Why do people think NV>3?

Why do people think NV>3?

How did this meme start?

Other urls found in this thread:


>can't tell the difference between memes and opinions
It's too late for you now. Your best bet is to kill yourself and hope that reincarnation is a thing.

Opinions are literally memes. Not evening memeing right now, opinions are one of the most common memes humans developed.

More RPG elements, more true to the fallout name, better writing, etc

Sometime around the release of New Vegas.

Some people disagree. That is fine. Bethesda is courting them. The casuals that don't want an RPG, don't mind if things make no sense, don't care about depth, etc

Enjoy Fallout 4 goy.


It's very simple.

First you compare the mechanics, world, plot, quests, and characters of each game.

Then after you've complied Fallout 3's list, you realize that it's fucking garbage and you don't even need to look at NV to figure out which one is going to be better.


Wait, what?
That's vault boy, no barney/MLP whatsoever

>Fallout 2
>There is vegetation everywhere

>Fallout 3
>Set 100 years after Fallout 2
>Looks like it was recently bombed

who the fuck is pinkie pie

Looks like smoke to me.

Try harder.

What are you even on about? You keep seeing things, that's not healthy.

But it does, maybe you should get your eyes checked if you see pie instead of smoke.

3 is an open world FPS with RPG elements that tried to bring an isometric game into the third dimension AND run on consoles. They could have done a few things better and the story was shit, but it could've been a whole lot worse. The world was pretty well designed (as in the actual Wasteland itself, not the towns which were designed like shit)

New Vegas takes out a bit of the open world freedom that 3 had, but replaced it with a MUCH better story, your RPG elements actually shaping what type of character you'll turn out to be, better gunplay with ironsights and the like, less of a reliance on VATS, multiple pathways and endings, and DLCs that weren't just combat simulations and a real ending to the game. It's not perfect by any means (Legion questline is awful and doesn't do the Legion justice, lots of invisible walls), I vastly prefer it to 3.

I honestly think that Fallout 4's an even bigger slap in the face than Fallout 3 to the Fallout franchise. They improved the minute to minute FPS even more, but essentially made it entirely an FPS, removing skill points and just focusing on Perks, most of which don't actually shape your character, just make certain actions in the game easier. The game looks better, but the way the world is designed is fucking TERRIBLE. Just like in Skyrim it feels like NOTHING is done in the world until you mosey along. After a certain point you peak in damage and enemies either go down in seconds or last forever. The story is nowhere near as dumb as Fallout 3's, but it's still pretty fucking dumb, especially considering the fact that you have no goddamn reason to give a single toilet squirt about whether Synths have rights.

Shut up, Todd




People played NV

Longer, better, 4 factions to choose that alter the main story, harder, weapon repair, popularity among factions, ''realistic'' mode where you have to drink, eat and sleep regularly, more locations...
Sup Forums is right. NV >>> 3

I'm not clicking your fucking links you shill.
It's clearly smoke and nothing is going to change my viewpoint.

I... I just don't even. I'm at a complete loss at this. Is there some Barneyfag brigade that splits their time between Sup Forums and derpibooru to be able to spot this shit? I mean I recognized the squigly of the mane once it was pointed out, but I would never have even thought about it unless Barneyfag came around

kys bethesdrone cuck


No, that's a single person who's doing this. Yes, he's THAT autistic.

Seriously fucking die

So, changing IPs,eh?

how autistic are you?


Only as autistic as the fags that keep doing this shit.

Feral Ghouls are pretty much a thing in the other Fallouts though, aren't they? They're more conscious but are still raving mad and want to murder you for no real reason.

I never thought it was possible.
I never thought that you could invade a NV thread.
Wonder when Sup Forums or /k/ is gonna beat the crap out of your your ass again

Because they really should be killed.

>somebody likes something that I don't
>I'm going to throw a huge tantrum and make a scene


Driven mad by pain or the things that they feel due to the radiation. Can't remember actually

Trust me, I do what I can to make sure these degenerates get called out.

Back to your containment board, autist.

