What did he mean by this?

what did he mean by this?

He means only poorfags can't afford to buy games on release.

>give gold
you need to go back

but I was here before reddit was even founded :^)

>waiting for steam sales when you have g2a at your fingertips to get the game for half off at launch

>muh reddit is bad meme

That meme is six (6) years old. Stop it already.

>buying games on release
>not waiting 12 months for the GOTY release with 200% more content and a year's worth of patches because the game was rushed out unfinished

>muh reddit is good meme
And a meme being 50% of your age doesn't mean anything.

>buying food fresh
>not waiting until it spoils and gets thrown in the dumpster

That's how retarded you sound like right now

The meme is very very relevant
you gotta go back

>it's a food analogy episode

ok I laughed

more like taking a dish out of the oven halfway through cooking just to fill your mouth with something even if it doesn't taste good instead of waiting for the golden brown finish

A lot of food gets better with age, though.

>video games expire

He is right user
buying games for 60 bucks is retard
unless is that game you REALLY want and want to play it like a freak

Food analogies are instant "look at me, I'm fucking stupid" alerts.

So's your face


>amerifats can't understand something unless it's related to food

Can we somehow make this analogy burger themed?

do you enjoy paying to be a beta tester?

anti sjws derail more threads on Sup Forums than the stray tumblerite, and odd kotaku whale.

Make me, poltard

But user there are more games coming out than I can possibly play before the next one comes out. You think just because I have $3-4k extra dosh a month I should waste it on release prices?

I picked up Dying Light and Somicomi off this steam sale, I am enjoying them, it's nice to not pay $60 for shit... like I did for SO5.

He meant "I'm posting dumb shit on reddit I hope some retard takes a screencap of my post and brings it to Sup Forums haha"

I spent like 400 dollars on the steam sale.

I also easily was able to afford to.
I don't even like doritos or mountain dew, though I get the joke.

I only like cool ranch doritos on a sandwich, I can't stand chip residue on my fingers maybe I'm autistic or some shit.

nothing we can do to make you stop you from deep anal breathing

>the guys who are anti-censorship
>anti degeneracy
>just want to be contrarian


I'm with you. Even by skipping half the games I'm interested in I'm still trailing by a few years. I only got around to starting Witcher 3 and the only reason I achieved that was because I fastlaned it to the top of the pile over all the other games I have waiting. Before that I was playing mostly Rome Total War 2 and Dishonored.

To be fair, a lot of underage on Sup Forums think that the only reason someone wouldn't buy something is that they're poor. I mean, that's the entirety of the sour grapes meme.

>It's a "console gamer acts like all console gamers are normalfags and all PC gamers are neckbeards" episode.

I'm an idort myself, and I hate this "HURR WE'RE SO KEWL" attitude.

Yup, my backlog is pretty massive and a ton of it is RPGs so... it's gonna take quite some time to get thru. I don't get these people who buy new release games but don't have time to play them. Is it more satisfying to some people to know they're spending more money?

People just hate each other nowadays
even if that means they will hate each other based on the fact some purchase full price some don't

It's really sad but it's the current state of egocentric hipsterism

user you do realize that the entire economy is based on consumer whores? People who work so much for their expensive toys that they often don't even have the time to enjoy those same toys? And who didn't even need it in the first place?

I sometimes wonder, just sometimes, about how many people actively browse both Sup Forums and reddit.

Pretty much
I was one. Still feel ashamed.

Sup Forums isn't a secret anymore, I'm sure theres lots of cross posting.
Reddit has a fucking Sup Forums board.

When in doubt, post thispicture -> and wait for those who cry and write back in anger.

At least a nice house you can sleep in and an expensive car will take you to your work. And all the other stuff you can show off with. What's the point of having video games on your account that you haven't even started up? Especially once bought for full price. Nobody thinks you're cool for owning video games.

>Nobody thinks you're cool for owning video games.

Sometimes these people look at the mirror and say "I'm a cool guy" and that's enough.

I've been on Sup Forums since 2004 and on reddit since 2010.

I use reddit as a link aggregator service and it's good for that purpose but too often you have to check the comments for corrections or sources etc. and I tend to get wound up in some retarded argument by accident that make me wish I never entered the site in the first place.

I've been posting front page images from reddit as OP images for years now, and you fags even make the same comments as reddit does

I didn't even know of reddit before I heard it on here ages ago
fuck you

I've been on Sup Forums since 2m GET and on Reddit since 2010. I don't want to wait for a good rekt gif thread to start up on Sup Forums so shit like /r/watchpeopledie is handy to browse.

THIS, not buying a game at release is like getting a good Double McCheese without tipping the waitress.

I'll answer your question with another question.

If there's any actual shame related to people having an insane number of videogames that they've never played, why do they constantly seem like they're bragging about it? 'Man you have 300 games in your steam library and haven't played half of them? That's nothing I have over 500' etc etc.

There's like six subreddits that are worth looking at: where did the soda go; game physics; bad taxidermy; keming... maybe a couple others.

it's good for porn

Because they're nerds trying to outdo each other. That doesn't make them cool.

Also there's a middle gound between not being a status symbol and being a source of shame.

True, true, and it can help you zero in on your preference/fetish. And subreddits devoted to particular games are at most as cancerous as their /vg/ analogues.


I like the "sfwporn" ones for pretty pictures. also r/colorizedhistory r/askhistorians r/combatfootage

>are at most as cancerous as their /vg/ analogues

Playing any MMO it's the best place to get any new or relevant information thanks to /vg/ being basically pedophiles, trannies and ... actually that's about it.