Help me decide on my team for my first Lunatic playthrough Sup Forums.
I was going to make a female Robin in hopes that she's less boring than the male one, but female Morgan is so good, makes me afraid the male one will be shit.
Cameron Hill
Do you have the exponential growth dlc, if not then I assume you're really just going to Frederick&Robin->Chrom and Robin
Male Morgan depends a bit on the dad, and also wants Robin to pass down galeforce to him, also means the other dads are in higher demand unless you marry somebody like Basilio, a child, or a spotpass character
Jack Wood
Frederick and everyone who happens to tag along as well.
Samuel Ross
No DLC. Is it any good at all? It ended up costing the same as the base game so I didn't bother.
For now I'm trying to make up some pairs that will make for some OP child units.
Jeremiah Nguyen
Future past is really good storywise, completely shits on the actual story in terms of quality, and I got the golden gaffe because of Eltoshann, it's good as a sort of pay2win if you're into that, also makes getting Inigo, Brady, and Owain Galeforce
Jack Perez
Marry Nowi or Tiki as male MU and get yourself aManakette Morgan.
Justin Gomez
>Child unit
Fuckin pedos
Anthony Nguyen
>completely shits on the actual story in terms of quality Not particularly hard, really. But it sounds like a good thing to get at least. Speaking of Brady, I've been thinking up how to make him a badass monk but can't decide between Henry as Dark Knight for Life Taker, or Vaike for the strength points.
I was thinking that, too. I had Nah fucking shit up so hard in my first playthrough, but that's because I married Donnel to Nowi and she got Aptitude. She was ridiculous, pretty much 50+ on half her stats, 40+ on the others with the Dragonstone+ and paired up.
I did marry Lucina due to the morbid thought of fucking my friend's daughter :^).
Jose Rodriguez
>Who's the best child unit and why is it Morgan? Because s/he literally has access to every single class in the game. What kind of a stupid question is this? The only negative parts are that female Morgan can only get one male class skill (from Tactician), male Morgan can only get one female class skill (from Tactician), and you can only get Manakete Morgan through male Tactician + one of the other Manaketes.
Jayden James
Depends on what your access to bolt-axes is like, Vaike and Maribelle cancel each other's str/magic modifiers, so they aren't particularly great for each other. If you do have a place to get bolt-axes and he isn't paired I'd say Ricken might be good, plus he can get Luna from Ricken assuming Luna affects def or res, not just def