Is this worth the money you have to spend?
Is this worth the money you have to spend?
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If you like RPGs, yeah. i personally thought it had too much story, and the way they let you skip cutscenes was really obnoxious. (for example, if you have a 20 minute long cutscene, it's actually broken up into 5 smaller cutscenes, which you have to skip individually). That's really my only major grievance.
Otherwise, the gameplay is fun, the weapons are cool to use, the ridepod is interesting, Monster Transformation is garbage but whatever,
I liked the first one more desu. I wasn't a fan of grinding to buy items to build a town. Prefer the whole "it's all in a sphere already" shit from one.
One of the best games ever made
>implying you have to spend money on it when it emulates easily
Still have my original PS2 disk but this game looks great emulated and the OST is fucking top tier.
No, it's not a Nintendo exclusive.
Download the undub you fool.
If you like JRPGs? Absolutely. It's one of the best games on the PS2, and is literally comfy incarnate.
The undub is okay, it still sounds weird with Cedric though. I find it enjoyable for the most part though.
>always made sure to clear every monster just so I could hear this song
Spheda was fucking awesome too
It's like the most ambitious PS2 game. Lets have Action RPG combat, with tons of weapons in a complex upgrade system. Let's also add a very customizeable battle mech. Lets have randomly generated dungeons, that are also golf courses for the whole game, that also have other challenges to unlock stuff. Lets have epic fantasy villages, NO, lets have epic fantasy village sim city...but with TIME TRAVEL. And lets have fishing, and photography, lets be able to photograph about everything in the damn game, and be able to invent tons of stuff with the photos. And let's make it all long as heeeeeeell.