Is this how Sony falls ?
Is this it ?
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Sega died for this.
>Sony is the most aesthetic
>You'd always have a bash at Nintendo
>Microsoft is just frumpy by comparison
Sony has the best boys.
We all knew this was going to happen. Sony won 2016 by releasing a ton of games that were in development for years. In all honesty, they also won 2017 the same way. 2018 is another story.
SEGA died by suicide and refused to listen to Americans, when their Japanese consumer base had already abandoned them.
Actually, one has to wonder. Will the Wii U drop in price before the new Zelda game launches, or will Nintendo miraculously find a way to fail by actually increasing the price?
is Kojima a men's right activist by refusing to have a woman protagonist in "current year" ?
>Will the Wii U drop in price
the wii u will probably be ending production.
What game is the third girl from?
You mean by showcasing games? I guess so. Gaming is dead.
>not Liking Norman reeves
Just wait for the NX senpai, considering that recent Nintendo consoles has backwards compatibility, it's very likely that's gonna happen with NX.
sony wins. kojima is literal god waifu. microsoft is close 2nd though because thicc. nintendo is trashcan tier because that bitch literally doesnt know how to dress herself and looks like a confused middle aged woman who stumbled into hot topic to buy some accessories
>nintendo is all about milking franchises
>microsoft is out of touch frumpy hipster cunt
>sony is aesthetic
honessssssssstttlllllllyyyyy it's accurate
superior kojimbo modern art
dont dare question it
>confused middle aged woman who stumbled into hot topic to buy some accessories
id gladly go to the mall with her, if you catch my point
Nudes when?
>to be continued
I don't get it. Please elaborate.
>Nintendo showed off 1 (one) game
>Microsoft made it's console completely irrelevant
>Sony had a straight videogame presentation with multiple games
>Sony somehow failed because it didnt have a dyke pretending to be into videogames
I don't get Sup Forums's obsession with big boobs
my mum had big boobs and it's just weird to see that on other girls
it's all about ass and hips anyway
Nintendo showed three games.
Post pics of your mum
good job literally telling us you have mommy issues
if you meant the pic above the one that you quoted, Dishonored 2
Looks like Sony is the one with actual games this time.
whats the name of the microsoft girl?
I feel sorry for you. My mum was shaped like a potato.
More like they lost because all their games are just recycling of what Naughty Dog makes now even if it means shoving a round peg into a square hole like they did with God of War.
Not to mention still allowing people like David Cage and his clones to be employed in the industry.
Nintendo won E3 16', Microsoft was a close second.
sony confirmed for low test.
>The Knack man and Hack man
As much as Sup Forums doesn't want to believe it, most people actually avoid Sony first-party titles and use the console as a multiplat machine.
Nintendo had her wear a burka for the rest of the event.
>most people avoid Sony first-party titles
[citation needed]
>Sup Forums acts like Sony don't have girls when Meredith Molinari was showing off for all of her interviews
You mean the NeoFAGs that have taken over Sup Forums to shitpost, rational people already know that people don't give a shit about Sony first party games and they all bargain bin after the first month. PS4 is only selling as much becuase they stole the dudebro audience for third party games because the average consumer is to retarded to figure they got dupped by them over the whole used game fiasco that screwed micosoft.
Look up the sale figures and compare major third party titles like Madden, FIFA and CoD to the first party ones.
No fucking shit multiplats are going to sell more than exclusives. That still doesn't prove that most owners of the console avoid the exclusives.
Why is minecraft girl always so happy?
YOu are a bit dumb, aren't you.
Multiplat sell more ON THE CONSOLE than the exclusives sony got. Ie, Sony exclusive are shit. When your ''best'' exclusive is barely at 3, you know you fucked up.
You are the dumb one here. Being at E3 doesn't automatically make a game or company good. Getting more sales doesn't make the game better either.
what went wrong?
>vidya has devolved into waifu wars
>games judged not on their gameplay or story, but on how good their waifus are
and so we enter the age of dark
Which one is the biggest hack, Sup Forums?
