"'BioShock Infinite' is not being remastered on PC because it already meets current-gen console standards and runs...

>"'BioShock Infinite' is not being remastered on PC because it already meets current-gen console standards and runs smoothly on high visual settings," the developer wrote on Steam.

Ken Levine basically confirming that the BioShock Infinite """remaster""" isn't actually adding anything we haven't already seen to the table, just bringing consoles to the same visual fidelity as the PC version. What are your thoughts on this, Sup Forums?

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>BioShock Infinite' is not being remastered
>BioShock Infinite """remaster"""
dumb faggot cunt OP

Good. Infinite was objectively shit.

I could already tell the "remaster" looked exactly like what I already had

Is this the remaster or modded BS1? I have it on PC and it definitely never looked that good for me.

sour grapes much ?

>that face

what the fuck does he even do these days?

Probably cause you didn't play it on a 4k monitor like that user did.


>Good. Infinite was objectively shit.

Are you serious? It was an all around great game and I don't know many people who would argue against that. You probably just didn't understand the story or found the combat too hard.

nope vanilla max settings Bio and that scene is ruined when you can notice how the skybox is a laughably close flat texture a stone's toss away from the lighthouse, really needed some fog to hide that shit. I think they didn't expect you to turn around, being all distracted by the lighthouse

So they are just selling the game again for consoles for full price.

The best part is that consolefags are going buy it anyway. Also smells like outsourced chink port.

They're remastering the entire series, you dolt.

well... SS2 is going to be left out in the cold for a while but it already has mods that are way better than an official would get anyway

remaster looks better but good try tard

>plot twist: that's actually the PC version

And? Infinite is, by far, the worst game in the series. Who the fuck cares?

You cared enough to reply, so there's that. Thanks for the bump by the way, can you do it again?

i want bs2 comparisons out of all the games its the one is most need of at least a texture overhaul

Really? It's the same UE 2.5 1 ran on but improved. Has less texture pop issues and looks slightly better overall while being mostly the same visually

I don't think it was complete shit but it was definitely the weaker of the three.

>You probably just didn't understand the story
Are you joking?
>found the combat too hard
The enemies stand out in the open like retards shooting at you. Now I know you're definitely joking.

Why does he look so confused in the new version?

Was the original version better?

he bet on Duke

Yes. His face was more intimidating in the original version. He looks goofy as fuck in the new one.

>mustache is gone

i guess cutting those 6 polygons really increased performance!

First the Arkham games, now this.

Why do """""remasters""""" look so bad?

I'll give them credit the gold texture actually looks better than the muddy bronzish of the old one, the model is worse though

>bullet sponge
>2 weapons
>shitty upgrade system
>Waifu daughter that you expect to fug at the end
>supposed to be this racist place but ends up being pretty great aside from people joking about "black coffee"
>unimaginative guns

here's a (you) though

No because that facial expression is not fitting for a statue any statue

This is how a statue of Andrew Ryan would look like

Not even just the statue, check out that brick wall texture in the background. They made it look worse.

I have a feeling that a Randian statue wouldn't be a giant bust glaring down at you at all but a freestanding full scult heroically posed, either looking up (but not at the heavens) or straight ahead. But then again Ryan is a shit Objectivist.

>smuggling in a free economy

who cares about that shitty game anyway?

>kick-kicksstarted reMASTER master master done in Unity. It isn't befitting of a goddess

Neat, if you own the PC version of 1 and 2 you get the remaster for free.

The texture is actually a lot better, they replaced the specular map with a material shader for stone or concrete so a lot of the implied detail from the shininess is lost.

Still, the original wall is flat as fuck compared to the new one.

the statue should be deteriorated and muddy looking, its not like there's anyone around anymore that can go polish it and keep it shiny.

Yeah, I made sure to pick up Bioshock 1 for $4 before the sale ended cause of this.

Thankfully the Arkham remaster was postponed indefinitely.

He looks like your stereotypical kike drawn by Ben Garrison.

>Lighthouse groundskeeper remains last sane and most loyal citizen of Rapture, dutifully shining the statue as his paychecks arrive by pnuemo

I hope Minerva's Den gets some of this shameless cash in attention too, great DLC but the environments were fairly dull recycled assets

So this costs 60 bucks? What do I gotta pay to have them keep everything except Bioshock 2 and Minerva's Den out?

If you own it on PC (on Steam), you get the remasters for free.
If you own it on consoles, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

relaxed and confident expression not looking up heroically or looking down at you

well, a heroic (in a Howard Roark sense) confidence, the essence of the "Mr Superman" scene

I usually like a lot of games Sup Forums hates like Vanilla Skyrim, Fallout 3 and 4, Uncharted series and such. But Infinite sucked major dick. It was a bullshit mess. I can ignore a bad story if the gameplay is okay, it was not, it was shit.


Shock is the series user

fuck his elizavbeth body pillow

No, fuck you. Just because that works with Souls doesn't mean it also works here.

