Prove me wrong.
Prove me wrong
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SH1 > all the rest tho'.
Heather is cute
my mommy too
silent hill 2 is objectively the best silent hill game
it doesnt have the "le spooky dead girl from hell causing ghost problems xD" story line and has a fucking GOD tier soundtrack.
SH2 has some pretty shitty moments of walking around doing nothing.
>"le spooky dead girl from hell causing ghost problems xD" story line
someone only watchet the god-awful movie.
And no, SH1 is still the best game in the series.
Best pacing, best town-design, actually scary, with great balance of terror and mindfuck, actually deep story, and much more at stake in the end too. It also does not have literal babby-difficulties where you cannot die.
SH thread? Kewl!
Time for some SH PC Guides + the DL links:
SH2 torrent:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" fix works as a no-cd crack as well, and is included in the pack.
In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
the movie is based on silent hill 1 and 3
cancerous as fuck storylines
3 does the tense and gritty feels better but loses out because of the retarded no sense story. So 2 is only slightly better
>the movie is based on silent hill 1 and 3
yeah, just about as much as Doom movie was "based" on the game.
Anything said and shown in the films are nothing but unimaginative shit written by a shallow western individual, who just wanted to grab the cash of the wider audiences.
like it or not, SH2 is merely an expansion pack to SH1, and continues from the exact same events. SH1 already did the "personal demons" shenanigans, even better if you ask me.
>but loses out because of the retarded no sense story.
only retards would consider the story "no sense". It's pretty fucking bluntly told.
Can't say i blame them, the game hardlys have any story or characters to begin with. Maybe it went that way because they couldn't consult the original team behind the game too.
what the fuck are you on about?
Did i say the story wasn't told? I said it made no sense from the point of view of the previous game stories, which was about one facing their own fears and horror through silent hill. The cult and the god thing was just a mere glimpse of why those things were happening to the mc
>Child destined to give birth to some random ass god to conquer the world
JRPG shitty story right there
>>Did i say the story wasn't told?
no one said you did
>I said it made no sense from the point of view of the previous game stories,
except it did. Just shows you've not really invested time understanding the series' lore.
Alessa was always a psychic, and this skill of hers was used to CREATE the "god" inside her. And when she reincarnated, both of these features were inherited. Claudia and her merry men just had to poke Heather around to trigger these dormant memories and "features", which they hoped would result birth of god 2.0.
The only difference between SH1 and 3 is the fact that in the original game, you're a bystander witnessing Alessa's projection, while in 3 you ARE indeed seeing everything through her eyes. If anything, you're playing as a walking psy-projector, corrupting Earth in real time with each step.
Silent Hill 2 has better levels, better enemies, better supporting characters, and a scarier story
So why do so many faggots love SH3
That doesn't excuse the fact that 50% of the enemies you see in the game are these retarded things
I can(not)
>Child destined to give birth to some random ass god to conquer the world
way to twist and summarize a literal variant of Christian god. Also, it was not supposed to "conquer" the world, but instead destroy it and lead the believers into the heavens. Literal Armageddon stuff in other words.
Yeah, because you totally don't deal with Lying Figures 50+% of the time in SH2.
SH3 also has better graphics and animation, better gameplay, better PC port, and it's actually scary and decently challenging. Unlike in SH2, enemies actually do possess a challenge, and CAN kill you on all difficulty levels. The puzzle difficulty also does more in 3 and in 2, like adding more puzzles and moving / changing solutions and key-items around.
3 is better looking and has better concepts too.
but 2 is still better, no question there
I don't remember any ghost girl stereotypes in any Silent Hill games
bumpity boop SH2 is the better dood
Naw no way!
I been watching my nigga Lying Figure's lore play's of the games and it just struck me how linear 3 really is compared to the previous two games. You barely get to explore the town in 3.
One of the problems with 2 is it's too easy since you get too much ammo and there isn't enough monster variety but I agree it's better than 3.
>I don't remember any ghost girl stereotypes in any Silent Hill games
They're talking about Alyssa Gillespie from SH1.
She was a powerful psychic who could make bad shit happen, (basically the little girl from the Ringu) , so the townspeople of SH killed her for being a witch.
All of the shit that goes down in SH1 is literally her dragging the town into her own undead nightmare hell.
I think SH1 is perfect/the best and it would really be obvious if it only had the same visuals as SH 2-3
SH3 was scarier than SH2, but 2 made me feel more worse deep down in my mind.
SH3 shocked me a lot with the 'biological' horror and (I assume) the feeling of nausea that they wanted the player to feel. The game was good at that and it made me really uncomfortable in certain parts.
