The Absolute Fucking State of Pascal and Polaris

>GTX 1080 and 1070 reference versions cost more than partner boards for literally no reason
>1080 experiences thermal throttling on stock cooler
>reference RX 480 overdraws from PCI-E slot potentially damaging motherboards, OC's poorly due to hitting a power draw ceiling, runs hot on stock cooler, and actually runs better on lower voltages due to better stability and lower temps
>all three of these GPUs have their prices artificially increased by scalpers
>Vega not showing up until next year

And now rumors are pointing at...
>GTX 1060 base model only has 3 fucking gigs of VRAM and can't do SLI at all

Now obviously you'd go for the 6GB version and ignore the 3GB, but the problem is that this now allows Nvidia to price the 6GB higher, because the 3GB version will be the one they use when they tell you the 1060 is priced "Starting at $240" or whatever. And then of course, with 1070s sitting at around $500 online, the 1060 will immediately shoot up to at LEAST $370 the day after launch.

God this sucks. On some real shit, fanboy nonsense aside, Pascal and Polaris look fucking great. 1080 with partner cooling is beastly, 1070 hitting 980ti performance for $380 once prices settle will be excellent, and I think the battle between partner board 8-pin open-air 480s and the 6GB 1060 after the 3GB hopefully gets phased out entirely will be awesome for everyone. Once we get to where things are supposed to be, this gen of GPUs will be glorious. But fuck this rough start, seriously. When everyone was told to wait before upgrading, this is what they were supposed to be waiting for. But now it turns out we have to wait longer if we don't want to get dicked in the ass.


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You don't buy reference cards. You just don't. They're reference cards ffs.

I did that a grand total of once. Never again. The solitary fan on that thing was louder than all my speakers put together.

Curious how the aftermarket 480s will do in terms of overclocking

We got dicked over once the cards were announced and didn't come with HBM and HBM2. I agree, it sucks. The keep waiting mantra is endless. Same shit with Intel. Wait for Skylake... Not a big difference. Now we have to wait past Kaby Lake, which is only mostly a die shrink...

I had a blower style GTX 660 a couple of years ago. Never did hit 100% fan speed - locked by EVGA to 74%, which was terrific when it kept hitting 100°c and shutting off my computer - but even at 74% it was still obnoxious.

Overclocking benchmarks around 1300-1400mhz put it at 980GTX levels.That seems to be the average for for some of the AIB cards. Rumors have some OC'd cards at about $250 for the 8GB version.

Only reason to buy reference cards is if you are some impatient fuck who can't wait for partner cards to come out with proper cooling/fans.
I'm waiting to Vega to see what AMD has for the high end user.

Probably not much better than the 480, not too sure on what Partners are able to do with releasing their own cards aside from better fans and visual designs.

Is this a desperate damage control thread for AMD's latest blunder?

>Vega not showing up until next year
I thought it was scheduled for October? AMD can't really let Nvidia dominate the high end for longer than a few months. 1070 is not going to be $450 forever.

I hear a lot of people saying NVidia cards underperforms in DX12, but does it apply to the newer cards (1070 and 1080)?

Did somebody say MANTRA?

What does partner mean in this context

Tests have shown the main issue with the 480's OC capability is that it's hitting a power ceiling. Bumping up to an 8-pin should open things up quite a bit.

the EVGA, ASUS, SAPPHIRE, XFX, MSI, etc version of the cards. these companies take the reference card from nvidia or amd and then play around with them and overclock them and add beefy coolers.

I see no point upgrading from my 970 meme card. Never had a problem with the supposed 3.5 gigs, and can max anything (not the AA though, that stays on a lower SMAA setting usually)

Is that something partners are able to mess around with?
I remember that with the Fury partners are not able to do much with it but that was probably just for the Fury.

Somebody installed a water cooler on one, it barely overclocks at all.

Sapphire already confirmed their Nitro 480 has an 8-pin.

>buying reference cards
you're retarded
even for putting waterblocks on it they make shit for other boards too

>>GTX 1080 and 1070 reference versions cost more than partner boards for literally no reason

Nvidia prducing a far smaller amount of cards than any of the AIBs. stock and demand determine a higher price.

