Will it suck?

Will it suck?

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Only less than the anime

Yes, but Berserk fags (myself included) will still buy it because we're desperate

as long as its not like the movie



it's a DWclone, of course it'll be shit

If it doesn't have Hirasawa's music, then yes, considerably so.

It's a musou. It's gonna suck.

I like musou. Suck my dick.

nigga pls, take your grasses off

Will i be able to play as God's chosen?

It's going to be fun.

That's not the movie, that's the lame ass new anime.

Same here.
Pirate Warriors 3 was a great game if you enjoy the anime, the same with the new Berserk game.

> haven't been into anime since like 04
> it was Shonen shit like bleach and naruto with a little hellsing for some quality edge
> getting back into it with jojo, berzerk, HxH, and OPM
Feels good, I miss anime games and I am so picking this up regardless of overall quality.

Shows the creators people have intrests in IP.
If it is shit and they make a second don't buy it and by anything else berzerk related, to show that the IP is beloved but not their shitty game.

I just want to hear Forces while I flank some bitches, not that much to ask for.

I really fuckin' hope this isn't another adaptation of the past ark only. I want to see the newer shit for once.

Nigger did you even see the OP's pic? Or trailer?

Based on information I've gathered, it covers Golden Age and gets as far as Millennium Falcon, if Schierke's presence is any indicator.

also schierke pirate doodle as pre order dlc, so who knows

The music they've chosen for the new anime fight scenes are terrible.



Casca got whitewashed harder than Makoto in the Live-Action Ghost in the Shell movie.

>no cute brown girl

Why even live

>the opening song still has the engrish ryrics

You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy bad adaptations, not join them. You were to bring balance to Berserk, not leave it in darkness!”[1]

Is that cloud's buster sword?




Yes, obviously.

What a clever and original post. Holy shit post it more.

Berserk deserves better than a musou and I won't support the decision to make a quick cash grab game.

I did, but hopefully is right.

Also I want my eternal boat ride.


berserk needs an idolmaster crossover where you can manage and raise apostles

What happened?

PW3 was true to its source material.

Berserk is not.

> :3



I thought that arc never got animated.

it was like 4 pages

>bullying teekyuus

The eclipse fight scene in the opening looks amazing and I really wish the show was hand drawn rather than the CG trash we got. Deserves much better.

>The eclipse fight scene in the opening looks amazing

In motion it looks good. Obviously it has a ton of awful stills.

Holy shit help me locate my fucking sides

This still looks like it was made for your post. Amazing.

I don't get it. What is this? Did they edit a few frames or something?

well if you press Y Y Y X X X you will be sucked

It doesn't you're just blind as fuck.

Good shit

>when he also composed for the previous games
Holy shit user
Even if the manga somehow has a soundtrack, I bet Miura would still approach Hirasawa for it

No, but 20 year old casuals who just got into Berserk in the last year will say it does. Only autistic newfags who have never played a musou will say it sucks.

That fucking 2004 game everyone creams their pants over without actually having played is basically a barebones musou,
>Walk forward
>Kill lots of enemies
>Boss fight

>20 year old casuals
>that fossil pic
>that ancient filename
Nigga how old are you?

How are Berserk games ever going to be challenging besides the apostles or god hand? Guts kill every human and minor monster he comes across with relative ease besides those who've trained their entire lives (the bakikara, serpico) or when guts is already incredibly injured from a past fight with a monster

There's a drastic difference in the 2004 game and a musou.

The 2004 game is actually difficult, you have to aim your attacks that only hit at max 3 targets, the animations are good, the music is good, the animated cutscenes are good, and there's a feeling of immersion and Berserkness.

Musou games are generic rehashes with shallow gameplay. This one will be no exception.

>implying this looks better than a musou game

What game style would fit Berserk anyway? It seems like a good fit. Sup Forums just hating to hate again?

Just ignore the autistic ps2 fag.

>well if you press Y Y Y X X X you will be sucked
I remember when games didn't give a fuck about your feeling and you actually had to gitgud.

Now all you have to do is this;

Look at the last frame of the opening, she still has the darkest skin tone of everyone. She never was meant to be as dark as in the old anime

Don't change your goal posts.

Probably the bloom and lightning, but yeah, she's gotten more white with every adaption.

>first arc where you can truly see Guts using his Black Swordsman prowess to its fullest
>first black swordsman feature after years of Golden Age
>really cool enemy designs
>pretty good development for Guts, showing he's not full edgelord as depicted during the Black Swordsman arc save for the last couple of panels
>one of the best fights in the series

>referenced by dumb fucks as NAKED LOLI ARC xD

Fuck you cancerous fucks, I'm glad Lost Children is being left out even though it's one of my favorite parts in the series.

Musou somewhat works.

A lot of Musou games have the whole base capture and army vs army thing.