On the other hand SH2 feels like you are getting less scared but suffer a lot more because of the James/Mary relationship, guilt and cleansing. I like 2 more because of that and I appreciate that it really comes close to art and it feels like a really mature game.
Anyways, I can see why people can like either one or the other more though, both are excellent games and they are made so that people feel more connected to the particular setting and story of one rather than the other. Still, it's a thing of taste rather than giving an objective factual opinion.
Except that's not the story of SH1 at all, are you fucking retarded? The cult burned Alessa to be able to use her powers without her consent, not for being a witch, retard.
SH2 was literally so fucking piss easy that no it's not better than SH3. SH3 was just better in every way.
>She was a powerful psychic who could make bad shit happen, (basically the little girl from the Ringu) , so the townspeople of SH killed her for being a witch.
100% confirmed for only ever watching the movie, and never playing the game.
Get lost and off yourself.
The game was pretty clear that all her teachers, nurses, and fellow students hated her, called her a witch, and were scared to death of her.
>This bait.
You'll get some yous
So which youtuber explains the story well?
>texture filters
>2D filtering w/ black outlines
>wrong aspect ratio
But in this weird Otherworld, what can we do?
Quit trying to defend your stupid shit. She was bullied in school because of her powers and refused to use them. There was a supportive teacher though and it's the same one whose house you have to go through to approach her. Nobody was scared of her because she never hurt anyone on purpose.
Thanks, I've been looking for this.
2 is pretty overrated.
Dang, wish I woulda had you in the thread I made a couple days ago, I literally just finished SH2, not even 10 minutes ago.
Awesome game, I got the ending where I assume James kills himself
Time to download 3.
There's a girl named Alessa in my class. If your memory is any good, you may remember her. She's the one I said they called a witch. Most likely her mother is abusing her. I've never seen her come in without some sort of scrape or bruise. Her expression is pitifully dark for a 6 year old.
—K. Gordon
2 had an infinitely better story, characters, and atmosphere, but 3 had some god tier designs.
Watched the movie again yesterday so the bait was obvious
holy shit it isn't too bad until they reach the church. The costumes get cringeworthy really quickly, whereas the acting is horrible the whole time
Man i used to love poring over this
Now point out to me the part where it says they were scared of her, dipshit. There wouldn't be child monsters in the school if she could deal with them just by using her powers.
What's the best way to play SH1? I got it as a download on my fat ps3 but I have a 62 inches HDTV and it looks ridicule
>The costumes get cringeworthy really quickly
Am I remembering wrong? Because while I agree the acting and the movie as a whole was laughable, I thought the monster design and effects, were not only the best part of the movie(Not saying much, I know), but also just straight up great.
NP broski!
Have these recommended emulator settings for SH1 as well.
They work great on most other PS1 games too.
The plugins used are:
-Pete's OpenGL 1.78; (more options & better performance than 2.x version)
-Eternal's SPU Engine.
alternatively just use a software renderer for very 1:1 PS1-like graphics, including 240p only.
...OR just buy the game from PSN Store for few bucks.
>Dang, wish I woulda had you in the thread I made a couple days ago
Super tough luck, man. I tend to repost this stuff daily.
Anyway, I highly recommend replaying every SH game at least once. There's tons of stuff you miss on the first runs, plenty of endings and unlockables, and sequels have those different difficulty levels that shuffle things even more.
Also, before jumping to SH3, you REALLY need to play SH1, if you already haven't!
That's actually a hole in it's head not an eye.
Wait my bad. I meant that huge faq by silent pyramid
SH3 is more fun to play at least.
Pic: Cover art I drew for the copy that I bought that did not have one.
>What's the best way to play SH1?
PS1 or 2 + CRT TV.
Personally, I think it looks just fine on my PS3, connected to 40" LED. Then again, I like sharp pixels. You could try enabling the full-screen blur filter from the PS-Button menu, that could help.
If it's still bothering you, try .
Here's an example of the said settings in use, with a bit higher resolution.
Yeah I'm playing the series for the first time, and was asking for the PC port image.
Finished 1&2, downloading 3 now.
>There wouldn't be child monsters in the school if she could deal with them just by using her powers.
The child monsters are Alessa's nightmare projection of the kids who were mean to her. How is this not clear to you?
Exactly, why would they be a nightmare projection if she had no trouble dealing with them in real life?
>Finished 1&2, downloading 3 now.
I hope you got one of the "Good" endings in SH1. Otherwise, some stuff in #3 may fly over your head.
Still, good luck out there!
I never understood why people thought 3 was the best. It's so much more linear and the monster designs are the worst. Except for the fat fucks, I like those.
It has some brilliant moments tho
because she wasn't a mean person who went around killing kids for fun. It's not even fully stated if that's even possible with her powers.