Go get checked out by a shrink, fucks sake

I'm not even a brony,dude. You're the autist here

That's what happens when Barneyfags shill their shit.

Wheres tactics?

Why do you keep posting images of your own posts?

One thing I never got about 3 is, why did they need a giant water purifier?
There are dozens of ways to purify water so why was it such a big issue in 3?

It just seemed like a waste of a GECK really.

Not going to, maybe when Rule 15 gets lifted, but until then I'm gonna keep doing whatever I can.

You're still defending these degenerates' actions.
Fuck off, almighty autist.

Ever explored the possibility that OP used that picture because of the iconic Pip-Boy? This is heresy Barneyfag. Heresy.

And it's not shilling, for fuck's sake learn your terms


Because Bethesda can't write. It's a fucking river too, the water is running.

What made you think they're mine?
I can't possibly make all these accounts and all of the posts associated with them.
Just not feasible.

2>nv>1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hope bethesda rots in hell



If that was the case, then he would've used something that, ooh I don't know, WASN'T FUCKING BARNEYSHIT
Face the truth.

Yet making a database of all mlp related images and constantly checking Sup Forums for them is feasible for you somehow.

>Face the truth.
That you're a moron and a pathological liar? I've faced the truth a long time ago, don't know why I'm still surprised

I really want Barneyfags to rot in shit.

>I can't possibly make all these accounts
>I can't possibly make all these accounts
>I can't possibly make all these accounts
>I can't possibly make all these accounts



>he still thinks this
Nice delusions.

Actually, I just used Google Image Search or Derpibooru's image search feature to find this shit.
If that doesn't work, I just search up tags in derpibooru.

Wtf happened to this thread?

the fun policeman arrived

Barneyfag, you are the only one here who is talking about the horse show.
No one would have known this was horse related had you not pointed it out.

You go on and on about how "OH NO THEY'RE SHILLING" but really, you're the only person talking about it.

You wanna see actual "shilling"? Go to those RWBY threads.

I think you mean "kys Barneyfag"

You do realize that you're the only one shilling here right? You keep handing out links to these shit, you're the only one who fucking knows about it you fucking marketer.

They only appear in Necropolis and they can't even run and are pretty weak, they attack you because you're human

kys Barneyfag

Trust me, someone would've noticed and asked for my arrival eventually.

Only through simple detective skills.

so instead you reverse search every single image to see if it has even the tiniest relation to a show you hate, and you announce this so you can destroy a thread that didn't even know or care about it. good job fuckboy you are worse than your horsefucking enemy

Good Spinoff series

I think the reasoning is that the Capital was bombed way more than any other area. Which makes sense, because the Pentagon, Congress, White House, National Library, and nationalistic monuments are all located in the same area. Glassing the entire area would put a serious hamper on post-nuke organization or retaliation efforts.


>Only through simple detective skills.
And through your simple detective skills, you hand out the links. aka shilling. If OP was shilling, he should've said "O HAI GAIS NV THREAD BTW PIC IS FROM ECH TEE TEE PEE DERPIBORUUUURUS SLASH WHATSHISNUMBER"

But no. He didn't. But you did. You provided links, you provided the link, described what's in it, Pink whatever. Spoken like a true marketer, I'll be sure to tell our rabbi about your commendable skills

It was suggested in 1 or 2 that their brains have melted too, and was somewhat implied that all ghouls went feral eventually.
If you want to include Fallout 4 logic, ghouls are immortal even without food and water and whatnot, and have heaps of potential to go mad from deprivation of resources (consider the pirates in Pirates of the Caribbean, who want to turn human again because their undeath is suffering)

The real question: Fallout 1 or Fallout 2?
About to finish the first and I honestly expected more content. Especially after playing Baldur's Gate which was massive.

So what is Boston's excuse, considering it only had a single nuke.

Even the Mojave got nuked harder than Boston.

Only so I can hand out sauce so other people can call them out on their degeneracy.

Willpower seems to be a factor, right? So a hardcore ghoul who tries to stay in touch with reality while at the same time takes care of himself is in less danger of going feral compared to, say, a religious nut who believes rads is good, or an overly emotional ghoul who blacks out every time s/he gets angry or excited.

