Downloading a 6Gb game with a 100Kb/s internet spped

>downloading a 6Gb game with a 100Kb/s internet spped
>also have a 15Gb game waiting
fuck you Gaben you made me buy this

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what game?

see OP pic

>tfw apartment is getting 1000/1000 mbit internet soon for $15/mo
>tfw downloaded two 50GB games today at 5 MB/s

>tfw 200 GB datacap and it is literally the highest possible among all ISPs in my country

You will never be able to play CS:GO with such a bad connection m80

my downloadan nigga.
don't share your pain tho, sorry bro.

>subhuman poorfag from some 3rd world shithole with terrible online connection
>plays CS:GO

Like pottery

>living in a third world shithole like america

>tfw google fiber being installed in my city RIGHT NOW

yes he can
i played csgo with a 512kbit line fine.

pathetic desu

>data caps
holy shit

We dont have data caps guarantee that's an Aussie

>mfw ISO lifted my data cap and upped my speed to 200/down and cut my bill in half just because Google Fiber is coming to our area

Based capitalism

>america doesn't have data caps
that would be incorrect

>Live in the capital
>3.5 million people
>10 minutes away from the city centre
>get this shit

Im an Aussie m8, guaranteed to have a better quality if life than your euro shithole that's for sure

Probably the worst fps in the last 6 years

Just finished downloading ff xxiii. Got it for 7.99 but was 50gb so it took 4 days. Love being Australian

why the fuck are you downloading a multiplayer game when you have shit internet? arguably the most autistic one to boot

I hope you'll switch anyway just to spite them for fucking you in the ass before Google Fiber came, right?

Any Halo
Any Killzone
Any CoD or Battlefield

it plays just fine when no one else is using the internet at my home

Literally all of them are better.

>live in australia
>it was faster to travel to the US, make this post and travel back than to post from my computer
And boy are my arms tired

You realize they have even worse RNG bullshit, right? With the added bonus of being downright casual and easy to master.

>invisible war

refund it, immediately.

>tfw Google fiber is going to be installed in my city
>tfw botnet will be able to see all the shinese cartoons I fap to

I hope its worth it


even Halo has more depth than the literal shit CS games

And they're still better games. CSGO is worse than source and 1.6

I had to download all 30+ gigs of XCOM2 at 250kb/s

Wonderful stuff

>run up to dude shooting gun
>melee each other within the same health range
>I have more health but we both die anyways
>literally 90% of my encounters in Halo

So much depth.

BUT user... it was on sale

I really like it.
it was my first DX game. I love them all [/spoiler ]

>Being THIS BAD at Halo.

what with your ridiculous prices and shit internets and guaranteed death even without niggers?

Living on a secluded island thousands of miles away from the rest of the 1st world has its downsides

just because you were bad and that's what you did doesnt mean that is what the game was about, guy who said CS has no depth is retarded too tho

git gud

Your country has literally became a meme for how shit it is lmao.

>run up to guy
>hold down LMB at eachother until mag is empty
>he gets better rng and kills me
>literally 100% of everybody's encounters in Counter Strike

I have datacaps, infant my fucking ISP told me I had the highest tier internet with no datacaps, then created a higher tier and implemented a 600 gig datacap on my tier, fuck them.

>emptying a mag in CS

If it takes you more than 5 bullets to kill someone in CSGO you should probably go back to Halo 5 2bh

>we will never have google fiber in Canada

>crouch point blank behind someone's head
>aim reticle at head
>shoot and it misses
>fire off everything before he can turn around
>turns around and shoots me once with his awp in the foot and kills me
Literally 100% of CSGO

>Have Rogers
>Internet flickers constantly from 9pm-930pm every day

seriously hope he does too, sure it's awesome that they're deciding to get competitive but you shouldn't put a condom on after giving someone aids because they found someone without aids to fuck them.

so basically youre complaining because you never learned how to shoot in cs?

