>tfw you suck at video games
>tfw you can't aim for shit
>tfw you never know which classes/gear/tactics to use because it's all so confusing
>tfw you rely heavily on guides to tell you how to play because you don't trust your own judgement
>tfw you desperately try not to let your team down but do so every time
>tfw you find yourself getting upset when teammates make mistakes despite you being worse than them
>tfw normalfags that only play for a few hours per week are better than you
>tfw you hate video games but have nothing else
Tfw you suck at video games
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe you just suck at FPS?
Protip: Consoles use auto-aiming, which can fight against natural aiming.
People use guides because cookie cutter builds tend to be optimized from day one.
Genre doesn't matter. FPSs, RTSs, MOBAs, RPGs, etc. I suck at them all.
The name of the Hentai that the girl in the OP is from is called Mai-chan's Daily Life by Uziga Waita
git gud
i dont understand how you can be terrible at vidya if you're not literally sub-100 IQ retarded or over the age of 50 yet still able to type on this website.
genuinely curious, do you have trouble with captcha?
cheer up loli
Well, I'm better than a lot of my fellow retards out there. But I'm not top-tier, and I'm not as good as people I've met on Sup Forums.
I'll try!
Wanna bet?
Why not play singleplayer?
I don't leave the house and so video games are my only social contact. Sometimes playing with people from Sup Forums or /r9k/ is a lot of fun when we can just chill and take it easy. Small communities and all that. But they're so hard to come by.
>Love fighting games
>Terrible reaction time
I'm gifted in every fucking way except reaction speed. What cruel irony.
I'm still pretty good at them, though.
>heading home from work
>see this
>feel this
Thanks for ruining my Sunday
I'm sorry, dude.
Why not play something that requires no skill at all? Mmo, card games and so on.
Plus, it's always fun playing a singleplayer game and then discuss/shitpost about it.
short answer: git gud
long answer: did you guys played fps before? it's normal to be bad at any game at the begining, disable windows mouse acceleration, go to the robots and practice aiming
>Why not play something that requires no skill at all? Mmo, card games and so on.
I don't find them all that interesting. If I were to get into them, I'd need someone to help me get started, but I know nobody that plays them.
>Plus, it's always fun playing a singleplayer game and then discuss/shitpost about it.
I like some SP games (GTA, DOOM, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Metro, etc.) but only a few.
Just play medic. Or dedicate yourself 100% to helping your team.
hearthstone is your only choice
>can't aim
go for flanks
pick a good flanker class/wep/hero and keep flanking
i suck at anything that requires aim and i do really good with just that
you have to know the maps and have some game sense tho.
>Sometimes I'm really fucking good
>Sometimes I'm really fucking garbage
My inconsistency with skill is frustrating.
I know that feel OP, I just stopped trying to play multiplayer games and play singleplayer exclusively now.
The last MP game I used to play regularly was TF2 in some shitty Sup Forums server ages ago before it became a hat simulator. I main'd Medic.
>Blizzard meeting
>Kern ends up making excuses for Blizzard
Did anyone else expect a different outcome?
There are a lot of ways to get into a game: stream, well made tutorial in-game, guide, forums, ...
Go to /vg/ and talk about those game, it's not hard ya know
>so bad at shooting games you just stop playing multiplayer
>I only play singleplayer now
>It's killing me inside
Any Anons want to post their Steam or Battle.net IDs so we can play games together?
I'm looking for people who like Diablo 3, Overwatch, Path of Exile, Borderlands, GTA, Sven Co-op, etc.
You still need skill to play medic, he needs good game sense and extremely good movement
That was quite nice of you user,even though no one asked for sauc...
kys my man.
Uhuh. How about no.
post pictures of your dick, if you're so gifted, f-faggot
>as I fell into porn degeneracy I got more and more into weird shit
>eventually I just could't do it anymore with the most depraving shit out there
>can only fap to vanilla anymore
stop playing multiplayer games
It's really fucking rare that I get to say this, but Guro is FAR from the worst thing on that list.
