll crash and burn asap

I would play the shit out of this.

If every character was frequently picked in tournaments then thay would fuck up non-championship games, since currently the only reason certain characters are picked so much in tournaments are their playstyle or a good mix of raw power and synergy, things like that. If they were to bring every character to a state where they're equally viable in high tournament level play, then the characters not picked often there currently would not just be viable in high level play, but absolutely shit on everything else in 90% of games.

what the fuck are you talking about, are you retarded

They've probably got enough $$$ in the bank to come up with something else if LoL goes kaput.

>Having all the heroes be good is bad because whaargarbhl

I'm not even sure where to start on how ass-backwards your understanding of game balance is.

Any source on it dying? It still gets 400k viewers on twitch regularly

Didn't it get a C&D?

Is there some kind of list of all the video game companies Tencent has invested in?

>ONE (1)
Where the fuck did this meme originate from I see it all the time

I thought japanese laws forbid foreign companies from buying japanese companies

this comment is pants on head retarded

Will Heroes of Newerth finally reign supreme?

Last time I played this game was like early 2014, I vaguely remember leaving when Braum was released.

What has happened since then? I kinda got tired of Riot having an unwieldy amount of characters (around 100) and only like 30 were viable. Also they started going after people who would talk even the remotest amoutn of shit ("gg ez", "wow you're bad", "get some map awareness", etc)

But when Rek'Sai has global ult that's completely okay.

I haven't played LoL in years and I don't keep up with it

How is it dying? I'm glad, but surprised.

>Dynamic queue making the game unplayable in high elo
>Even silver divisions have monstrous queue times
>Korea turning to Overwatch at PCbangs and LoL dropping off
>Viewership for LCS gets lower every day

If qtpie got off Riot's payroll and streamed literally any other game League wouldn't last to the end of that year.


Overwatch drew away all the casuals.

The only place LoL is still more popular is China. Granted China is massive and they can cruise along for years with just that playerbase, but everyone else is moving on.

Nah, that would mean riot expanding into the already non-existant lore after nuking the League of legends and the summoners out of pure lazyness.

That mount blade clone looks really good though

Is Morello still calling the shots and leading the unholy crusade against toxic gameplay?

Is Phreak still autistic with a huge bloated ego?

Has Xypherous left the company out of incompetence?

Fucking this.
Artists on pixiv pump out an endless pile of shota for every one and I don't want that to stop.

Friendly reminder Riot's CEO outed Icefrog's real identity.

Riot is a legit awful company that makes EA look like saints.


That was Lyte, not Morello. Thank god that retarded chink liar is gone for good.

Based Tryandamere

Pretty indifferent.
always played with my friends and if they stop giving a shit, then I have no more reason to play anymore.

I will miss my bae lulu though.

Alot of Streamers and Youtubers leave LoL since Overwatch launched, because they just haven't had any fun with LoL in years.
Basically OW came out at just the right time, where everybody was just waiting for an alternative to League, since its just the same boring stagnant shit for years, and with their biggest way of advertisment on Youtube and Twitch, players just keep leaving.

>league is dying


>>They deserve it because they've systematically reduced the ways in which people can play LoL

LoL right from the start was designed as a Dota with less complexity and possibilites.
Dota always offered way more options to experiment with item and skillbuilds even when LoL was at its "height".

feels good. theyre an awful company completely filled with SJW trash. the only thing that keeps them alive is female streamers popping their boobs out because dota is too hard for them. league is literally a female version of dota, run by "safe space" tumblr activists and male feminists. not even exaggerating.

>one casual turd is killing the other casual turd

Like pottery


dotoddlers, ladies and gentlemen.

so korean PC bangs are represantative for 100% of the playerbase

alright dude, alright.

Get rekt world of Tanks players, Social eating is here to stay

>Overwatch drew away all the casuals.
and im glad now i can play normals with dedicated players

took way too long. too bad it's not true. Overwatch is a heavily shilled fad and league players will come back to league.

