I just bought this on the steam sale, but I did it for the mods. Any good custom maps out there? I already played the normal campaign on my console
I just bought this on the steam sale, but I did it for the mods. Any good custom maps out there...
Go beat the campaigns on expert... while wearing a nep skin.
I did it with Madoka skins and OST with my mates
>nep skin
Get the Hank Hill Tank mod. Me and my friend got it and couldn't stop laughing
Is the online still terrible? I remember getting kicked for every little thing very often.
You're better off playing with your mates
I just play campaign on expert. I don't bother with versus shit. Never really liked em.
you are getting kicked because YOU are terrible
Play Realism mode, way more immersive. Also Expert difficulty
There's loads of good custom maps, most of them better than official ones. My favourite are:
>Silent Hill: Otherside of life.
It's dark, scary, custom skins and sounds for SI are awesome. Play it on realism/expert if you're up for the challenge - it's extremely long (takes 5-7 hours to beat) and hard (chapter 2 brutally hard).
>KINK - great design, loads of cool easter eggs, very high difficulty.
>Yama - by far best looking campaign, set in Japan.
>Day Break - nice map with great locations (Golden Gate bridge, crashed cruise ship, Alcatraz)
>Questionable Ethics 1&2 - just because they are different from any other maps. Also high difficulty is always welcome