>same visual fidelity as the PC version
>probably zero anti-aliasing except FXAA
>no AF

iirc AA options in original Bio are shit too

What kinda of bullshit answer is this?

The reason things looked reflective in the old one is because it's a goddamn underwater base; of course things are going to look slick and specular.

The reason there's a boring brick wall in the new one isn't because the developers thought, "hmm, this texture could really use an upgrade" and replaced it. No, they replaced it because whatever stupid engine they use for the remaster can't replicate the effects.

Dead Island remasters had the same butchery going on. In fact, most remasters do. If you're playing on a PC, there's absolutely no reason to ever get these dumb remasters.

but user, you can have mods!

fuck the mods and fuck the police, i don't want to see nude loli little sisters

>full power

Levine is not involved with Bioshock collection, he just gave his commentaries for the commentary track
>BioShock Infinite """remaster"""
Read the paragraph you quoted retard, Infinite is not being remastered. It's "Bioshock Collection" with remastered 1 and 2

>Bethesda still trying that shit after the mess that was FO4 console mods

also unless they make it easy to convert older skyrim mods onto the "remastered" edition why would anybody bother with modding it?

>Read the paragraph you quoted retard, Infinite is not being remastered.

It would seem you should do the same. It's being "remastered" for consoles as part of the bundle.

Outsourced ports.

Chinks port the entire stuff for cheap. And maybe steal your engine too.

no to derail from bioshock but

>SKSE and SKYUI never ever
>80% of mods won't work
>CBBE, FNIS, and loverslab never ever

Unannounced narrative driven project that's not Bioshock, it has smaller team and is not AAA.

It's being ported you stupid retard, it changes platform but not the content

Yes, it's being ported but they're calling it a remaster. That's why I've been putting the word "remaster" in quotes. Seriously, how dense are you?

the story was okay, it tried interesting things but it was doomed from the fact that it had to come after the great stories in bioshock 1 and 2

the combat though? nigga are you fucking SERIOUS? EVEN IN 1999 MODE OR WHATEVER IT WAS CALLED THE COMBAT WAS SHIT

like NIGGA every single tonic was garbage and it was way more efficient and enjoyable just to shoot the fuckers, and every gun felt like ass and the level design was a major step down from the series.


left irrational to make even shittier games sasuga Levine

How do you even manage to make a C96 and a saw attached to your hand boring?

this is bait

>postponed indefinitely

wait what, source?

>full power


1 = 2 >>>>>> Infinite

To be fair, I actually really enjoyed Infinite, but it's inferior to the previous two in almost everyway. I wish the Bioshock name wasn't attached to it either.

Good, WB just keeps fucking up. After the shit they pulled with Knight they still haven't learned. The ''''''''remaster''''''' was looking hilariously bad.

2 > 1 >>>> Infinite

1 = Better atmosphere, levels and story
2 = Better gameplay

I dunno which to pick. I found Infinite terribly boring and dumbed down as fuck though.

That's why they're equal to me.

Burial at Sea was fucking great though. I just wish they had made more connections to the original two in the main game.

>You probably just didn't understand the story or found the combat too hard.

Also, am I the only one who actually misses the wrench? That was my main weapon in the first one.

The entire game should've just been Burial at Sea. (But, you know, longer.)

it is tradition (although a pipe has greater historical precedent)

>select all images that contain lighthouses

they're getting Ubisoft levels of bad

If you aren't using text captcha you need to fuck off. is that way

>it took this long for journos to get Infinite is shit

Burial at Sea was great... until they completely fucking changed Daisy's motives.

It went from showing that revolutions aren't black and white. There are fucked up situations on both sides. Into she dinidu nuffin wong.


they pay some lip service but none of them have actually read this shit, have they?

That's a good boy, let it all out. I bet you really feel like you fit in after this post, don't you?

Jeez Louise I didn't know it was this bad

I can just get 1 and 2 with all the DLC's in one pack for a cheaper price. Who cares if it has last gens graphics? It's not like this remaster is going to vastly improve anything.

That bioshock map isn't bad. It's actually great level design. since there is many levels to it.

Bioshock is also far more fun and interesting then SS series. Point proven with infinite.

>Bioshock is also far more fun and interesting then SS series. Point proven with infinite.

Opinion discarded.

you get the remasters for free if you own BS1+2 on steam
and the BS1 port is ass, so this may or may not be it's saving grace

it runs flawlessly 200+fps in 4K on my machine senpai, have you tried checking to see if the toast is done?

It's Unreal 2, what problems you have with it?

Ken Levine probably read the cliff notes version of Atlas Shrugged

>trains be running like shit yo
>le wacky oil man burns it all down
>my wife is a bitch boy I loves metal
>everyone hold the fuck up for the next 70 pages, I have something to say
>something something capitalism wins


not that you idgit. I mean it's just a shoddy port
some people can't run it at all, like it just won't start for them, and you have to edit files to turn off mouse acceleration and such.

It's true though.
>playing on PC

Bioshock isn't a must play on PC. I bought it on Xbox.