If torturing, killing, and raping toddlers is a sexual fantasy that you actively seek out, I'm legit afraid of what's wrong with you.
t. someone who gets off on Ryona.
That's why I stick with single player vidya.
>mfw actually good at multiplayer vidya
I am the source of all your pain you little pussy shits. Come at me.
I'm not going to do that, but average sized condoms are uncomfortable for me to wear.
I'm like 17cm, slightly above average.
if you read guides
Fighting games is my favorite genre.
How do i play? Combos? What are those? The best i can do is a punch to shoryuken.
I just do the moves when i feel like doing them, if it works it works.
Sounds like you're being overwhelmed, maybe you need a game so simple you couldn't possibly suck at it, given enough time to learn enemy patterns, which is pretty easy.
Try Monster Hunter, or maybe even go on an adventure with Dark Souls or Dragon's Dogma.
>can predict people very easily
>completely shit at playing anything
>stick to support oriented classes
>every time I play support for some reason I just play way better.
I don't but the second I switch to some damage oriented anything I just suck ass
You can always play russian roulette
>tfw I'm all of that except I don't use guides, I don't get mad and I still enjoy vidya
Just go with the flow m8.
I'm really not trying to be a dick here, but please try to improve.
It's no fun to play against people at your skill level.
>load gun with 6 bullets
>miss all 7 shots
Wow OP you sound like a huge faggot, thanks for letting us know how retarded you are. I imagine you're overweight, too, and you will die alone. This isn't tumblr, kill yourself.
>Monster Hunter
MH4 is literally the most overwhelming game i've played
Not him, but get worse. It's no fun playing against people at your skill level either.
>mfw "competitive gaming" is a contest to see who can make their character look like he's having a worse seizure
Nice grammar, dumbedge.
>tfw you suck at video games
>tfw you can't aim for shit
>tfw you never know which classes/gear/tactics to use because it's all so confusing
>tfw you desperately try not to let your team down but do so every time
>tfw you find yourself getting upset when teammates make mistakes despite you being worse than the
Overwatch is literally made for you. Why aren't you playing it?
>Hit the monster, don't get hit
Use a hammer, bro. MH is the most braindead game I play.
wut? Aside from missing a few commas and a comma splice, I don't see any grammatical errors in that post
But it is more fun for me when i happen to defeat a guy that actually knows how to play or hell, even losing with him having just a little slice of health is fun.
Just stick to Singleplayer games.
I'm the same as you,I never got into Multiplayer games(MMO,FPS etc) because I suck major ass in them,but I knew I wasn't shit at all the games there were.
I took some time to think what games I played during my life and was good at,and it turns out it was almost all Singleplayer.
I have the patience to sit down and master a Singleplayer game,no matter how hard it is,as long as the game interests
in some way,but for some reason I can't do this with Multiplayer games.
This desu, who gives a fuck if you make autists on the internet "disappointed" at you
Mate, if you can't do combos and can't hit onfirm, fighting you is literally just to be
>Crouch outside of sweep range
>Anti-air if you jump
>Punish blocked DPs
>Jab if you dash to prevent throws
>Jump over fireballs at range or use I. frames to go through them.
I'm not a competetive players, but this is sorta the cut-off point between fun matches and random button mashing in my book.
but there is so much stuff to remember, all the moves etc
>Use a hammer
wouldn't it be boring?
Sure, but how often does that happen compared to how often you get decimated?
I really don't comprehend how getting better isn't a top priority for you right now. When I went from getting beaten up by an online friend constantly back BBCSEX to being the one beating her up constantly in BBCP, I was ecstatic and felt extremely proud of myself. I figured this should be what everyone playing fighters would try to aim for.
If you're having fun though, good for you. That's the most important part.
You should have it down to muscle memory by now if you've been playing for a while, user.
Also hammer's not boring.
... Compared to using a longsword? Or dual daggers? Or a lance?
Why would it be boring?