I doubt 3gb will be a big deal. The difference between 2gb and 4gb is minimal, 3gb will be enough for 1080p.

Kaby lake is not a die shrink, Cannon lake is. Kaby lake exists because Intel had to delay their die shrink, so Kaby lake was created to fill the gap until then and is only a minor refinement over Skylake.

>1080 experiences thermal throttling on stock cooler
>GTX 1060 base model only has 3 fucking gigs of VRAM and can't do SLI at all

so what you're telling me is to buy a 1070 when the price stabilizes and then drops a little over the next month or so?

Normally, AMD and Nvidia use what are called add in board (AIB) partners to make the cooling and sell their graphics cards.


>The difference between 2gb and 4gb is minimal what
so you're saying my 770 2gb is STILL fine for 1080P? damn..

Also, who knows: maybe AMD will have some tangible benchmarks out for Vega in a month or two that make it worth considering holding out for its release.

Not massively likely, but still.


Name one other time standard, no-frills reference cards have gone on sale with an MSRP set at $80-$100 more than partner boards.

because dumbfuck amd sent out the cards already overclocked to match 970 performance and now they have power problems.

>1080 experiences thermal throttling on stock cooler
This has been the case with almost every single reference graphics card ever since turbo boost was invented. Maybe not some low powered ones like GTX 960 or something, but the big ones all do it.
>GTX 1060 base model only has 3 fucking gigs of VRAM and can't do SLI at all
>implying SLIng two shitty cards is ever a good idea
What next, yo gonna CFX 480s? Weak ass shit.

That's exactly what I'm telling you, although a month seems a little optimistic.

I don't know how well a 770 performs, but if you need to upgrade, it's not because of the vram. Maybe in the near future games will start consuming more, but it will be easy to stay under 3gb.

Who non-ref 1080 here?

The sensation of finally having more than 2gb of VRAM.

>Current GTX suck dick in DX12 games, I.E every NEW game outside VR shit, and Early Access shit where they do not even max out the games because Early Acess games make you responsible for buying shit in the first place
>Have fun trying to find someone who actually sells a RX Firebomb at $225, aftermarket are bound to have a heatsing and a fan that are not shit, so they will only become more expensive.

970 and 750ti are possibly gonna be around until 2018 at this point. There is really no reason for an upgrade, worst of it all, 2016 games see no benefits frim this cards until you run at a meme resolution. The industry is really trying to push the 1440p and 4K meme resolutions. I would buy one if I could find a 27" 1440p or 4K monitor that is not as expensive as a brand new computer.

Blower cards exhaust hot air from your case reducing your ambient case temperature. So in addition to being cheaper they look better and have better thermal performance too. Paying extra for a REPUBLIC OF GAYMERS AFTER MARKET CUSTOM COOLER is retarded aimed at ricers with more money than sense.

I'm buying two 1080's and a vive once the 1080's are in stock again.
Ask me anything


Literally who cares.

If the power setup is good, then reference cards are fine. Worst case scenario you have to put a third party cooler on that, which is exactly what AIB cards have anyway.

And in some cases reference cards are better, I'm rocking a reference 2gb 6950 that was unlocked to a 6970. AIB 6950s could not do that.

>Somebody installed a water cooler on one, it barely overclocks at all.

That's because reference cards don't have enough power headroom because of the 6-pin connector. They barely even run, let alone overclock.

AIB cards with 8-pin connector will be able to feed the card with enough current so overclocking can work to begin with.

what job do you have

If you have good airflow already, then a blower card isn't helping and an open-air cooler perform cooler and quieter.

Subsea engineer

Wait for non reference designs you mongoloid.

Well there's your problem. The 960 isn't meant to handle those resolutions in the first place. There's hardly any difference because the GPU's lack of raw power bottlenecks it before the lack of VRAM can. You'll note the difference in 1080p for Farcry 4 is more pronounced. Besides , the 680, 770, 960 and 970 have all now faced the situation of having "enough" RAM for their performance class at launch, then watched VRAM use climb, ultimately hindering performance compared to cards with more VRAM in the long run. The 1060 3GB will be another one of those cards, one to be avoided. Even with the 480 and its higher base RAM, it's still a case of better safe than sorry to go for the 8GB version.

