Twists in games that caught you off guard?

Twists in games that caught you off guard?

you first op

I played Bioshock 1,2 and Infinite first so when I played System shock 2 I completely did not expect the player character to say "Mah" in such a stupid fashion to the AI

Why is the manga on hiatus whyyyyyyyyy

Caring for a stupid webcomic that not even the author gives two shits about.
Read something like The world is mine, it'll be more worth your time,

but that isn't feel good easy going slice of life manga tho

We were meant to be surprised we were Revan.

I honestly just assumed it would be taken as a given. Was I the only one who's read Wheel of Time?

As if there isnt a fuckton of that stuff around

not good ones

Surely this is a poor attempt at baiting me into recommending you new stuff.
Its mediocre at best my newfag friend, dig a little deeper.