Does your current girlfriend share your passion for videogames?

Does your current girlfriend share your passion for videogames?

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She mostly plays Civ, Pokemon and Terraria.



she only likes vocaloid games and pokemon.

who cares, post more scumbag chibi Hana

No, she's too busy being...a supermodel. And...and a rocket scientist. And a secret agent!

If you have a 3D gf you don't belong on Sup Forums


literally why?

>your current girlfriend

What are the dual swords in the top right from?

I've been dating a nintendo fan for about 5 years now. We don't talk about video games

What if I have a wife?


Back to your normalfag board

Kill yourself if you think thats a cool design.

they're from Fate unlimited whatever whatever

Let me make it clear for you

Aya doesn't have wings.


Yeah, she also shares my habit of playing too many games at once and fniishing none.

An internet gf, of course

>current girlfriend

you have to go outside to get one of those

I don't think you understand how this place works

>a corean streamer that goes to save the world in a robot and upload it to twitch

this are the heroes of this generation...

I asked because I didn't recognize it. I didn't say anything about it being cool, relax.

She just plays whenever I ask her to play with me. And she's really bad at it. I mean, she can't even clear SMB1. She can't even hold the b button and jump at the same time. But she really tries to enjoy video games as much as I do. The only things she likes are Portal 1 and 1, Minecraft, Left 4 Dead, Qube and Machinarium.


Reminder that if you have a gf and go outside, you are a normalfag, and if you're a normalfag, you have shit taste in video games.

Then this board is filled with normalfags

I'm 26 now, I haven't had anything resembling a girlfriend since I was 18.

>It's a Sup Forums gets self-conscious for not having a significant other episode

seriously guys it's not that bad

She only plays shit games like WoW, Minecraft, and League of Faggots, she is always buying us cringy fucking matching clothes to wear out in public, she got us both matching Minecraft hoodies to wear last week, I told her I would rather put my fucking balls into a blender than wear this fucking shit


I'm slowly getting her away from those garbage games, she's playing them less and less.

Her favorite game is okami.

So yes, she has shit taste. But dem titties tho

Being gay is a meme.

Hahah. Really? I wouldn't mind wearing that thing inside my house.

Nothing wrong with Okami.

Girlfriend loves everything horror.
She can't play a game to save her life but she loves watching me play horror games.

Kek. Shit nigga, you got me there, son.

Yes we like playing total war warhammer together lately, she isn't interested that much in the strategy part but loves when we get into a battle and completely roll over the enemy. She also likes giving me tips during the demon negotiation parts of SMTIV :3


Females who enjoy video games are pure fiction

No, but she doesn't give a shit that I play vidya all day. I'll be getting her into vidya soon enough.

Inside sure, but out in public? Even if it's with my girlfriend fuck no, she also gets us matching WoW shirts and shit, it's just stupid

Why do you make the same thread every day?

it all makes sense now

Here's another picture of her, she brings true joy to my heart.

user I would not let that thing touch my sskin if my life was on the line

It's not that, it's the stigma that comes with being unable to acquire a significant other in the first place. Normies think you're a weirdo and a loser and no one ever wants to date you or even be your friend. They talk about you constantly and consider you worse than scum. They want to rub it in that you're inferior.

Not to mention normies generally have really shitty taste and/or are pretty fucking dumb or just ignorant in general. It's an annoying feel to know that you're probably more knowledgeable and informed than them on a lot of subjects but know that you're a foreveralone.

Indeed she does. These days she plays more time playing vidya than me. If we play together, we play Killing Floor 2, GTA 5, CIV 5, Dying light or DayZ. She also enjoys watching me play shit like Binding of Isaac, Souls games, Overwatch and D44M. It makes me feel uncomfortable to realize, that she plays more than me these days. I don't complain, tho. This is much better, than having a gf who doesn't understand vidya and just complains about it.

>she has that silly facepaint on in her own home out of uniform

I'm calling bullshit. Unless those are some really bad tattoos.

I'm 23 years old and i have never kissed a girl.

No, but she supports it. Bought me a 3ds one Christmas and plays old Nintendo games and shit like that with me sometimes. Also likes some casual shit like GTA

>They talk about you constantly

This is false, they have better and more things to do than making fun of some random robots who plays less than one out of a millionth of their life.

Her robot apparently can fight evil monsters, but it cant even beat a cowboy with a firework.


She's seventeen and living with me for the summer, so she does for now, she's doing her first playthrough of Dark Souls with me on the backseat.

She'll eventually outgrow it.

I'm turning 25 this month and have never had a relationship. I feel like I'm just waiting to die and relieve the world of my awful genes.

Where the fuck do people meet women?

I'm 30 and never even held hands.

Females who enjoy SINGLEPLAYER video games are pure fiction

Most girls I know play wow, lol, fb games, mobile games, cs, l4d, etc.

