Thoughts on Mega Man Zero? Better or worse than MN9 overall?

Thoughts on Mega Man Zero? Better or worse than MN9 overall?

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why is this even a question? zero's much better. Its just a faster paced megaman while MN9 is just a shitty clone

Zero is one of the best Megaman series

This tbqh

How is this even a question?

> Best of the Mega Man platformer subseries


> Mediocrity + Technical Issues out the ass


Fucking millennials

didnt zero 4 have the same kind of ability stealing on all enemies that mn9 was supposed to have?

Its better than most Mega Man games

I think so, the Z-knuckle right?

Zero's issues was only the ranking system being hell for people who refuse to take low ranks and punishing the use of cyber-elves because... well fuck you, that's why
Everything else was pretty sweet

Reminder that Inafune is the reason the Zero series exists.

Reminder that it's Sup Forums's favorite Mega Man series.

Reminder that Sup Forums OWES INAFUNE FOR IT

>Sup Forums's favorite Mega Man series.
I thought that was Legends

We already paid him 4 millions

Zero is the best megaman series there is. Everything else is a waste of time in comparison.

No, Sup Forums likes classic and X (only the original because it's Arin approved) the best. They have pleb taste.

>caring about rankings
There isn't a single good ranking system in any game on the entire planet.

Don't be an asshole now.

>saying what Sup Forums likes
>Half the replies are talking about how good it is

This is a thread that happens all the time, not like daily, but it's pretty well known that a lot more than just those two are liked here.

And who the fuck is Arin and why should I care?

MMZ is pretty popular on Sup Forums ya dildop

>"remember, there are no stupid questions until you ask them."

>Reminder that it's Sup Forums's favorite Mega Man series.
zero threads are pretty rare on Sup Forums while there is always a MM classic thread and sometimes a X thread.