I'm at the first alien encounter at Medical. Does it get better or worse from here?
I'm at the first alien encounter at Medical. Does it get better or worse from here?
still playing through it myself, but better so far
just wait until you get to the part where the Alien learns how to use guns.
>the part where the Alien learns how to use guns
had to quit the game at that part. it's just too much
Define 'worse'.
I hope you're playing at least on hard.
Yeah, fuck that. What were they they thinking.
The game is extremely repetitive and could've ended 3 hours sooner, but it's still one of the best movie related video games ever released.
They perfectly captured the feel of the original movie. Amazing atmosphere and great visuals.
If you're a fan, I'd say keep playing. If not, no don't expect anything greater.
>that part where the alien pulls out a desert eagle and mugs you
shat my pants to be honest
>That part where predator appears only to laugh at you
;( wtf man
LOL that part was amazing