Being rejected by the whole school and bullied nonstop is a bitter bite to swallow to an elementary school child. On top of that, she had to deal with the crazy adults.
>was about one facing their own fears and horror through silent hill
That's just SH2 dumbass. Man I hate SH2 fags so much.
I find that playing PS1 games on my PSP makes them much more enjoyable and much less bothering to look at
Just my 2 cents
Hey good question,
Well it's up to you,
In the digital world there's over three things to do:
>muh linear
All the SH games are linear except downpour.
>b-b-b-but I could explore the town in 2
wow two whole pointless rooms and empty streets with nothing in them
Yeah I did, I ended up killing the cop, but I fought the demon.
Which is exactly the point I was making in my first posts, she didn't use her powers to scare the kids. You're not the guy I was talking to, right?
3 is my favorite for the art direction, atmosphere, and great characters, but I have to say, the cult storyline is pretty damn dumb, and that premise from SH2 is a lot more interesting to me.
Wow look a handgun
The only time SH3 legitimately scared me was the vein suicide room and the funhouse.
Otherwise it felt like a step down from SH 2 in most ways
that's probably just the smaller screensize at work. Tighter pixel density makes wonders to low-res graphics, with the second best alternative being softer image + filters / image artifacts, like those gained via CRT + old component cables.
I find small screen to eat away some of the immersion though. You can compensate this somewhat by using good headphones, as the audio-work is more than half of the reason for the series' atmosphere.
good thing then!
yeah, different person.
2 has one of the best stories in all of video games, in that regards it's better.
3 is the scarier game though.
Every Silent Hill has it's own strengths and weaknesses. They're surprisingly different games.
Silent Hill since 1 has city exploration. The first time you play a Silent Hill, wandering in town wondering where to go was a real treat. Just dismissing this because 3 is your favorite does not make for a good argument.
She didnt "deal with" anybody.
She was a little girl who had no idea how to control her powers.
People were mean to her.
She had nightmares about the people who were mean to her.
When she died, her powers were released, and those nightmares were projected onto reality.
That's also why other monsters in the game are shit like dogs, lizards, and bugs. Typical things that a little girl thinks are gross or scary.
>Otherwise it felt like a step down from SH 2 in most ways
But SH2 was the least scary and difficult game out of the original trilogy.
C'mon guys
>Which is exactly the point I was making in my first posts, she didn't use her powers to scare the kids. You're not the guy I was talking to, right?
No he's not. I'm the guy you were talking to.
She had psychic powers, but she had little to no control over those powers. So when you were around her, random spooky shit would happen. She might not have even known that she was doing it.
So people are scared of her because when they're around her, random spooky shit happens.
That's not said anywhere in the game, in fact she had enough control over her powers to prevent the cult from using them while she was conscious. Seriously actually play the game instead of spouting movie bullshit and looking stuff on the wiki.
It's mostly the 'Silent Hill residents' ... the church people, they look like they came out of a Tim Burton movie.
See this guys lore plays.
dude this is a shitposting thread, don't bring logic and reason into this shit.
Ok I'm done talking here.
We clearly disagree on this.
All I can suggest is you go back and read all the memos and letters that you find in the game.
Does anyone know if the SH2 download is the European version?
And all I can do is tell you to stop shitposting about games you never played
The patrician opinion.
Yes, it is. At least the ReadMe manual has UK, FRA and GER sections in the end.
so epsxe doesnt run on Win10 or what? can't make it run on my new laptop
thanks for putting another nail on that thing's coffin for me!
thanks man
That's a matter of opinion, I think they are both about equally great. I prefer SH2 since the horror is more subtle psychological than the dread that SH3 conveyed. They both had this, but SH3 focused more on dread and despair when SH2 focused more on psych-out moments. It was appropriate for the stories and themes of both games.
W10 is a cancerous mess. Never fucking ever gonna touch that shit.
>Ohho! You seem to have some pirated material? Lemme delete that for you!
>What's this? WinXP era software? I declare that deleted or incompatible too!
>What do you mean you don't want automatic updates for your entire system at once? You don't have a choice!
>Remember to visit our App Store, goy! We already know your credit card number anyway!
>tfw seeing triangle head glowing red behind those bars for the first time
That kind of shit was just perfect.
>The Last Mariachi
I know it's shit but I had to buy some new computer hardware quickly and everything has this shit nowadays. Anyway, got an older version of epsxe and it runs just fine.
SH2's appartments was really a pain in the ass but an enjoyable pain in the ass tho.
SH origins is pretty good
Holy shit those settings look so good I'd hug you if I could
It's pretty shit desu senpai