>i7 3770
>I can play mostly everything that matters at 60FPS / 1080p

It is not that I do not want to upgrade, most likely to a 970 they ways things go or a GTX 1060, but the entire "Nvidia gets cucked in DX12" and AMD burning houses down, it feels like a shitty time to upgrade, at this point I could save and build an even better computer this time next year. I was honeslty looking forward to a GTX 1070. Might as well just save for a full upgrade next year witha 1440p

Unfortunately, you can say this when the game is actually optimized to use a certain amount of VRAM, do you really think that every game will perform the same with a 4GB or a 2GB card?
Developers are lazy nowadays. The majority of games are going to use as much ram as the video card has, in order to function properly.

my EVGA 1080 is coming Thursday. I'm upgrading from a 270x. I can't wait.

>3gb will be enough for 1080p.

Run this, tell me your framerate nigger.

>$799 card runs as well as a $399 AMD card on Dx12
>This is fine

Not, it is not fine. It is certainly not fine at all.

That's exactly why the 6GB version will cost a fuckton more (like 100$ more) than the 3GB version.
Nvidia know this very well.

It does, but early indications are that so do the AMD cards in real-world scenarios.

To a certain extent, much of the issue right now is likely to be immature drivers and lack of optimization in the games themselves; the odd game that has been well optimized for DX12 tends to fly in the benchmarks and they then skew the numbers even more by selecting the rare games coded to be capable of getting a meaningful boost from Crossfire/SLI setups.

Non-blower designs can run cooler and quieter if your case has great airflow. I use blowers in my current box because it only has average airflow but it's still quiet/powerful enough not to warrant any upgrades on that front yet. Current major bottleneck is the GPU, so I'll probably pick up a blower 1070 when the price falls a little, maybe see if there's something with slightly better VRAM than the reference.

>have 980
>update drivers
>15fps drop in games

How can I roll back? Is Nvidia already gimping maxwell to push their new shit?

>blower cards are better than open air coolers
holy shit you're the most retarded poster in this thread so far
Pascal has even better memory compression than Maxwell, and a lot of games that use more than 2gb vram don't actually go over 3gb.

>The majority of games are going to use as much ram as the video card has, in order to function properly.
The majority of gamers have older, mid range cards. It'll take a while before devs start developing games for 4gb as the default.

[Citation Needed]

Sorry, forgot my pic*

But DX12 literally doesn't matter. Any game thats actually worth playing is being developed for Vulkan.

Didn't you read about the 780 controversy of the updates? You shouldn't had to update since the new generation was out.
Try to remember the number of the driver and search it on google

>Biodumb 4: We miss the whole point of the series edition
>A game that matters
Surely you jest user
However, I am running D44M 40 FPS at 1080p on medium settings, and DS3 on 60 FPS medium 1080p as well.

>"you won't need more than 3.5GB Vram, I promise you goy!"

I really want to know how the 480 compares to the 290x since that was my old card before my house literally burned down (inb4 >amd) but every fucking benchmark skips the 290x for some reason

Nigger its a remake of the first and isn't even being made by Irrational.


It's the way it's meant to be played

Can't wait for the tears of the people who fell for the 980ti meme as soon as they start getting drivercucked

t. 780ti owner

>Early Game garbage
>Expecting any sort of optimization.

I bought stand-alone DayZ where my 980 and i7 were used in 20% while my fps dropped to 30. I'll never ever again buy an early access game.

The problem with the 970 is that the last .5gb vram is slower and slows down all of the vram once it starts being used. I'm not a fanboy, I'd tell people not to get the 8gb rx 480 as well.

One poorly optimized game doesn't prove anything except that the devs were lazy.

Like what? I can only think of mount & gay: gaylords, and Deliverance.

I am sure I can run M&B and Surge already on my current PC, but the point is that even if I needed to upgrade, and I want to, these cards are shite.

