Let's settle this once and for all:

Let's settle this once and for all:
Which NES Mega Man is the best?

4. The one with Cossack, because Dr. Cossack is great.

rockman 2 you shitter

anyone that says otherwise is a liar

Why is Undertale getting baited so much today

4 > 2 > 3 > 6 > 5 > 1

I don't know, but it made me go looking for the OST and it's remixes again.
Kinda fun when you're playing a .wad heavy in Revenants and bonetrousle starts playing.

Also, to answer the excuse of a topic, I have good memories of 4, but it has been a goddamn long while since I played the classic megamaynes.
The X series is the one which is my jam.


fuck you all it's perfect and i can't go back.

otherwise 4

... I cannot but say 3. Not only I still remember each boss theme and stages, but the DocRobos stages as well, For all purposes, 3 picks up from 2. Also best extra upgrades as well as best intro theme.

Am I the only one who thinks 9 was an UGLY game?
Not a bad game necessarily, but god damn even Mega Man 2, which was made literally 20 years earlier, looked better. As someone who dabbles in pixel art, I just couldn't let this go.

At least Mega Man 10 looked much better and more in line with what I was originally expecting.

More like everyday?


2babies have no idea what taste is

1 set the bar
2 raised the bar and improved the formula
3 perfected the formula

4 ruined the game with charge shot

The problem with modern games trying to go for a retro look is that they seem to forget 8-bit NES games typically tried their best to push the console to the limit, whereas games that try to mimic that style end up failing because they go for a really minimalist style instead.

the only great megaman platformers are 2,3, & Bass and 9

he is my unironic favorite design

2 is one of the most influential platformers of all time

it set the idea of platformer difficulty being something you have to learn, but still accessible to casual determination

it has the best ost of the entire series by a wide margin

its overall design was followed for the rest of the entire series

it was the only one where weapons made a big difference, in all subsequent megamans, having the right weapon only doubled your damage. this continued until the X series, where having the right weapon could alter the bosses' movements and attacks

I still haven't figured out the meme popularity of 4, since it was very clearly the shark jumping moment. Everything after 4 and including 4 is just more of the same. I can only speculate that these people are in their mid 30s and that was their first megaman

4 was the most fun imo
i guess that is all there really is to say on the matter!

3 > 9 > 2> 10 > 5 > 1 > 4 >> 6

Why did you start a megaman thread with a completly unrelated picture?

Because he's a dumb fucking shitposter. Either that or he accidentally posted the wrong pic and was too embarrassed to admit it. Then again he had that pic saved so he's probably a shitposter either way.

What's such a big deal about the picture?

Because it has nothing to do with Megaman?

No, I mean what's important about it besides that? Was it part of some controversy?

It's a bait image made to rile up Undertale fags.

I like how OP obviously set out to rile people up over the picture, but they were more interested in the topic anyway.

2 or 3, probably. I think 6 has a lot going for it as well.

To be fair, I agree with him, I've seen more UT treads than usual today

2 is the best. 3 could have surpassed it but wasnt finished.
The only one I dislike is 6

Yep. OP forgets how strong Sup Forums feels about Megaman though.

3 > 2, 7 is underrated.