>all wounds are healed
>only your mana is replenished
>insta healed
what would you prefer happen? your character spends months bed-ridden until they heal naturally?
>drop an item
>it disappears
In real time? No but it would be interesting story-wise.
>sprinting makes it worse
>get ambushed by assassin
I can imagine this working great in some hardcore Mount and Blade mode
>get injured in battle
>have to amputate the leg
>can now only fight from horse and if it dies you will get murdered unless one of your allies saves you
>play dorf adventure mod
>lose your arm
that'd be a great game
you spend the entire thing in a hospital bed
try not to catch mrsa or any other disease while you're there
Works fine in UnReal World for example. The thing is, of course, that being turn-based allows you to play through the period of having to lie low very fast (at least if you are prepared with shelter, stockpiles of food and such like).
I wish games did this, is there a single one that does?
is that joost
Wouldn't work everytime you were hurt in gameplay because the world/story wouldn't be able to adapt to it properly.
I like to think that RPG games that do that are not a "real world" but rather a purgatory were formerly bad people are given heroic task to redeem themselves...which kinda explains why there is no perma dead
old D&D games gave the option to cast all your healing spells before sleeping, drastically cutting resting time.
>The goblin swordsman slashes you in the right arm with her copper short sword, tearing the muscle through the llama wool cloak!
>Many nerves has been severed and many tendons have been torn!
>You lose hold of you iron shield.
>df adventure mode
>become vampire
>arms and legs become FUBAR by boogiemen, but you survive the encounter
>go around killing everyone with your teeth
Closest I can recall was a TBS game where poison applied damage for every action point a unit used on their turn. Being poisoned basically meant healing, using an antidote, or sitting still. Movement, attack, changing gear, etc would rack damage up real quick.
I really ought to finish LISA.
I just realized this is supposed to be
Same reaction. I recognized the writing on the card but the hair ribbon and flower arrangement kinda seal the deal.
>have sex
>limit break hp
That's really hot. It's like all the katawa girls at one time
>Cannot regenerate HP by any means
>Persistant after battle
>Status icon is tiny and doesn't signify anything
>Resting doesn't cure it
where's the poison icon?