Why do people pretend to like older games, just because they are older?
>Fallout 4
Had much better gunplay and movement than any other fallout (no more skating on concrete). RPG mechanics are literally exactly the same but without the broken karma system.
>GTA 5 Has much better detail and driving than any past game. The amount of detail with the way that cars work and the like is entirely superior to San Andreas. also >implying mashing one button at a store or gym for a small change in model size is engaging gameplay
Unlike Morrowind, had actual AI for NPCs and combat that isnt a complete shitshow, but Sup Forums still loves is due to muh extra 3 skills
If the older games are better, why don't you play them?
Evan Ramirez
>RPG mechanics are literally exactly the same but without the broken karma system.
Nathaniel Williams
Connor James
>RPG Mechanics in Fallout 4 are LITERALLY (You don't know what this means) the exact same but without the broken karma system
Congratulations. You were born when, 1999? 2000? You have no idea what you're talking about and need to shut the fuck up.
Benjamin Campbell
nice b8
John Evans
Oh right, I forgot that "Oh yes I can do that" and "Oh yes I can do that shortly" are two completely different dialogue options. You don't like the game because its popular.
Sebastian Sanchez
You can't really compare GTAV and SA, I have thousands of hours of SA and hundreds in V but it's just not comparable, they're both open world but GTA V lost a lot of what made GTASA great, they gave up depth like they do every game.
the cars and physics are better, and at least its not boat driving like 4.
Aiden Gomez
>what is a hyperbole
They are just as good as past games.
Hudson Jackson
Pretend? Games used to be a lot more about the content. Now they're about the money.
Grandia 2 is still my all time favourite RPG I can't find a modern turn based RPG to match it.