Whats going on YouTube, back at you with another video, this is low...
Whats going on YouTube, back at you with another video, this is low
What's up with that anti-white shirt?
Do you think he ever got rid of the taste of Viscant's dick in his mouth?
he doesn't seem like a bad person, just overly emotional and annoying. he may shit talk but i don't think he means any harm
Most competitive gamers honestly.
Fuck I remember that.
"There's Hobbs be a time when your gonna wanna come back at me... And your gonna wanna wash the tassel of my dick out if your mouth".
All you whiny ass Bitches probably toching yo self with that lotion looking at my streams.
He can't be serious is he?
>most black "people" honestly
>ywn chimp out in public multiple times and barely have any consequences because white sjws are too chicken shit to call you out on it
Feels bad my brothers
>Doesn't seem like a bad person.
>His schtick is to play absolutely garbage characters because he has this tremendously ridiculous ego where he believes that he can beat ANYONE even with the agreed upon bad characters.
>Gets upset when shit is predicted to happen. When he loses, he blames the player for cheap tricks and "garbage tactics", he disconnects from a game if he doesn't "feel" like you deserve the win.
>Trash talks his viewers and bans them left and right for minor criticisms.
>Talks about how he hates white guys, they love getting cucked, and fucks their "bitches".
HEY EVERYONE! I found lowtiergod! Lets make fun of him!
>Play absolutely garbage characters
>Mains Rolento
He never played bottom tier characters mid tier at worst.
His shtick is playing top tier characters and claiming they're low tier because he says so
majority of fighting game players do stuff like this
don't act like those other "pros" aren't whiners
Most people in general don't have what it takes to stop someone from showing out in public. Bystander effect kicks in real hard.
>absolutely garbage characters
Protip: he doesn't.
>your gonna wanna wash the tassel of my dick out if your mouth
What did this user mean by this?
>the videos where he has autistic meltdowns while his GF is in the back wondering why she isn't out cheating
I know you're making a Sup Forums narrative argument, but most people don't step in when ANYONE is chimping out, niggers, beaners, rednecks alike.
Only time you ever see people step in is when some dude is pummeling a chick
His dick game is better than his game game.
Black people can't be cucked.
>I'll be scat dude.
What did anons mean by this?
They get cucked constantly. Their women are the biggest whores.
Blacks being cucks is like blacks being criminals, no one really bats an eye because it's expected.
>he doesn't know how ratchet black women and coal-burners are
I'd say black people chimp out more than anyone else.