You can only post in this thread if you're taller than Todd

You can only post in this thread if you're taller than Todd.

What if I'm the same height as him ?



>tfw 6'4"

damn that guy must be like 7'5

lmao Todd is 5'2 at best

>being under 7 feet tall

I want manlets to leave

>I'm 6'3"
>slightly too tall to comfortably ride a sports bike
>wish I was 5'11" or 6'

The girl in this photo is 5'5''

yes yes, ha ha everyone, what a funny joke. I'd like to remind all of you to purchase Doom™, an id SOFTWARE® a subsidiary of Bethesda Softworks® and Zenimaz Media® and its Season Pass

He reminds me of a slinky.



what the fuck

>wearing heels

Todd is probably between 5'2 and 5'5

He lookd like s Souls enemy.

>Tfw Asian and 6'2''
>Bang my head on everything because busses and stuff were designed for the average Asian who is much shorter

Japan or chingchong?

>CBR600 fits me like a glove

hungry skellington
honestly looks like a fall would shatter him to pieces
