Remember Deep Down ?

Remember Deep Down ?

What the fuck happened with it?

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ps neo launch title with vr support.


pls no

It's either from software (with sony japan) or capcom that'll make a fps rpg for psvr.

It would sell millions just because of being the first rpg with vr.

>“We’re thinking about showing something that looks completely different from what previously shown, although it might be a while from now.”

>“The ideas we have for the game is much larger now compared to when we first announced it,” he continues. “Rather, the ideas we had before might not have been good enough.”

>Ono concludes, “when looking back at the previous ideas we had for deep down, we felt concerns about it not being able to capture an audience as we would’ve liked, so it was decided to give it more time so that we can further enhance it.”

Basically they have no idea what they're doing


>“Rather, the ideas we had before might not have been good enough.”
i hope that they came to the conclusion of it being F2P and an uninspiring souls and AC clone were stupid

>not knowing what he's doing
Big fucking surprise.


What's the point of presenting a game to the public in a press conference if it's so early in development that they aren't even sure if the ideas are good to proceed development or if it's better to scrap the entire game?

More like the idea of being a ps4 exclusive is completely nonsensical in any point of view including financially

So they're pulling another RE4/DMC again?

Well they needed something to demonstrate their new engine.

Which is now lost in the same abyss as Deep Down.

To fool people into buying a console based on the promise of games to come instead of already-released games.

i actually know a lot of people who bought the vita around time of release because they thought it'd have games

Game? What game? Why do you faggots love technical demos so much?

I'm fucking pissed that's all EA does.
Remember last year when they showed a game that was so goddamn early in development that it didn't even have a name and nobody knew about?

Was funny when he said ''I guess we can't keep it hidden anymore'' when absolutely no one had any idea they were talking about, and, according to what they said, it seems the devs don't have any idea of what they are doing either.

What game?

As I said, it doesn't even have a goddamn name.
They said it was something like a racing game with a lot of different vehicles like cars, bikes, boats and such.

I think it's the Burnout devs the ones doing it.

That game was scraped, yea. They're developing something different now, it was announced in this E3

It was originally going to be done f2p mmo lite shit and it's completely being reworked

Thank god

Yeah and it got fucking canned. The burn out devs are stuck making star wars shit

It's not even early in development.
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>supposed to come out in 9 months
>they, yet again, showed another video of devs talking about how much they love videogames and ME for 5 minutes along with a montage of some people drawing concept arts
>2 minutes of game footage that weren't even gameplay

Either they are strangely hiding the game for some reason, or the game is in such a state that it's not ready to be shown, which is worrying.

>nowhere to be seen on Capcoms road map for 2016/17
Its dead jim

>first introduced as the successor for god-tier MT Framework
>Dead Rising 3 on some proprietary engine
>Resident Evil 7 (at least the demo) on some other proprietary engine
>Street Fighter V on Unreal
>still no sign of Deep Down anywhere
Goddamn it, I loved MT Framework. 8th gen needs something like it.

I guess it's entered development hell.

pls no
vr really isn't ready yet, literally nobody knows about vr and consoles will never have the specs to handle it
and when consumers get their eyes burned out by a less than silky smooth experience on a shitty console they'll blame it on vr and it'll be scrapped faster than eyetoy

i want vr to succeed but i know it won't happen deep in my heart

can this be a new meme?
