Vidya patrician tiers

Staring with Metal Gear. Template in next post.

Resize it to fit your needs, I'm sure everyone is capable enough with Paint.

>Sup Forums makes an amusing meme making fun of film elitism
>A year later, a stupid faggot from Sup Forums catches a hold of it, takes it literally, poorly ad-libs it to be about video games and uses it as a vessel to share his literal unironic vidya opinions (which happen to be shit)
I'm embarrassed for you, mate.

You completely missed the point of the kino meme and this image is a really poor replica of it

App: Danganronpa
Vidya: Phoenix Wright
Game: Professor Layton
Vidcon: Zero Escape
Ludo: Ghost Trick

>pleb gets triggered by patrician ludophile tastes
Not surprising

It's hard to admit to myself now, but I can't deny anymore that New Vegas indeed surpassed FO1 and 2 in many ways.

I've only played a bit of Tactics.

danganronpa is absolutely way above AA and layton desu

Vidya: XCOM 2
Game: Xenonauts
Vidcon: UFO Defense/TFTD
Ludo: X-COM Apocalypse


Sure is summer in here

Great thread, had a laugh

triggering the nofunalloweds too

Fuck off, Sup Forums.

I'm fucking dying, you glorious bastard.

I bet you don't like Half A press or Todd threads either




What is ludo supposed to mean?

>Zero gameplay
the talking save point would feel shame

its latin for game.
This is a dumb pseudo intellectual chart i wouldn't worry about it too much.

What im trying to work out is what the fuck is vidcon? aint that some dumb youtube convention?

>he's never played shut up and jam gaiden

here comes the plane

>those names
you brilliant motherfucker


what the fuck are you niggers talking about ITT?


Go back to fucking Sup Forums already you retard

Swap MGS3 and MGSV t b h
