Best RPG of 2016 2bh
Best RPG of 2016 2bh
Aside from the awful cutscene system and endless backtracking, it's pretty good.
I'm waiting eagerly for the possible PC version.
garbage gameplay and A.I
fucking zestiria is better and that game was shit
what makes the gameplay bad?
>nearly every review is saying this is the worst JRPG ever
>start playing it,
>its fine
I don't get it. I mean, its not a 9/10 or anything but battles are fun, smooth fps, characters are nice. Then again, I did just finish reading the Eurogamer review where the guy basically said it was shit because its not Witcher 3 so who fucking knows.
How hard are those portal things? I haven't done any yet but I've walked by 2 of them so far. Do they respawn or did I miss them forever?
U jelly?
Slightly. How did you get it?
Anime expo. They were there to shill the game
They're not too hard, once you have 4 characters not counting Relia you should be able to do it
And they do respawn even once you've cleared it
If you find one with a Storm Dragon at the end you might be fucked. Awesome weapon from the chest afterwards though.
Should have bought the Collector's Edition, my man.
6 skills per character and 4 attacks that never change. Close light heavy/ and long light/heavy attacks. Literally tard mode Tales.
>get a random PA in the field talking about how Fiore used to keep lizards as pets
>later in town see a PA where Miki and Anne are arguing over cats vs dogs
>they ask for my choice and I pick lizards
>they both call me retarded
>hear Fiore sneeze in the distance
god almighty everybody looks cool on the cover art but jesus christ i can't get past how horrific their faces are in game
this girl is certainly the worst though
fucking japanese and their sneezing myth
so this is the power of the PS4
It's not amazing but it's fun.
>playing this on PS3
greatest mistake i ever done
I wonder if Persona 5 will suffer from this too.
Still one of the dumbest designs ever conceived.
best ass of 2016
>all those piratefags braggin about how they will be playing on PS3
>it runs like shit
Fucking hilarious.
That reminds me, I need to replay this on Chaos.
Seems fine to me.
That darned Victor! Stealing my waifu's heart like that.
at least PS3 version is
will play the PC version too soon, cuck
Anne is
Ah, I see.
what a minute
are there costumes in-game then
i just got to santeroule
That font looks like utter shit.
Hana a cute
>tfw no English PS3 version of SO5
Someone buy me a ps4 & this game plz.
>Get PA with Emmerson and Victor talking about love and how it gets in the way of training
>Tell them love can make you stronger
>Fidel goes into some long ass speech about it
>They both tell me "no it doesn't you retard, fuck off"
Probably the only time the game made me laugh.
I love Pervert Actions.
They're always been a terriblly executed mechanic
No one will know what im referring too unless you are true to your weaboo way.
Unless you're talking about the "free-moving camera during cut-scenes", which is actually great
>start playing the game
>you can emote and move the camera around during cutscenes
>move Fidel around
>you can see the characters' expressions
>huh, neat
>search some stuff online
>apparently the fact that there are no "proper" cutscenes is blasphemy
fucking normies. do you want cutscenes or fucking not? after all the bitching about cutscenes in jrpgs. the game isn't amazing, but the cutscene thing is actually kinda novel desu.
I thought it was a fun if vaguely meaningless mechanic
How wacky do the emotes get
You can do some fun things with them
How the hell do you fo emotes during the cutscenes?
The game has proper cutscenes. Just not tons of them.
Honestly, one big problem with the game is it's pacing. I would have preferred more cut scenes because the game makes you feel like you're constantly being rushed.
At one point something happens and you're told to come back in a few days. You go away and do stuff for a few minutes (literally in game minutes, there is even a timer) and when you come back it's done.
The entire game has this kind of feeling to it. Like you meet Relia and have known her for 5 fucking minutes, but the next time you talk to someone you're suddenly willing to risk your life for her and act like you've known her forever.
It's just weird.
How's the game? Is the gameplay still fun? I don't even care that much about the story since this is Star Ocean we're talking about, I just want a fun game to play. PC port when?
The cutest star ocean
>Weird 3d interpretation of the art style which ends up making half the characters look like a potato.
>Combat is just watered down Tales with worse AI and less interesting combos and mix up and mechanics that don't work properly
>Game is short
>limited to 2 skills at a time
desu the game is pretty much Star Ocean at heart, the problem a lot of people have is that it was being sold up as being this amazing game when ultimately it failed to deliver anything more than previous installments. So if you liked old SO games, you might still like it.