Best fit for Berserk is your character vs army, toss in some bosses in the army and you're golden.

The whole base capture works for golden age, but outside of then it doesn't fit.

I've always found Musou sequels have more effort put into them Kens Rage 2 was alot more polished than 1 and the latter Gundam Musou's had more in them.

I honestly don't care if it sucks or not though i'm still getting it and Xenoverse 2 simply because their is no other modern option to play games in these two franchises I enjoy.

The best you can hope for is it sells well and you pester them nonstop in the forums for new stuff for the sequel.

No, there really isn't. I've played the 2004 game a lot, and it's pretty shallow. Cool until the novelty wears off, but shallow. You're walking along a path killing shitloads of one hit kill enemies.

Everything else you mention is 100% subjective. Berserkness? Really? Wait until the new game comes out to shitpost, retard. Licensed musou are practically love letters to fans. The people making it are fans who want a new Berserk game.

the actual opening song is breddy gud tho

>No, there really isn't.
I just named the reasons it is. I didn't say it's deep or that it's anything but boring after the novelty dries up.
>You're walking along a path killing shitloads of one hit kill enemies.
Which has more of a feeling of "berserkness" now doesn't it?

This musou has really bad animations unlike the other licensed musous, we know that so I can 'shitpost' about it all I like.

Don't disregard my post like a 20 year old sperg.

Are you just pretending to be retarded? It's obvious the game is going to have levels where it's like a regular musou where you play as Guts in the Band of The Hawk, and levels where you walk along a path killing tons of enemies. It's a Berserk game, it can't not have 'Berserkness'. I don't know where you're getting the animation being bad from either, it looks great in the trailer ie the only gameplay footage that's been shown. The other things you're talking about are things that you have no way of knowing without actually playing the game.

Why are you focusing on the absolutely most pointless part of my post instead of the rest of it? I was talking about immersion, that feeling Berserk gives you involving hopelessness and challenge.

It's literally impossible for a musou to have that feeling yet the boring PS2 game effortlessly induces it.

Here, argue these you shitlord.
>The 2004 game is actually difficult, you have to aim your attacks that only hit at max 3 targets, the animations are good, the music is good, the animated cutscenes are good, and there's a feeling of immersion and Berserkness.

>I don't know where you're getting the animation being bad from either
The trailer animation looked awful. The moves aren't from the source material, there's no indication Guts is having trouble swinging the sword around which makes it look like it's a foam bat, and the enemies are flying up in the air even if they aren't even close to being hit.

Typical musou garbage that shits on the source material of Guts fighting single enemies using everything he has.


>gameplay at 0:31

The sword swings, sound weird.


Guts doesnt have trouble swinging his sword though

Yes he does. In the manga, all animes, and all games he does.

Only the musou has him treating it like nothing, doing 360 spins instantly with no animations after the strike showing how heavy the sword is.

Are you an idiot? Somebody post the panel with Guts swinging his sword so fast it literally has only visible white swooshes.

They're out of sync.

That probably means it's not the final sound they'll be using.

How can a panel indicate the exact speed he's swinging at? Don't confuse your imagination with reality, every single panel Guts is swinging the sword you can see his feet straining to keep his body steady and his arms placed in a manner that indicates weight.

>I was talking about immersion
Which is why I'm asking how you know if the new game is immersive or not, seeing as it isn't out yet.
>there's no indication Guts is having trouble swinging the sword around
Guts doesn't have trouble swinging the sword around unless he's injured, moron. Try reading more than 10 pages of Berserk before acting like you know anything about. Seems to me like you're just butthurt about musou.

>Which is why I'm asking how you know if the new game is immersive or not, seeing as it isn't out yet.
It's a musou with shit animations.

>Guts doesn't have trouble swinging the sword around
He shows that its heavy. He's swinging it like it's made of nothing in the musou and using moves that don't even exist in the manga. The animations are crap.

It seems to me you're a retard. You can't even address half of my points and haven't seen any of the Berserk adaptions or even paid attention to the manga.

>He shows that its heavy.
I never said it wasn't heavy, just that he has no trouble swinging it around like crazy. You've seen maybe 10 seconds of the animation and yet you're dismissing the entire game because of it. I think that makes you the retard here.

I stopped reading the manga a long time ago, tell me, has Griffith been killed yet? They seem to be dragging it out a lot considering he's the main antagonist.

He's an obnoxious faggot spamming threads with PS2 webms for like a week now.

Woah wish there fake faggot, get the fuck outta here, you either A. Never seen or read beserk and looked at a wiki for 5 minutes orB. you are just baiting like the waste you are. I want you to know right now, I absolutely mean it when I say this, like if I read it in the paper the next day I will be very happy, please fucking kilo yourself, I don't think I can be more sincere when I saw I would like nothing more then you or someone else ending your life.

