Can we have a WoW thread that DOESN'T turn into a shit fit between Nostfags and Blizzdrones?
Just post transmogs and discuss Legion or something.
Can we have a WoW thread that DOESN'T turn into a shit fit between Nostfags and Blizzdrones?
Just post transmogs and discuss Legion or something.
Lol no
Wow is shit deal with it
I prefer nost myself, but I'm going to respect your wishes by not posting in this thread.
Die laughing
WoW noob here.
What raids/dungeons should I do if I want to get lots of gold fast?
The DK story in Legion looks cool as shit though I am slightly bummed at the LK accepting being hamstrung when he could crush the burning legion
the garrison raid
>tfw i had a ZG mount on nost
My character wasnt even good, but god dammit that mount was cool.
Firelands gives you a decent amount of gold if you kill every trash mob.
Neat xmog stuff there too.
This, im considering making a DK just because of it