Wake Up. We're Here. Morrowind thread

Wake Up. We're Here. Morrowind thread

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I think it's pretty dumb that they combined a combat system that relied on your ability to accurately point your mouse at shit and click with dice rolls.

They don't work together.

Not even last night's storm could wake you.

I overheard the guards mentioning we've arrived to Vvardenfell. We can't be sure we'll be released, but...

Quiet, here comes the guard.

I disagree, the enemies were all more or less static so it wasn't a big issue to me. The game also made it clear that you missed but were in range with the sound files. Do people buy morrowind expecting action skyrim gameplay?

>Somehow a character you talked to for a whole 5 seconds became popular
>Bethesda rode this and made him a saint
>By exterminating everyone's least favorite enemy
This is some next level fanservice the likes I have never seen before!

I tried playing Morrowind years ago but gave up pretty quick

Started a new game last week and already have forty hours in, it is fucking amazing. I kinda did a spellsword build, any tips I need to know that are like vital to the game?

who cares

Yea same boat as you m8. Spellsword as well. I've started making my character fuckoff overpowered, basically just abuse fortify [skill] effects from restoration or whatever and make retarded potions to make retarded enchantments in a loop of retardation.

>powdered deer Penis

Thats why I love this game so fucking much, it feels like an actual RPG where you can break the game. Why did Todd take magic away from Skyrim

Then kill everyone right?

Someone post the infinite damage crash greentext

This one?

>He actually fucking killed an invincible character
The stuff of legends!

I hope you're not implying this is a bad thing

because all the npc's are wikipedias with no personality

post of legend

>I kinda did a spellsword build, any tips I need to know that are like vital to the game?

If you did the code book quest for the fighters guild, before joining the thieves guild, you are locked out of the thieves guild for that character.

When I did spellsword, I found the final fight of the tribunal expansion to be incredibly difficult. It took me over an hour, constantly dying, before I managed to kill her. It's probably a good idea to save your most powerful scrolls and shit for that fight.

Unmodded, mercantile and unarmored are bugged. The higher your mercantile, the less money you get from selling things, and unarmored only works if you have at least one piece of armor equipped. The Morrowing Code Patch fixes this, as well as a whole bunch of shit. You won't have to start a new game, and MCP allows you to pick and choose which fixes you want. It is also very good with telling you which changes are solely bug fixes, and which ones are kind of overpowered in some way (like being able to enchant your arrows)

If you took medium armor, you may want to look into the Adamantium armor patch, which was released by Bethesda.

Adamantium armor is found in the tribunal expansion. There is a shop which sells a couple pieces, but most of them will have to be made. The game is a bitch though, there are as many adamantium ore veins found under mournhold, as you need adamantium ore to get the full set.
It's something like, you need 26 adamantium ore to make the pieces you can't buy, and there are only 26 veins. And there is a really high chance you won't find any ore when you search the vein.
The adamantium armor patch puts most armor pieces in the inventory of shopkeepers around Vvardenfell, one of them being the guy in Balmora. You get that, the only piece you'll need to make is the helmet. It's a bit of a must have for anyone running medium armor.


Shame what happend to Jiub.

Thanks senpai. I went with Heavy Armor and was really happy when I found out most really good armor pieces were heavy

I don't get it?

>make redguard
>specialize in luck + endurance
>sell the copper plate for 600gold at the start to creeper in caldera
>buy a nordic broadsword in the shop
>mage guild port to sadrith mora, boat to dragon fel, boat to khuul and walk to ibar-dad
>kill the weakass necromancers and adrenaline rush the daedroth/dremora lord/golden angel
>collect daedric 2 handed battle axe + helmet + shield + the uber ultimate shield that heals you for 100life with up to 10 uses per rest

>go to ashmiwula or whatever it's called near khuul and just adrenaline rush rape the guy at the end
>full ebony set + daedric 1h axe

games easy as shit.

hell, you could just go to the mines near balmora then talk to a guy in vivec and he gives you a daedric weapon of choice

it's not fair, it's not right

there has to be some way to save him

>make 2H Nord warrior
>find some magical axe with lightning damage or something in a tree stump while exploring the first town
>abuse that one goblin looking trader to max out fight skills
>all that cool stuff like that guy falling from the sky
>those fucking enchanted items

Kinda makes me wanna play it again. Any good mods or something?
I remember NVIDIA Inspector being able to do some magical things with Gothic 2, is the same possible with Morrowind?

