Just got this in the EU PSN sale and I'm a bit miffed by this horrible framerate issue

Just got this in the EU PSN sale and I'm a bit miffed by this horrible framerate issue.
This isn't something I normally whine about but it's just too much is this game it's constant even when nothing is happening on screen.

I wish someone warned me before I got it.
Is there anyway to fix it?
I don't remember this happening with Nier or the previous games.

There isn't.
Nier was on a custom made engine and had bigger budget.
This runs on Unreal Engine 3, an engine notorious to be shitty and have problems on bigger maps with more enemies on screen.
You can't fix it.

>Unreal Engine 3

Everything about this game was bottom of the barrel scraps in terms of budget. Enjoy the true Yoko Taro experience.

Change your PS3 to 480p and it runs "a bit" better. That's the best you can do.

And looks thousand times worse unless you're playing on a CRT TV.

>he fell for the yoko taro meme

Hey, don't shoot the messenger. It looks worse but it plays better. That's what OP wanted.

I'm not shooting anyone, I merely added what the downside is to doing that.
If I still had a CRT TV though that's precisely what I'd do.

That girl looks hot. I want her to bear my children.

>This runs on Unreal Engine 3, an engine notorious to be shitty and have problems on bigger maps with more enemies on screen.
Why would they do this? The previous games were dodgy Musou clones, and 3 has an awful lot of the same hallmarks. You'd have thought they'd realise using an engine optimised for that shit would work better. Could Squeenix not have just grabbed whatever engine Tecmo-Koei use?

No budget and development time.

My recommendation would be: just get fucking Nier and forget about Drakengard.

Tecmo Koei uses their own in-house proprietary engine, so no they couldn't do that. Fucking hell your brain for once.

Wait I can change it to 480?
Alright I'll give it a go.

>let add completely useless companions in a game thats already a clusterfuck and runs at 5 fps

I gathered that.

So you're telling me they couldn't have found any engine that supports Musou-style gameplay instead of fucking U3? Fucking no-name developers like Marvelous can throw together a shitty Musou for TM, and Squeenix can't manage it? The actual fuck?

I don't want to sound like a fag but we should start a hashtag and spam square for a PS4 port.

Which part of NO BUDGET do you not understand?

Fuck you they should fix this version with a patch or something.

>everyone blaming UE3 when the ps3 has a single fucking core of powerPC

And yet much better looking games with more to do can play fine.

PS3 has 8 core CPU faggot, though one of the cores is disabled as not all Cell CPUs on the production line managed to have working 8th core so they disabled it on all of them, and the 7th core is used for the OS.
Cores 1-6 are available for games, so that's 6 fucking cores, not 1.

The game's combat and environments were about as demanding as a Musou game of the same era. Less so, arguably, DW8 was probably more intensive. There's no fucking excuse for this shit.

Why is there a flower growing out of her eye?

Spore infection

How does it look on a 4:3 CRT? I've only ever hooked up my PS3 to my CRT for PS1 games. I don't know what a game meant for widescreen would look like on it.

Yeah, frame rate is complete shit.

At places it dips to single digits. This is pretty well known about the game.


Cavia, Squeenix just published.

It looks normal.

Play the game

>mfw only played Nier

Yeah get fucked I'm not suffering through musou wannabe gameplay of drakengard 1 or the single digits framerate of drakengard 3.

Does it have a 4:3 mode or something? How is the text? I've heard a lot of 7th gen games have issues with that on standard def TVs.

Wrong. Cavia didn't make DoD3 because Cavia had already went under by then. DoD3 was by Access Games.

forgot my face

Not him but why not turn on your fucking ps3 and check?

THIS is one of the few games that I honestly wish wouldve gotten a PS4 port. Problem is the sells for it were shit so there was no reason to.

That's a fine enough opinion to have.

Still going to make fun of you, though.

>Play the slideshow

What part of fuck off do you not get?

I think I'm reading a plot summary and watching all the cutscenes instead.

Because it's a lot quicker and easier for someone who has played it like that to tell me than go move my PS3 to another room, hook it all up, and mess with the display settings.

Nah, you're just asking retarded questions in a Sup Forums thread

You're that special kind of stupid aren't you?

Nah I'm enjoying 5 and half hours of cutscenes right now.

Gonna have to read all those weapon descriptions also it seems.

Then why are you asking retarded questions in a Sup Forums thread?

I'm not the user that asked that question.

Just wanted to chime in on the conversation.

Then cut assets
Make everything untextured for all I care, just get a fucking double digit framerate

I don't think Taro games are for you

your devwaifu a shit

What meme?

Not even Drakengard/NieR fans recommend the games.

whatever dude


What's his disability, Sup Forums?


I only recommend Nier.

I looked for an option to fix it too. I may have been fooling myself but I turned the resolution down to 480p and felt that it ran a bit smoother.

I don't recommend that though. it ruined some of the cutscenes for me.

If you want to minimize your frame drops without sacrificing resolution, then simply learn what causes the most drops.

Never call the dragon to help you blast shit since the explosions cause drops like crazy. You may or may not miss some inconsequential dialogue if you do this. Always be in control of your camera and don't let it linger on huge mobs . Try to isolate enemies on your screen so it doesn't have to render too many enemies at a time. For boss battles, try to keep a distance so particle effects and what not don't clutter too much of your screen. When you're required to get up close to a boss, there's not much you can do about that.

On the desert stage at night, kill the mages before anything else because as soon as they start shooting shit your frame rate WILL plummet to unplayable levels.

I played DoD 1 and I'm still trying to hype myself up enough to play Nier. I dunno, the monotony and grinding music really irked me.

It's really surprising to me that people with as much polish as platinum are so taken with this guy's work that they want to work on one of his games. Nier must really be something special.

The music in Nier is fucking fantastic.

All of his games special.

That doesn't mean they're good, but they are unique.

I think it is

If you have an Xbox you can find a copy of it for like $5

When the fuck does Arioch wear this dress?

framerate doesnt change
the native render res will be the same

>Super hot
>Elf ears
>Literally can't get knocked up

I want to stick my dick in crazy

She'd probably bite your dick off.

That is unfortunately extremely likely

Fine taste.

Lord of Vermilion. It has Drakengard characters in it and most of them were given redesigns for some reason.