Sup Forums, explain this

Sup Forums, explain this.

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That appears to a japanese crow.

weebs are shit at making memes

dumb crowposters

I want to cum inside her with my penis. If you catch my drift.

Pump the rump?

closet furry pedophiles sexualizing a baby crow by making monster girl fanart

Post more? Sure thing, chief.

tfw I have the same haircut

I seriously should think about cosplaying pump a rum someday

If Dark Souls 3 weren't such shit, she could've gone far

But Pump-a-Rump doesn't weigh 200 pounds.

how does this work in DaS3.

I dropped an item but nothing happened. Did it change what I needed to drop?

Why did you have to hurt me like that user. Now I'm in a sad mood.

You could do a 9/10 cosplay if pic related is you

have fun with wearing that pieces of cloth

>Tear up brown paper bag and wrap it around your lewd bits
>Buy black harpy wings from costume store
>Smear a little black on cheeks
There, perfect cosplay

yeah it's me .
crow wings will be heard to come by

Monster Musume


Crow with girly voice



what was the picture

surely someone here had to have saved it

The result of years of undead warriors journeying to the painted world and having unprotected sex with Velka's servants.

White bois failing to realize that there are two crows.

manly tears in a dress and a wig

it's not a wig. I just styled my hair a bit

shitty artists trying to cash in on dank memes 3. picklepee and pump a rum are two different crows.

Post it again faggot



Angel wings might be easier to find. All you need to do is paint'em black.

put some black pillow cases over the arms

good idea.
? why?

itll look like crow wings

We need to go deeper!

Bruh I don't know about you but I'd be totally alright with a harpy waifu. Or bird husbando.

What do you mean nothing happened? If she says no, then you obviously dropped the wrong item.


> check Steam Top 100 to see what the most popular games are
> find Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin near the bottom
> search for Dark Souls 1 on the list
> nearly 30% more players are still playing DS1 than DS2

I guess it ages pretty well. Didn't expect it to have such a a dedicated community to this day.

DS2 community is split between DS2 vanilla and SotFS

It doesn't, it's just that global restart was not long ago and some people sticked around. Just a single week before global restart it was dead.

A drawfag designed a waifu to go along with a voice and people went along with it because through dick, unity.

you wouldn't fuck a crow

explain my 5

I dropped an item, what she said sounded like approval, went back but no item

and I bet it's still lower than DaS

You didn't reload the game did you?

I warped out and warped back

You don't need to reload the game to pick items up now.

pls, no bully. I swear

Post it

>those thighs

Its interesting how people went with the same design everytime.
What is the original image that spawned this design anyway?

The "you.. you.." always remind me of this

It's pretty much black papi

"Monster Girls were a mistake" - Satan



I thought they were made by horny travelers millennia ago because they dreamt of stuff to fuck while on their travels.

Satan is the king of demons and monsters so I assume monster girls are his doing as well.

Proof that weebs need to be killed.

I thought he was the lord of the flies.

No that's Beelzebub.

No need to hate fun user.

Gamers are sexist and sexualize everything.

Go home tumblr you're drunk

I want to fuck that crow

I thought the dark souls series took places in a nation that wasn't Japan

Im gonna fuck the bird.

>The average crow has the mental capacity of a small child.
>Wapanese personification exists.
Is the basic reason.

pretty sure op's image is the original

>The average crow has the mental capacity of a small child.
What are you on about Crows are pretty smart.

Why exactly is she invisible

Yes they are pretty smart if you consider the fact that they are tiny dumb birds.

>The average crow has the mental capacity of a small child.
Crows are really smart user. like, REALLY smart.

no IM gonna fuck the bird

you're a dumb bird.

You never see any of the crows

Too much work to make an extra model or maybe she is just very very tiny and in between the straw that makes the nest.

But small children are smart too. Their problem is that they can only think of ways to be retarded, but they do it REALLY well

One was a blacksmith.

When did these images even come about anyway?

>understand water displacement to a fairly high degree
>understand human traffic and use it in their favor

Crows are far smarter than a small kid.

I mean the trading crows. Yeah you get to see the harpy from 2 and the huge ass one from 1

What about that giant bird lady that sounded like a grandma?

That's very intelligent for an animal. Saying that an animal (a non-human animal for you fedora tippers) has intelligence compared to even a human child is unprecedented. There are very few other organisms on earth that can claim that. It's very intelligent, relative to most other animals.

That guy was just using that fact to play off the joke about Japan having a pedophile culture.

Weeaboos want to have sex with literally everything except for actual normal humans ironically.

That doesn't answer the question.

When someone thought that it would be cute to give the cute sounding bird a harpy appearance and then it gave people a boner so it became more common.

Dogs fucking suck at drinking water
Why didn't they evolve more efficient ways of drinking?

>That guy was just using that fact to play off the joke about Japan having a pedophile culture.
But it's westerners who think the crow is a monster girl.


You're right, lemme try again. "Crow" (that is invisible and is completely open to interpretation) + Little girl voice = Fan-art of said crow as a little girl/crow hybrid.

Because carnivores usually get all the water they need from the bodies of the animals they hunt.
There's a lot of blood/water in animal bodies, user.

That doesn't answer the question.

Whoops I'm dumb I read when as why. I don't know then.

Jesus FUCK user I am giving ample opportunity to redeem yourself and you just quit.

>With those fat weights hanging off her chest

that's a terrible evolutionary disadvantage and it only makes me want to fuck her more

Ooooooh look how much I care about how I can "redeem" myself for your sake.

Shut up and post more Picklepee crow goodness.

You fucked up reading the question twice. Don't get pissypants with me, bitchboi.

Look at their mouths. They don't have the same kind of lips that we do, so they can't purse their lips to create negative pressure like we can. Most predators drink the same way, though those with shorter snouts don't have to 'bite' at the water- see cats.