I hate Overwatch, and even I can understand why it's popular. League of Legends whoever, it's just shit.


well, it's not like i work there, so i guess i don't really care

6 years of being the most played game in the world
still the biggest esports scene by a mile
still making shit tons of money

I feel they're doing just fine

>yfw they make a LoL shooter like Overwatch

Can't wait for their remake of Rising Thunder.


great, that narrows us down to 500 million people.


A lot of us went to Overwatch, fyi.

>Fire Ghostcrawler -One of the responsables for ruining WoW-
>Fire Daniel Z. Klein
>Fix Matchmaking
>Stop focusing so much on E-sports and do things for the common player
>Release sexy skins once again

This will get LoL back on track

Ha. Their esports scene is a joke (like Overwatch's). Most of their twitch views are because of markiplier variant memers and gamers girls streaming. Kids love that shit.

But yea, market wise they're doing fine and arent on such a steep decline.

Social eating is something I wish stayed in China and Korea with all their socially awkward losers.

>Fire Ghostcrawler

Fucking this. This so god damn much. I was there when Ghostcrawler fucked up WoW so much. 3.0 update. 3.1 update. Things I wont forget as a Paladin.

He does nothing but fuck up everything he goes to.

This is a Champion Designer at Riot Games

Self-proclaimed Pansexual who lists his pronouns

Let's assume for a moment that League IS slowly dying, and that over the next two years they'll lose 70% of their fanbase until all that's left is a more loyal, hardcore fanbase who will continue to play regardless. Microtransactions will most likely become a more frequent part of the game as a direct result. And because most of the remaining players are hardcore holdouts or whales, they'll gladly pay up.

Sure, the end result is that League will EVENTUALLY bleed out and die. But not before an absurd amount of cash is milked from the dwindling population. Even if League were to suddenly die today due to meme magic, enough money has been made from microtransactions for everyone at Riot to live like kings. All they'd have to do is sell all of the company's assets, including everything from office buildings to the logo and brand name.

I want Riot to die as much as the next guy, but the sad truth is that they're going to walk out of the casino rich regardless of what happens. Making shitty ASSFAGGOTS for autists to stream on Twitch and buy skins for is an insanely profitable venture.

>LoL dies
>all the players move to Battleborn

They've already moved to overwatch

Doesn't Riot have like 1000 employees?

When you have that many people, and don't make spinoffs to keep the brand strong like Blizzard did for Hearthstone, you fucked up. They took forever to do a fighting game and if they fuck it up they fucked it all up

Not even the most deluded Gearbitch could believe that for a moment.

This was proved fake years before this post, I can't remember his last name but Abdul does work at Valve however he has been there for many more years than the lifespan of Dota 2, he was in the L4D2 credits lmao.

>Doesn't Riot have like 1000 employees?
They're up to 2300

Lord knows what the fuck they're doing.

>esports scene is a joke

Are you retarded? Do you think those streamers on twitch represent the esports scene?

The fact that they have several leagues across the world(NA, EU, BR, Turks, Chinks, Korean, Japan) with teams who play each other weekly, like normal fucking sports, who also all get paid by Riot and sponsors shows that their esports scene is ahead of everybody else'.
All the other big games rely on a few big events over the year where as League does weekly competetion followed by a mini worlds halfway through the season and a proper Worlds at the end of it.

There's a reason why big sports name are looking into League of Legends first and why ESPN(I know, they're shit, but they still make mad money) is covering League esports content for over a year now.

I bet half of the employees spend 70% of their day browsing the internet for memes

It's been like this for years and the game wasn't dying. I also don't even know if the game is actually dying because people have been saying it is dying for years when it isn't actually dying. Even if it is dying, it doesn't mean it has no players. ex: World of Warcraft has been dying/losing players for a long time now. Still makes tons of money

Not even remotely the same thing