Zero Time Dilemma

is Akane bloodthirsty or stupid or what?
why does she try to get as many people killed as possible?

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i miss best girl


I wish Diana would give me a nice blowjob and top it off with some anal

it was nice to see Junpei still had a sense of humor, neutered be it may

>Carlos pretends to rape Akane
>Talks shit about being a bad-ass detective who's seen some shit
>Junpei can barely give Carlos a black eye after multiple punches
Is Junpei the biggest bitch ever?

He's only funny in 999 because of localisation

we all do

c-ending turned into a huge cluster fuck after the six x-passes didn't work so then carlos took them to machines and then he had to go to different timeline to use the machine.

>Never has her mind wiped.
>Has access to a timetravel/reality changing device not constrained by causality and relativity
>Had Carlos, Maria and Junpei as prospects to help her on her plans
>Instead, decides to follow a bootstrap timeline whose endgame is always the destruction of the world

Akane is 100% retarded. In the C ending, VLR had already happened, and it clearly leads to a timeloop of the end of the world. Instead of changing shit around with all the new info she got, she instead decides to follow it.

What a complete idiot

your love for this woman who showed up for 3 seconds is pretty admirable desu