Once you unlock the ability. You have to do the Welch mission first.
Did anyone have to turn off volcanic burst for Miki cause I can't see shit whenever she casts it
Seconding this. Every button I press does nothing. Do you just slide the touchpad to do it?
I think that was already confirmed, if not highly likely. We'll probably know by the end of the year.
The blueberry one or the juice one?
through side quests i think?
star ocean has always been weird. i'm disappointed that square obviously gave them no money to make the thing and then marketed it as a big AAA title when it's clearly not. it's the same cheesy, star trek-rip off stuff from the others games (so far, haven't finished it yet). i like the cutscene system because it makes the real cutscenes an actual treat, rather than just another cutscene. i dunno, maybe i'm being kind, but i am genuinely enjoying the game. just kinda surpised at all the bad reviews (and they're not just bad, they're vitriolic, it's weird).
>Bringing that shit on the plane where TSA will fuck with
Common son use your head
Welch Vineyard. The blond girl in the house, in the first town after you leave your village.
I like walking around in cutscenes and merging with people
One I got it to look like Miki was hugging Fidel
dont bother, PS3 version runs and looks like total shite
It's an alright game, but suffers from so many small problems that 20 hours in you're just sick of them all and wonder how the fuck the developers thought any of it was a good idea.
People like to jump on the hate bandwagon
I own the original Star Ocean but never played it. Any good? JRPGs aren't really my thing
Like SNES or first departure?
Pretty sure I'm almost done.
Now on the new ship
Better or Worse than last hope?
yeah, the camera bobbing is pretty bad, for example. i'm not saying the game is amazing (it's not) but it's not hurr total shit 2/10 either. i'm surpised though, resonance of fate was the last tri-ace game i played and it was a lot more polished than SO5, so i'm suprised things like camera bobbing/fidel skating around/skills being in two seperate menus weren't sorted out.
anything is better than last hope.
Better story, graphics and characters. Worse gameplay
Im pretty far enough into the game(after the part where they lose the loli to the enemy) to give my honest opinion and ill give you the break down:
I dont like having the entire party on the battle field.
They should have stuck with a max of 4 members on the field while switching out if you desire.
Having everyone on the field make its very hard to see what going on and whos doing what and this applies to the enemies and bosses as well.
This is why i find myself getting hit so much in battle even though you have a big ass flash at the top of the screen for what attack is about to happen its happens non stop so you lose track and eventually just start looking for visual ques.
Having the entire team available in battle half the time makes battles a bit to easy sometimes as everyone attacks all at once you tend to steam roll half the fights you get into(but i am still progressing thru story).
I had my first game over during the mission where you must protect anne(best girl) from the robots in the place where Relia was born.
I had my first character death in battle after the battle in the capital and Relia transports everyone to sohma(or whatever its called) and those fucking snow mermaids hit hard as fuck even though i though my self to be a bit over leveled from all the grinding and side quest missions i have been doing non stop at every opportunity.
I'd say the game has a difficulty spike when you first reach the snow plain, but i assume i still have much further to go in the story so that leaves some speculation.
Having 3-4 characters in battle would actually allow you to use proper tactics instead of just spamming strong attacks and never gettign hit cause the enemies have 6 other choices to choose from to attack.
Im 26:35 into the game and can assume im about a quarter of the way finshed with the game based on the fact that my characters are in their 40s in the level category.
great game
Interesting that SO3 basically beats this in every way.
Hell, I think SO3's graphics/style works better than SO5's.
in hours??????
nigga, i did everything in 30 and 20 with just the main campaign
why the fuck do you suck?
oh shit I fucked up actually I own the second one on PS1
>26 hours
so the "it's only 20 hours long!" is a big meme then. you been doing sidequests and pas and shit?
yeah, SO3 is awesome, i love that game. why they chose fucking rogue galaxy over it to release on ps4, i don't know. SO2 is joint-best.
Nope. You are about 60% done.
Just about any game is better than Last Hope. In this version, you can actually kill the bosses without being hit over 100 times.
They are all pretty likeable to be completly honest.
No one is ass cringy ass star ocean 4 and the voice acting is pretty damn good.
