Brb wife aggro

>brb wife aggro

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fake, I can't believe some people actuallly say that.

>brb dinner
>brb smoke
>brb mom calling
>brb gotta take dog out

Well you don't have a wife how would you know? Neither do I.

brb i think my neighbors were just murdered lol


>Team based game
>"brb smoke break"
>We all have to wait for some faggot because he's too weak to not smoke for one fucking day.

I do, but I don't feel like showing up to everyone I play with I have one by telling them
>brb baby is crying
>my wife is calling me XD
babies first gf just have to tell everyone they managed to get one while you are still alone.

How do you reverse the image like that to make it look like the steering wheel is on the other side?

>drive by happens
>I should get my gun and check to make sure no one is dying
can't wait for ameritards gamejournos to get triggered by this concept

I get triggered by the idea of some rando playing hero, yeah.

jap cars are made backwards

>*audible bong rip*

>being a first responder is playing hero
I played hero last week when a drunk driver crashed into the side of my apartment building. I stayed and played hero until the cops showed up and arrested him.

Yeah let's compare two completely different scenerios.

>guys do you smoke weed?
>why don't you smoke weed lol

that stage looks sick af
i thought swbf only had the snow and desert places

>incident is over
>someone may be hurt and dead
>acting as a first responder
are you actually retarded? do you work for kotaku or something?

I hope you get fucked up and no one comes to help you. Google what happens in China if you get fucked up on the street because people don't want to "play hero".

>dude. I am soooooooooooooooooo high right now

I'm not arguing against being a first responder generally, just against being one against some psycho with a gun.

Join the police if you want to be a vigilante.

>you can't defend someone from psychos who want to murder them

I remember niggas saying 'wife agro' when I was 10 years old playing Everquest

Good times. Being a youngfag and being able to blend in was fucking great times, man

so you're stating that medical situations caused by intentional violence shouldn't be responded to by civilians?

I hope you get punched in the face, fall down, have a concussion and no one helps you because the perp still might be within a 5 block radius. You later die from brain swelling.

Get fucked.

all I said was it triggered me. There's no reason to believe you're capable of saving me. You're just some asshole with a gun for all I know.

>I just got shot a bunch of times
>bleeding out
>maybe that guy next door will come help me
>naw, there's no reason a asshole with a gun could help me

>id rather die than have someone with a gun come to my aid
are all liberals this dumb

>You will never drive a car while dressed as Reimu

this guy has a point

on one hand the guy could apply basic first aid and call 911.

on the other hand he might try to perform first aid with his gun and accidentally shoot me in my bullet wounds

Had a drunken neighbor come onto my property and start pounding on my windows. Sure enough, had I shot the guy, I would be in jail. The police hauled him off and said I did the right thing. An ambulance even came by just in case.

what does someone trespassing on your property have to do with responding to a medical emergency?


People are saying this in the mmo I'm playing. It real.

fuck off Alex, no one likes you.

It's real, but only an idiot would play with strangers when there's a possibility of it happening, or if you need to be on baby duty.

I either play solo games now or only play multiplayer games with guys who know me and don't care if I have to get up in the middle of a game, I'm not an inconsiderate fucking idiot like some people.