Why do artists always have to make some character tits bigger than they actually are
SO tell me what a good metric for sony being good, because between knack, infamous, the order the remasters and UC4 being shit, i'm not seeing it.
the one who got fired and then spent the next 6 months making a male pregnancy video
Kojima, easy.
Sakurai. He goes out of his way to promote other series of his in every game he makes. He has never made a game that really broke any ground, with the exception of the first Smash Bros. He's always played it safe and released rehash after rehash.
Kojima. Last good game was MGS3. Others made decent stuff after
Wow good job fag you sure convinced me with those hot opinions.
>rancid whores
>perfect ass man
>UC4 being shit,
Stopped reading there
You mom had ass and hips too so your argument makes absolutely no sense.
>kamina glasses
Microsoft confirmed GOAT
>guys-san we have only one game to show! And it's not even new!
>don't worry Miyamoto-san, just put a nerd looking girl in the presentation and our lovely tards will eat that up *rubbing hands*
>oh I see *rubbing hands in japanese*
Glad i could help you out. Now go forth
Sorry for triggerring you, but it's the risk when you leave your safespace.
Maybe you should go back to neogaf if you are fearfull about it
are you fucking stupid
No one likes you. Drink bleach please.
you are one stupid bitch
Are you? You bought a console for Fifa and CoD, after all.
>Guys, we lostu E3 to a single gameu, what canu we do
>No wolly KazHirai-san, our dlones are allealy harld at wolk on neogaf
Because hot big milky Titties is the preference of every adult male.
If you directed your anger at your shit company maybe they'd release good game.
But you keep beign mad at other people who play better game instead :(
Could you be more of Nintentard? Like seriously.
>Nintendo had her wear a burka for the rest of the event.
Is that true? Because that would be hilarious.
keep crying bitch nigga
Could you be more of a tard ? Like, just in general.
Yes, i will keep crying while playing my better games, while you keep shitposting on Sup Forums
Sonyponies, always funny to laugh at.
Not nearly as much as you.
Nintendo - That teacher that would likely fuck one of her students, get caught, fired and jailed.
Microsoft - That cute kindergarten teacher who you never realize was hot until you turned 14, except now sh'es 8 years older and beyond her prime.
Sony - That eccentric teacher who would forget to give out homework, and then give everyone a passing grade for participating in whatever bullshit out-of-classroom exercise he concocted that morning.
What? Games? You mean movies.
Calm down user, i can almost feel the buttmad radiating form you and i'm in northern canada.
If your butts chafes any more you gonna melt the icecaps
>That eccentric teacher who would forget to give out homework, and then give everyone a passing grade for participating in whatever bullshit out-of-classroom exercise he concocted that morning.
Best kind of teacher if we're being honest here.
fuck, kill, marry from left to right
>tfw I will never be so mad as to project this hard
Feels good
>op image
>only Sony has something resembling a video game
Thats a good picture, suits you fine, my apparently very little man
sony has kojima, who still looks better than that nintendo whale.
But i think we already proved the inverse, user.
The part where me saying sony is shit pushed you into a spiral of mad meme image posting is pretty convincing
>give everyone a passing grade for participating in whatever bullshit out-of-classroom exercise
Fuck yeah, my last year of high school we would often have this substitute who just did lateral thinking puzzles all day erryday. Looking back on it, was kinda fucked up he got away with that, but I loved that shit.
No, I think you mean games that actually have some production value.
i wanna do lara croft
>put some slut on stage
>weak-minded nerds eat it up
Wizard route is the only route, fools. Just how weak do you have to be? Do you not want to conquer the world until every sloot is begging for your dick, only to realize she will never have it?
So does this, you avatafag surprisingly well.
>n-no you!
You mad af
>Fake tits vs hipster dyke vs Reedus
No contest
She doesn't wanna do you though so fuck off.
Nintendo girls know what's up