I don't like Nvidia because they're a shitty company that gimps their cards and overcharges for green LEDs, but if they manage to make a card better than the RX 480 for a similar price point, I'll be buying it. Anything will be a massive upgrade for my toaster, I just want to not have to spend $600 for a fucking GPU when I could just buy a console and save $200 to spend on games.

got this 1070 on order, should hold me until HBM2, DX12 and 4K 120hz

here's your (you)

Out of fairness it should be noted that the Hyper Settings are a joke (mentiond in your pic source video) and don't increase the graphics by a big margin to be of an issue for the 970.

and what's in it for me?
I might download it later, I am not on my other pc, I am on a thinkpad procrastinating

Every game that runs on Unreal Engine 4 and new Source

>f they manage to make a card better than the RX 480 for a similar price point

that is how you consumerize.

I'll only retire my 290 when a card comes out that outperforms it for 150€

4k is a gimmick for faggots anyway

Waiting for inevitable 480x for maximum bangs to minimum bucks

Does pretty well assuming you win the silicon lottery

so.. a bunch of indie games and cs:go



you forgot vr, and early access surival games
games that not even a GTX 1070 can max out due to piss optimization.

>Only indie games run on UE4

>.5gb vram is slower and slows down all of the vram

But that's literally the opposite to what's happening in reality. Do you actually own 970? Yes the last 0.5gb is gimped but it doesn't magically make the first 3.5gb run like shit. Because of sudden difference in bandwidth you experience stuttering and random fps drops every time software tries to access that last 0.5gb of ram. I ran every game that actually uses those 4 gigs of vram and honestly all I experienced is micro stuttering in games like Shadow of Mordor and Lords of the Fallen. Not to mention there are like 5 games top that can actually reach this amount of vram and most 1440p/ultra detailed games reach Load limit way b4 vram bottleneck. I was thinking about making a series of webms showing those games with 970 but I don't care enough to prove shills wrong. Still shame on Nvidia, I wish they could gimp 970 in some other, more reasonable way. It was simply too strong for its money, and even now, 2 years later it still can run most 1080p games in ultra while being oced to 980 stock levels.

>fell for the 290/X meme

Nvidiabros get to upgrade their cards every year thanks to the gimped performance and yet AMD refuses to cuck their old cards, giving them more and more performance over time.



Any reason why I should buy a new gpu, and not a new PS4 and enjoy this, cuck of war, spider-man and bloodborne?

It is about the same price as a 970 SC

He is kind of right desu. It's either Indie or unoptimized glitchy garbage made by companies like Tripwire (I still love RO2 though)

Enjoy your analog sticks.

>tfw lost my 290x rig in a literal house fire
>Have to settle for a 480 this time since I don't have as much money as I did back then

I don't own a 970. I own a 1070. My understanding of the issue was that all of the ram slows down to the speed of the lower .5gb partition so that they stay in sync once that last .5gb starts being used.

it's all unoptimized indie shit

Stop looking at it in the short term. UE4 and Source are both embracing vulkan, how many UE3 games were there? Now think about how many UE4 games there will be.

i've been getting better FPS in recent drivers now that you mention it.

No, the last .5 just runs like shit causing microsutters.

But all thats being developed is INDIE SHIT

Name a single PS4 exclusive on unreal engine 4 that people actually care about

So far the worst part about Pascal has been the shitty founders editions (no shit, they're reference models) and the insanely low supply. It was basically a paper launch that continues to this day.

This applies to all cards released right now.

>Buying reference cards

>UE4 and Source are both embracing vulkan
This makes my dick hard, I'll probably buy a second SSD to install Linux on if more games become available for it.

Do you think M$ would ever go open source with their DX12 thus literally killing any opposition?

Hate to bring this up guys, but you don't have to actually buy a new card this generation, especially if both sides are shit.

I bought a 290X a year ago, and have been waiting for AMD HBM2 cards to launch. Looks like I'll get to enjoy my purchase for at least another 6 months.

>le nVidia gimpworks meme
Why is this even a thing, nVidia doesn't '''''''gimp''''''' any of their products, the older cards just aren't as good at running newer titles as their current lineup.

It's not gimping per say but dropping drivers support for $500 cards like 780 Ti 2 years after their release is a massive dick move.

No way. Everything indicates Microsoft is trying to tighten their grip on PC gaming, not loosen it.