That's probably why your internet is shit. It's probably too expensive to upgrade infrastructure in the capital city so close to the densest area

That's why you sign contracts, man. They can't fuck you, you can't fuck them.

CSGO has horrible RNG and the game shouldn't be as competetive as it is. Hell the only reason it is, is because of weapon skins being introduced

If you dont spray the RNG is negligible, its still there but it's really not a huge deal

>guaranteed death
I think this one is ubiquitous, lad.

So basically you're complaining because you never learned how to play Halo?

>blaming anyone else for your 100kb down speed
How? How do you rationalize that?

I feel like it's just my house tho, because Berlin generally has good infrastructure

>muh nostalgia 1.6
CSGO is the best incarnation of CS so far, stop lying to yourself.

No way can it be just your house. Talk to your land lord or if you actually own the place your ISP. I thought you lived somewhere else, not fucking Berlin, you should be getting better internet than that.

I actually cant believe there are retards that believe this. Did your favorite streamer say that? Or did the rretsrded skins warp your idea of what's good and bad.

I will look into it

probably because your area people refuse to allow any telcom to setup their infrastructure there since to do that require both the permission of the area resident and a guarantee of profit either via contract signing or direct payment

Also if you don't have Deutsche Telekom then just prepare to get fucked, they own ever single line in Berlin, so they essentially rent out their slow ones to other companies, so those companies will literally never provide their advertised speeds, and Deutsche Tele, simply just doesn't deliver, but less so.

It's the classic bullshit of saying "WE PROVIDE (((UP TO))) 50 MB/S" while giving you 3, because you know, one time you may have hit 50MB/s at like 4:05 in the morning.

i wasn't that guy

except if you are an average player you know how to control the spray... im not even talking about being good, like gold nova rank

No it's not you fucking idiot.

No one played CSGO a month or two after the release because the game is shit.
1.6 and Source had more players then CSGO despite being old as fuck games.

The only reason it suddenly became popular is because Valve added skins to the game and suddenly every fucking kid in the world is in love with CS.

>one hour has passed
>0.4 Gb progress
>thread is kill
im gonna go play KCII, even though nothing actually interesting is going on right now in my save file

its the same shitty game as cs:s with the same shitty netocde, the only reason it exists is because of the loot boxes

proof lies in what valve said about turning tf2 into hat simulator "a test to see if it works and if it can be used in the future"

congratulations retard, you fell into their trap

>Have Rogers
>It never goes above 30mbps despite me opting to get 100mbps
Fuck this company and Bell, massive Jews. The CRTC and the government won't let anybody big compete with them. won't let

My new, glorious Canadian internet. Ain't even that expensive, only $70/month. Based fucking Rogers.

You shouldn't be buying games if you can't afford good Internet connection.

>le america
>hurr americunts!
>shithole like america!
>america mericuhh uhhh
America isn't responsible for you being a dumb weeaboo trash so please stop blaming it for your failures at every turn.

>have cogeco
>consistently good speeds with no issues
neck yourselves

>Not having a godly computer and internet connection

Nothing but filthy fucking casuals in this thread.

>tfw my PC will never be so strong it reaches the freezing point from lack of power usage

>it has been 2 hours
>6 hours and 49 minutes remaining

Mate, aus as unlimited internet. What are you on about lad?

I still can't decide what to buy

I recommend a noose.

>check Google's map of places that have fiber
>one of the five that have it right now is fucking Provo, Utah

>because Berlin generally has good infrastructure
Kek, no it doesnt. I lived in Treptow, Steglitz and Charlottenburg and the internet is shit everywhere.

There is more to infrastructure than internet

i know this feel

>tfw upgrading to 100Mbit/s for only 40€ per month

the gaben is tough but fair. i got banned from the general steam forum for mentioning in passing piracy not even posting a link to anything or saying the name of a website you can find links but nobody can ban me from their games forums because of a bug that occurred with banning me from the steam general forums

im that troll you wonder why hasnt been banned yet. they cant and steams customer service is so bad publishers cant get a hold of any one