>TFW been playing fighting games since I was 4 years old and still not competent at any fighting games
I've spent so much of my life playing fighting games and I can never seem to get good no matter how much I play or practice. I've even considered paying for lessons because I'm so tired of being ass.
>Paying for lessons
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
You can look up almost everything you could possibly want on YouTube or the internet in general. The rest is just being able to apply that knowledge.
Fucking kek. I'm 3k after 700 games. Regularly I get queued with perma-shitters who have been playing since 2011 and have 3000+. These people really need to find a different game.
Who would you dislike more for having destroyed you? A good player or someone that barely knows how to play?
Being the second makes it all the more fun to me. Of course i try to make small improvements there and there, but still.
Talking in GGXrd terms, the most you'll see from me is, for example, Raven airdash HS HS HS P P S M HS then either Grausam Impuls or Wachen Zweig.
In fact i welcomed Kum Haehyun with open arms because her playstyle of hitting less but harder adapted to me perfectly.
3000+ games that is.
Oh, I get extremely salty when I lose to someone I consider worse than me, don't get me wrong.
Actually, I'm pretty sub-par at Revelator and I need more MU experience against Raven and Haehyun. Would you be up for some matches in a about half an hour?
i didn't play that much, i dropped it once i realized how much time i'd need to put into this game if i want to have fun
i loved Charge Blade, at least in the tutorial
i'll try to play it again i guess, it looks too good to just give up on
idk senpai, it just seems simple
>tfw i know this tfw
I do my best but I can never be good enough to be called good.
I'm only ever at a tolerable level.
>Wonders why he sucks at anything
Not a weeaboo, I just have lots of anime/manga reaction images.
Sure make a lobby in Italy Beginner room 2 so i know it's you.
expect a constant spam of Dusts
>Steam sale
>Get cs: go
>Play my ranked games
>Get ranked in gold 1
>Win 9 out of the next 12 matches
>Still gold 1
What's happening?
nigga, I've been doing that for years. I have all the knowledge but I just fail to apply it, I figured that lessons would help me in that respect.
You're not alone
>1.6k hours in LoL
>Silver 3
There's literally no difference between bronze/silver/golds in LoL. It's just the shit matchmaking doing wonders.
>tfw love DMC4
>tfw practiced juggling and jump canceling for literally hundreds of hours with a trainer and I still suck dick
try different games user
maybe visual novels
Room's up
Italy 6, name is vidya.
t. Bronze
Choose the hardest difficulty on every game you play, pick a genre and play the classics from said genre. Keep doing this and after a while you'll have developed a repertoire of transferable skills.
>tfw you suck at video games
>tfw you suck at everything else too
is it a private room? i never actually entered a private room so i don't know what to do, sorry for being a retard
>tfw you suck at everything but video games
Someone else joined. I thought it was you.
I'll add a password: bbgg.
I'm just decidedly average.
Except for in multiplayer FPS where i either do amazing or terrible.
There is nothing more pathetic that people whose only hobby - or one of the major hobbies - are videogames.
>tfw only thing you're good at is shitposting
Weird feels man.
>tfw don't care if friend is shit I still have fun if they use VOIP
>tfw 20 cm flaccid
Looks like my spic genes paid off.
>tfw you're a waste of human resources with nothing to live for that wouldn't survive in a different society but you have no courage to do anything with your dull shameful existence
You can still pull the trigger, my man.
>12 cm erected
Can someone please sauce me on this image? I can't find it
5th post
That wasn't it, that was something else
>>tfw you never know which classes/gear/tactics to use because it's all so confusing
This happens to me when i play armored core 4A online, so many different regulations and i get rekt whenever i pick the wrong ac.
Do people still play For answer online?
Also, use that one back mounted scatter gun in tandem with any decent laser rifle. Just float into mid range and start blasting the other guy. It will kill him.
>get into a thread because of the pic
>think it's probably a non ero manga
>was about to ask to be spoonfed some loli doujin with similar art style
>this post
>check the actual tags
Fuck you monkey paw.