Would like some alternate costumes tho
>post content
Work in progress
Overall the game is a 7.5 on my jrpg meter and thats pretty damn good aside from its minor flaws
it is not a meme
That one's good. Top-tier music, fun characters. Battle system is simple but very playable even today.
Well they also ported DC1 before DC2 so
Some people like to relax while gaming.
Yea Fidel is chill, Miki's not preachy/overly sugary like most first-female-companions. No one's overly "too cool" or grimdark
Even the Loli isn't annoying
Fuck you. Don't say that.
Seriously I'm almost done right?
I'm doing the warp 15 cutscene.
you shouldn't fall asleep with the game running
I'm at around 18 hours (closer to 15 in actuality since I leave the game running while I do other things on occasion) and I don't think I'm anywhere near the end.
sorry mate, it's late and i don't know what that is. jog my memory?
big thing i prefer over SO4 - i don't want to punch any of the characters. miki is fine, the loli is not lymle and no one is overly dark or edgy. i was sad about there being no visual representation of new weapons though, that really sucks. disappointed with that.
The only thing worse in SO5 is the unskippable cutscenes where all you can do is move around Fidel while you're forced to listen to people talking. This is what happens when you cater to "muh immersion" fags.
Dark Cloud 1/2
Also SO4 basically makes nice improvements in many aspects but are steps backward in others (the battle system!?)
I seriously need help on SO5.. I'm trying to get more welch quests to unlock item crafting. I've only done her first one and i'm at the part where I go into the lab relia is from. The next quest won't activate no matter how long i grind or how far i walk from myokki or whatever it's called. Whats the requirements to unlock the 2nd quest?
I think you need Miki in your party for the next quest to activate.
I'm around the same place you're at in the story and pretty much agreed on all points. Can't see shit in battles (the camera doesn't help) with all the spells getting spammed so if you're playing a melee character you're going to get hit and lose some of your rush gauge which is very annoying. If I switch to a range though I can build it but it's not as fun sitting back throwing spells for me.
I'm at 23:30 on the game clock and I did a lot of backtracking for side quests
ah, dark cloud, thanks. SO4 would've been a fine star ocean, but the story and characters just ruin it for me. i can usually get on with a jrpg (or any game) if the gameplay is fun enough, but it was a step down from SO3 in terms of battle anyway, and then the fucking story - the fucking story and unlikeable characters. i stopped playing after edge maverick (EDGE FUCKING MAVERICK) destroyed alt. earth via his retardation and his team were basically like "lol get over it". just fucking awful, couldn't play it anymore. it's the only game from recent memory i just couldn't finish because of problems outside the gameplay.
All Welch quests are based off story progression. If you leave the lab, then return, only for her to explain what the newest unlock does, you have to progress further.
Wait did I say SO4? I meant SO5.
SO4 is.. I guess also the same. Better battle system, worse characters and story.
Tri-Ace just get it right already
Also oddly Edge Maverick wasn't edgy or a maverick
>so the "it's only 20 hours long!" is a big meme then. you been doing sidequests and pas and shit?
Yep, Sup Forums and reviwers are full of shit,user.
Not to metion listening to all the "privat action" dialog side quest(listening to characters talk about them selves,past experiences and each other.
Games got some good padding if you are a true weeb.
I know this is blashempy around theses parts but can we all admit that the english dub is pretty damn good?
Nothing sounds forced or cringy and everyone sounds natural.
Maybe persona 5 wont sound that bad if its anywhere nar this lvl of acting.
It's not bad. Like a solid 7.5/10. Sometimes it feels off, though I can't tell if it's the writing or the actors
I hate that shit in the cut scenes. I feel like I am playing some shitty Korean MMO. I have shelved game for the time being. I might sell it on ebay so I don't even have to look at the piece of shit.
They didn't try at all with this game. I loved the previous games even though 4 was pretty awful. But SO5 is just so fucking retarded even 4 has better gameplay. Why did they even bother to make this fucking game? I would rather they just kill the series entirely. Instead we get this half assed train wreck of a game.
Yeah the dub is fine. I played the first 10 hours with english voices and the next 10 hours with jap and I could go for either one to be honest
You are the shit player user.
True weaboo 100% jrpg and im going for dat plat trophy
I think the gameplay is better than 4's for the sole reason of getting rid of Blindsides. That mechanic took all the fun out of SO4's battles.