If it's not depicted as being heavy in the 4~ moves we see him swinging it in the trailer, we can confirm the game has shit animations.

It's a shit adaption.

>He's swinging it like it's made of nothing
Oh wow, that doesn't sound like Guts at all.

Fucking kill yourself, seriously.

Not as much as the latest anime, that's for fucking sure

Take Dragon's Dogma's combat, put it into a straightforward action game instead of an RPG

Basically, a slower Ninja Gaiden with Guts as the MC and other ways to fight giant enemies

It's obviously heavy if it's throwing enemies ten feet back when he hits them with it. You're just not understanding that however heavy the Dragonslayer is, Guts has never swung it slowly like it's ten thousand pounds. He can swing it quickly. There's even a panel (I think it's in volume 3 during the fight with the count) where he's swinging it so fast all you can see is the air moving around it.
>He can only move in ways that have been shown in the manga
Seriously? The 2004 game wasn't even that faithful to the source material. Of course the moves are going to look different when they're in a fucking video game that can be directly controlled and not an anime, dumbass.

It's physically impossible for Guts in the manga to do a 360 spin, twice in a row, in one second Yet he easily does it in this new musou after you hit B B Y.

You're defending a poor animation job of a great manga, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>It's obviously heavy if it's throwing enemies ten feet back when he hits them with it.
But no. That's just the lazy style of musou games as you can see in my image. You see unarmed lolis doing this in the other game's Omega Force makes. Enemies fly regardless of what you do, you don't even have to hit them.

I didn't say he swung the sword slowly, that would be retarded.
>where he's swinging it so fast all you can see is the air moving around it.
Exaggerated paneling.. When you see Guts swinging 5 times in what appears 1 second that indicates the panel is covering multiple seconds. Are you so autistic you can't grasp basic manga?

Watch the adaptions to see that in motion. This isn't Dragonball Z.

>The 2004 game wasn't even that faithful to the source material.
They were all 1:1 actually, it was a good adaption.

It's physically impossible for Guts to swing that sword in general with one hand and a fucking magnet in the first place. It's also physically impossible for Guts to be able to take on hundreds of goblins or the Holy See without being inhumanly faster than them anyway. I'm a different person and am in no way defending musou but every fucking thread there has to be some retard complaining about how fast Guts can move, even before the musou game even existed.

>They were all 1:1 actually
Remind me again what chapter of the manga I can find Charles in? Just take my advice and fucking kill yourself

>When you see Guts swinging 5 times in what appears 1 second that indicates the panel is covering multiple seconds.
>My headcanon is fact! Who cares that he was swinging the sword faster than anyone could see, it was actually meant to take place over 90 seconds instead of 10!
>In other games characters besides Guts can make enemies fly back, that means this one has no weight to it!
Yeah, the 2004 game wasn't a fucking 1:1 adaptation by any stretch. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're in no position to be calling others autistic after this pathetic display, pal.

What I'm really wondering is why you're even in this thread instead of playing the fan translation of the PS2 game and jacking off to it, as it's so clearly superior to a game that isn't out yet.

>impossible for Guts in the manga
>in the manga
There's still physical theory present in it. It's not real-life based but this isn't Dragonball Z.

>Remind me again
That we're talking about animations. Don't throw your goal posts down the toilet you sperg.

>Yeah, the 2004 game wasn't a fucking 1:1 adaptation by any stretch.
It is though.

>It is though.

Already looks better than the anime

Fuck, is that Puck?

>for something that wasn't really animated before
Are you retarded? And don't fucking reference the anime because 1. That only had one episode with Dragonslayer and 2. The first thing Guts does in the anime is a 180 swing at a guy who is probably no more than 3 feet from him and already charging at him at full speed. That's not even a second in time. That's ridiculously fast and totally shits on whatever crackpot criteria you're using to define Guts' speed.

Fucking kill yourself already

It be Puck

I think a musou can fit the problem is it wouldn't have any of the gore because they don't want an X rating in japan. Ratings else where is, at best, an afterthought.

Nigger you aren't even making sense. We're talking about manga adaptions and the PS2 game which only included 1:1 animations from the manga.

Why are you talking about the anime which didn't even accurately portray the manga? Why are you pretending the guy was charging at full speed when he was shitting bricks in place?

Who said Guts swings the weapon slowly?

You're fucking mental, you can't even follow a conversation and all you're doing is lying and making shit up.

Hokuto Musou had hundreds of guys exploding like ballons full of blood and inwards, why can't they do it here?

>it wouldn't have any of the gore
Look up gameplay of 北斗無双, people literally swell up and explode into pieces. The laws for video games are weird, but I think as long as people aren't getting dismembered it's fine to show gore.

If they were planning to have human dismemberment the Western version wouldn't have any of it taken out anyways.