What are your favorite /m/ games?
Nightmare mode: no Armored Core, Xenoblade X, or SRW
What are your favorite /m/ games?
Nightmare mode: no Armored Core, Xenoblade X, or SRW
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>no SRW
Nah, fuck you, it's probably the only series left that does justice to mecha
Well you already pictured and mentioned most of my favorites, but the others are Mechwarrior 2. and Front Mission.
Hard mode, huh? Phantom Crash is cool. Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner is great.
Metal Storm. I feel in love with it even more after watching Arino play it on GCCX.
It has some of the best spritework i've seen.
I've been playing ZOE and so far I've beenenjoying it more than 2.
Does Xenogears count?
How? That fucking MC is such an expy of Shinji.
does it have robots?
if yes, maybe
if no, no