>Sunday night
>he isn't getting some 1ccs
God, you're pathetic.
Sunday night
Okay, fine, you're not pathetic. Just show me what you're working on.
Aren't you the guy who shitposted 1cc threads to death?
But I'm trying clownpiss is raping my shit tho
Fuck off Reimu
Ok but what is graze?
Pointdevice or Legacy?
Legacy of course I don't think PD counts as a 1cc
clownpiece has cute legs
>I don't think PD counts as a 1cc
Yeah you're right, that was a dumb question.
Why LoLK, though. Did you already 1cc every other game? Because holy shit, I thought I was literally the only person that frequents these threads that actually went through the effort of doing so.
The clownbutt is nice. I like the clownbutt.
Do you think all the other girls pin Reimu down and tickle her all over while mockingly asking her if it tickles?
I wanted to try to 1cc another hard game after my lunatic 1cc in SA,but I hear UFO is alot harder than SA
>I wanted to try to 1cc another hard game after my lunatic 1cc in SA
What an absolute madman.
>I hear UFO is alot harder than SA
Much like everything else about it, people have different opinions on that. Some people think it's easier because of the UFOs, some people think it's way harder because of the UFOs.
So you'd have to play it by yourself.
4th of July soon, be sure to masturbate to Clownpiece
Is LoLK legacy mode the hardest game to 1cc?
I wouldn't know, I haven't even 1ccd Imperishable Night on normal
>Is LoLK legacy mode the hardest game to 1cc?
Yes it's way harder than UFO,and SA combined,you know how the real difficulty of Touhou games begin at stage 4,well LoLK is difficult through out,also you have to have to do risky grazing just to get more bombs and life pieces
I've been distracted by other games, but I would like to get back to 1cc'ing Lunatic SA soon.
SA on lunatic can be a bitch mainly Orin and Yuugi those two will give you hell
Clownpiece isn't a slut.
Well i'm too busy playing an actual game.
Got Zuns Autograph from AX
But if i play i wont have time to funpost.
Man, how many clownbutt pictures do you have?
He probably doesn't have many considering these are the ones that get posted all the time.
I want to pin down Clownpiece in a mating press with her small legs up in the air while I pump into her with my full weight in each thrust until I bust both my nuts inside her premature womb
Not as many as I'd like. Most of my folder is patchouli.
As in your touhou folder is mainly Patchouli or your butt folder?
Touhou folder.
I don't have a butts folder, I should probably make one.
You should probably make a folder for the different games or characters to help you find the images of certain characters easier.
Just use the searchbar? No reason not to tag your images in 2016, searching on SSDs takes no time at all.
Pic unrelated?
What gave that impression?
Well it's not my fault Diners, drive ins, and dives is more important than touhou
No and you cant make me.