Bad life choices have been made the character.

The way invincibility works, for those who never used cheats, is that the damage is done but the player or NPC's health recharges obscenely fast. All you'd have to do to kill Dagoth Ur is one shot him.

>mfw replaying Morrowind with Tamriel Rebuilt completed

I'll be an old man, but who cares.

Except your spot is full of metaknowledge you won't ordinarily know. I mean, unless you google shit/watch a LP and spoil the game for yourself which is what people apparently do these days for some ungodly reason.

Getting out of that ship for the first time in 2002 is probably my favorite gayming memory.

>missing the point of morrowind this badly

I need to make this character now and somehow beat the main story with him.

keep in mind TR started off wanting to recreate ENTIRETY of tamriel and they had plans before morrowind even came out

Is it wrong to play an Argonian Nerevarine?
Would an Argonian have even been capable of doing all the things done by him?

I always roll a bosmer nerevarine, so follow your dreams. Water breathing is pretty useful.

Yeah, but I imagine Argonians would be the most non canon race in morrowind.
>No disease can affect the nerevarine
>It's a big deal when you manage to resist disease
>Argonians have that naturally

I'm just going to wait patiently for TESR Skywind

It's worth it just because you know all conservative Dunmer are either shitting themselves or secretly rolling their eyes thinking "our promised Nerevarine turned out to be a fucking a slave lizard".

Is Rebirth worth a try or does vanilla still offer a good experience? I've played it years ago but never beat it. Got pretty far though.

Youll probably quit when you get to the 3 major houses part.

fuck that tedious shit, so many errands.

there's a good video guide but it's basically just a visual and tech update with some mods you can skip, like combat and shit. you still need to find your own mods other than those.

crazy guy will grow on you.

>Would an Argonian have even been capable of doing all the things done by him?
No. Argonians are animals only fit to work in plantations and mines.

Vivec, right? I remember that part and how I stumbled across those fucking islands for hours, trying to find some faggots.

That seems pretty helpful, thanks!

Who here used the permanent soul gem spell glitch to enslave summons indefinitely? I used to summon armies and storm cities. Id leave ghost towns in my wake.

The part soon after you're cured of corprus after meeting that freak spider guy and killed a few dagoths.

must be like 20 quests before you even fucking get to continue.

>bought it for xbox about a year after it's release
>friend told me I could get some easy glass armor from a shop if I steal and run
>head out to the shop and position myself to sprint after grabbing it all
>grab and take off fast as possible
>outside giant bird thing aggros and starts attacking me
>keep trying to outrun but can't
>rinse and repeat
>never got that glass set
don't know why but it was so much fun trying to pull it off.

Enemies can and will dodge many of your ranged attacks, though. It's really annoying.

I finished the MGSO installation, but the water still looks like shit. What do?

>mfw my nerevarine currently is a burmecian rat from final fantasy 9

You do you, my man


Where is your precious hero now, dark elves?

>decide to play morrowind for the first time
>love and play for a 100hrs
>complete the main quest
>finish tribunal and bloodmoon
>learn that you can revisit solstheim in skyrim
>buy dragonborn and reinstall skyrim
>go to solstheim
>learn that red mountain blew up destroying all your favorite locations and characters

All three armor options as major skills.
I realise this is a joke but fuck thats sad to see.

What's wrong with marksman?Bound longbow carried me throughout many playthroughs.

It's pretty amazing how often you miss on even the shittiest mobs even with 70 skill and 60 agi.

It's only when you have a constant regenerate stamina enchant, 80+ skill and 70 agi that you can actually hit things reliably.