I love how this whole thread got derailed into Barney shitposting

that's some grade a reddit cringe

There is no excuse. Bethesda just took all their cues from Fallout 3/Skyrim instead of NV. So 3 had a ruined city war zone? 4 will have a ruined city war zone.

So you admit you shill? You are learning.

>Eddie Winter hanging out alone in his bunker for 210 years
>Stays perfectly sane, doesn't go feral, was a ghoul before the Great War even occurred
>Kid in the fucking Fridge
>210 years stuck in a tiny ass refrigerator, complete sensory deprivation, still stays sane

I like to think that was because Boston is a huge shithole that should be bombed from orbit.

The real reason is probably that Fallout 4 is a canonical mess that Todd dreamt up after a no-sleep playthrough of Fallout 3. Fallout 4 does so many things wrong or differently that it's practically set in a different universe.

I'm sure they explain it away with something like "oh the Boston nuke was way bigger than normal nukes lol".

he's talking about you, retard

I figured it was because that the nukes in Fallout trade explosive yield for higher radiation levels which necessitates better purification means, also it probably has a higher output than other methods which would make it useful for not just for the bare amount of drinking water, but bathing, farming and so on.

So where do feral ghouls come from in 4?

If someone can sit in a fridge for 210 years with no contact to the outside world, nowhere to walk around, nothing to eat, drink, or do, then what's needed to make someone feral?

Higher levels of radiation poisoning?

Probably all in the mind? Give up, you go feral. Kid says "oh I love this game of hide n seek", has a clear goal, wants to accomplish it. With goal in mind, doesn't go feral I think I ripped this off from Vampire The Masquerade, I can't remember

There are more than a thousand pictures posted. Per hour. And you're autistic enough to reverse-search each and every one of them.

Why can't you use your powers for something more important, like curing cancer, or relearning how to make greek fire, or discovering psionics or something

This should not be that difficult to understand lol. Not every human/ghoul is wired the same way, some are more willful than others. They probably go crazy for the same reason humans go crazy: physical or emotional trauma, either short-term or long-term.

There is no determining factor.

Someone goes around Boston putting fancy wigs on all the non-feral ghouls

While feral ghouls like to hang out in graveyards for some strange reason...

>Annual Ghoul Convention
>Ok guys, state your name for the record
>Alright, everyone not feral, go to the right and fall in line. You will be provided a wig shortly.
>Everyone else, you will be given a designated shelter, which is coincidentally also a graveyard. Every shelter is a graveyard, so no need to be picky


>People complain about Fallout 3 storyline

I don't want to shill for Bethesda and Fallout 3, but I've been wondering: How can you make Fallout's 3 plot great again? Becuase for me, the Capital Wasteland gives little room to make a good story. The only thing I was able to come up with, is:

>A local tribe is living in Pentagon and controls the Pre-War unused ICBM Space Missle Platform, that can destroy every major locaion in post-war U.S. And so they are considere to be a major power in C.W. and you have to stop them.

Maybe Bethesda could have used GECK as a main plot device, but in the end that would be a Fallout 2 rip-off. So, user, can you make up something good in order to fix Fallout 3? (except reusing Van Buren plot)

Reintroduce psionics and those beastmen stuff, but restrict players from going full-on furry/Professor X: story is about finding out the reason for the resurgence of those two things. It sucks man, I got nothing

Well, the most obvious one, since it's DC, would be using Enclave and some other factions as its adversaries, probably even the same BoS, locked in a power struggle over the center of the city. Then you'll get a whole bunch of factions to influence and some choices to make, New Vegas style. Enclave is a legitimate successor to US Government so it's perfect for the whole "old vs new" thing and social commentary you kids love these days.

But the plot in FO3 was literally a rip of FO1 and FO2.

You have Enclave, BoS, super mutants from nowhere, the entire plot is focused on both water and a GECK.

Beth literally smashed together the plots of FO1 and FO2 while reusing big names in the setting without understanding them. Here's a simple idea.