She's a Blizzdrone and we only play Hearthstone together

Loser has to go down on the winner

once you do it you get a huge boner

Not even remotely true. Why wouldn't they judge you?

desu, nowadays holding hands is more intimate than kissing


I can believe this. Absolutely.

>once you do it
Don't respond to my post ever again, normiefuck.

If she isn't the one going down on you everytime, then you are a filthy casual, and need to leave.

Albinoism isn't evolution.

don't ever post that picture again it's retarded.

Well, I never did that either. Goes without saying.

I would beat my girlfriend if she started playing LoL.

21 and I haven't either. Being fat and having a shit personality will do that.

at a bar you dingus

Because you barely register to them, they literally couldn't care less about you.
They pity you at best, they don't remember you exist at worst.

Okay, "constantly" might not be true but they WILL judge you negatively.

It literally is you stupid mother fucker.

yall aren't missing anything, i promise.

making shit with friends is infinitely more rewarding. find something to make and a friend to make it with and you'll be fine.

See, this is your normalfaggotry speaking.
You can not even imagine what it's like to be a disgusting socially retarded piece of shit who sticks out like a sore thumb no matter what.

Normies are boring retards thats why they watch game of norms and go on le coffee dates

Pretty much, yeah.

>you current girlfriend

Yeah, we play Borderlands together when we can't meet up in person. Sometimes she'll watch me play Counter Strike, which is too hard for her, or I'll watch her play horror games that are too scary for me.

>Shit taste
user, i think your gf has better taste than you

has anyone ever met a decently attractive female that wasn't insane that was into games like STALKER and was actually good at it?

Not really, she sometimes plays Professor Layton and such. She's much more into anime than I am though.

She really likes Prison Architect and Risk of Rain.

>all these people with gfs

Why are there so many normalfags on Sup Forums anyway?

It's true tho, they don't wanna waste any energy on you.
They don't want to bully you, mock you, judge you

>Girl wants to fuck me
>She's quite attractive
>She only likes shit games like WoW
>Wears a horde baseball cap
>No I promise she's hot
>She won't share my love for Dwarf Fortress
>Don't want to fuck her because of this
guys pls help

>I fell for the gf meme

don't you fucking do it, the robots were right all along

fapping and a good imagination is all you need

Sup Forums is one of the entry level boards for normalfags, we have to be more condescending and elitist like Sup Forums if we want to keep them out

exposure from gamergate I imagine brought most of them. there's a shitload from reddit here too.

You make it sound like going "what's wrong with that creepy guy who blablabla" is some kind of exhausting ordeal.
It's just another topic of smalltalk.

my gf likes nintendo in general (especially the 3D mario games & 2D kirby games) and ico, hotline miami, bayonetta

she's not gr8 at TPS/FPS games and doesnt seem to have any interest in RPGs but she's open minded about everything, i play games w her around more than i do by myself nowadays

>gf graduates from college
>spends 12 hours a day playing runescape instead of looking for a job

>Have nice job
>My own place and car
>Lots of friends
>Go to the gym together
>Play video games together
>Go on dinner dates all the time
>Go to parties all the time
>Post on Sup Forums all the time
>See there are always people like me
>In every thread

Face it, this isn't a "durr totally top secret freaks and weirdos secret website" anymore, everyone knows about it, just because you fail at life doesn't mean everyone else who doesn't suck total ass at life is a "normie" That's such a cringe thing to say, especially since everyone on the internet is saying it now

I mean for fucks sake, Sup Forums has a subreddit now... Forums/

So much for totally le top secret hidden website xDDD

my ex dropped out and sits at home playing gamecube/miitomo, watching netflix and smoking weed as far as i can tell

This entire thread
>le normies fugg xD
>i dont need women i got my hands

Stop being so fucking delusional you autistic fucks

That's exactly what I'm saying, just a small comment that nobody dwells on.
Robots have this huge retarded victim complex where there's a big conspiracy to keep them virginal and Chad's goal in life is to torment them.


Is she retarded? or 14?

Bruh I'm 25 and with my first GF who I'm with for 9 months now... Was even a virgin before I was with her (so was she).

I never actively 'wanted' a gf. I'm perfectly okay being on my own. I'd rather be by myself than with a gf who I don't truly love and am compatible with. However, she's everything I look for... I'm only mentioning this because settling for someone you don't really like is the worst thing you can do.

I met her at sports, to answer your question.

Eh it's more like if they already know you're a weird virgin loser, why even associate with you?

Yes, she moves the mouse while I use WASD. She also wipes my ass, brushes my teeth. Answers phone for me, opens doors.. I bet your gf doesn't do shit.

but Sup Forums IS a super duper secret underground website that us freaks and geeks only know about! if you don't watch anime and weigh 300+ pounds that means you are a normie, GTFO my super deep underground website normie!