They shoulda just made you do glancing blows (15-45% damage) instead of missing.

You learn about Red Mountain and the Dunmer refugees at the Shrine of Azura and Grey Quarter of Windhelm as well.

Nothing really, its just a bitch to grind out in the early hours. Unless of course you buy it up.

Ah, well yeah. I agree with you on that lol.

I think I usually bought 90% of the skill and trained the rest like with most skills in morrowind


Oh shit I did not pay attention to them


>mfw 10 years from now when TR and OpenMW are complete

>mfw found this out before Skyrim because I read the Elder Scrolls novel

This is how I knew we'd never get another adventure in Morrowind

but that's wrong

at 70 skill and 60 agi you should be hitting things like 85% of the time


Serious question. Why do ARPGs exist? Why make an ARPG when you can just make an action game.

>when you can just make an action game
Morrowind is far more RPG than action so why would you ask your gay question this way?

That doesn't answer the question.

Your question was retarded.

Here is my answer. Variety. ARPG isn't a bad thing, it's just that it's so over saturated that we are beginning to get bored with it. It exists so that you put less attention into player stats. And more into player skills. Both Rpg's and ARpg's have their place.

>retarded question gets retarded answer
Not sure what else was to be expected.

>I hate having genre's of games that I don't like existing
It wasn't even that dumb of a question.

>It exists so that you put less attention into player stats. And more into player skills
Like an action game? Again, why not just make an action game?

Well it depends on your definition of an rpg
>Dialogue choices and such
That's just so your action game can have more plot
>Level ups and upgrades
Add's more replay ability, makes the game deeper then it would be if it was just an action game

It all depends on how the game was made. Some would be better off as just action games. It depends if it is more of a rpg with action elements. Or a action game with rpg elements.

Can anyone recommended me a good mod that makes the game playable on modern systems? I played the shit out of it on the original Xbox and wanna get back into it. I always hear about open mw but from what I hear it's still not complete.

>be a breton with 50% magic resistance
>Get the light armor that gives you 50% magic resistance
>Now the boots of blinding speed dont blind me at all and Dagoth Ur spells dont affect me
I didnt play the game that much but i could see there were some broken mechanics in that game

>press Tab to look at your character while you're talking with one of the Daedras through their corresponding statues
>your character's lips are actually moving, speaking out the words of the Daedra

While it looks like you're being possessed by the entity, Bethesda actually made a wise choice and used player character's voice box to play the Daedra's speech. So it doesn't matter if you move around the place away from the statue as you're still able to hear the voice.

You barely scratched the surface of the broken mechanics, dude. Morrowind is a goldmine for people who enjoy breaking games, but it is also very easily avoidable if you don't want to be OP.


Pick out what you want my friend.

Yo my niggas looking to buy some skooma on the down low

What he said, but that's really what makes Morrowind great. When you're actually buffed up with magic items and potions you've made yourself while being on drugs which increase your success in said tasks, you feel like a god.

There's not too many RPG's which does that.

Skyrim did it.

Skyrim didn't do shit. You can't even levitate to fight those dragons in mid-air.

Why the fuck did they take out levitation after Morrowind, fampai?

Cities are separate cells in oblivion and skyrim.


Oh yeah I forgot about that, been a while since I played those. That was shit too, desu. But even so, they could have cut to the load screen in the air right?

RIP :(

Closed cell cities. They can't have players going over loading screens.

uhh, guys???

>This is how I knew we'd never get another adventure in Morrowind

Which is a damn fucking shame. Then again, I think we TES fans are used to all the good shit happening between games.

It's not just the life choices right? He's entirely depleted of fatigue

Wait, I heard Viper was in the hospital, did something happen to him?

his efficacy unwitnessed by his own eyes.

He'll keep coming.

Are there any mods that make medium armor not shit?


He's gotta be some sort of ghetto wizard
seeing how he has been on his own next level shit since 2006 atleast


I see where you're coming from. The combat might have been better if they did a psudeo turn based thing like NWN did.

Dice combat really only works in turn based games anyway.