Post bad cosplay

Post bad cosplay

>thick meme

What about good cosplay?

Cosplay is seriously fucking retarded.

>dude I want to dress up like a character!

absurdly pathetic and strange. These people are autistic attentionwhores. It's sad.

fucking summerfags...


Lmao faggot, I bet you want to kiss her too

What game is that?

inb4 momokun


No u


Half of Sup Forums doesn't even know this meme because it never caught on, get over yourself.

>Who is this semen demon
>look her up
>she's actually full of moles

let me die`

So your mom actually doesn't let you use the internet when school is in session? Man your life must suck kid, I feel bad for you.


Is this supposed to be a Peach cosplay?

Seems like it

You need to force it more before you can pull that shit. Look up to Sup Forums, don't see them half assing it

>there are more attention whores cosplaying at comic book and anime conventions than actual fans cosplaying


I don't remember Peach having tattoos.


It's sad how 95% of all cosplayers are not really fans but just does cosplay as a job and to get attention.
It's like they've failed to get a real model job and uses cosplay to fill that void.

its more like 5%
90% of cosplayers are underaged


I wanna CUM in momokun!

That's a pretty big jolly rancher




All cosplays are bad because 3DPD will never even come close to the real deal.

>that ass disaster in the background

jesus christ. why do people go out in public like that?

Holy shit. Its not bad if its funny.

This tbqhwy


but video game characters are rendered in 3d


sluts love the feeling of humiliation and shame

pic unrelated?

hey it's bob dylan

Hey I know that tranny. That's the one who kept putting fallout 4 cosplay in cosplay threads.

Isn't that Princess Bitch?


>resting bitch face syndrome

That's a good zatanna cosplay. Only problem is the lack of coat tails and no top hat.


underrated post