Lewd thread

number 2

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>I think she wants to have sex.
Come again?

Best grill to be (quite) honest. If only for shortening playing time by about half, kek.

She needs your sword for something, I think.


Are 2 of them pregnant or just fat

It is funny how the main character in that VN was either halfdense or he knew exactly what was going on.

I really liked it how even though it was obvious she was a tragic heroine that you were supposed to shoot down the game still allowed you to go with her.


If this user is still around:

>I thought for a moment I had no idea how to write a woman

No offense user, but I don't think that's how it works.

There are at least 7 billions of people on Earth, if we assume that there's a 50:50 repartition of men and women, that's way more than enough to be able to say that you can't really write an archetype personality, because in the end there are so many possibilities out there with ~3,5 billion people of each sex that probably no personality can be defined as "normal" or fitting to a gender's general behavior.

I want to fuck a girl