Deception, Lies, and CSGO

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>advertising for a site you own without disclaiming you own it

Holy shit, that's literally illegal.

Let's all be honests here
Valve is a fucking scam company
they release 2-3 games every 10 years and people fall for their shit online games

If you want to waste money, there are much better options.

On top of that, you have to be always online to play the games and while it's good regarding updates/patches, it's fucked up if you don't have internet access.

>post yfw Valve gets hit with billions of dollars of lawsuit judgments and Federal fines and needs to make HL3 to save themselves financially

E-celebs and youtube drama are not video games.

Also, Valve was losing the CS:Go audience and "out of sudden" the millions of players came back in 2014

It's totally, 100% scam.

but its about CS:go not the guy talking about it

You people need to stop being retarded for once in your lives


Valve is not responsible for third party sites offering gambling of CSGO skins

>but its about CS:go

>a-actually, its about ethics in games jurnalizm!!!

its not about CS:GO, its about two youtubers pretending to be unaffiliated with a gambling site they are promoting. Valve has literally nothing to do with third party gambling sites.

Are you seriously alleging that Valve is faking the playercounts?

Aside from the fact Valve participates by allowing them access to Steam inventories. Valve's going to get fucked big time.

You can stop shitposting now

>It's okay when Blizzard does it

It has to do with Valve and CSGO gambling scams, an Eceleb is just presenting the information

>It's a ((h3h3)) gets mad at other youtubers for making more money than them and ((Ethan)) attacks them over nothing episode

Valve has allowed you to link your steam account to these websites so they are involved
one of my favorite videos about the subject

how did ethan become le hardhitting youtube reporter

ban kids from the web though

valve might get damaged, but syndicate et al. would lose way more 2bh

>attacks them over nothing

They literally broke the law for something they were busted by the FTC for doing before

Is it?

>youtube drama

>Paid by CS Go Lotto
>Hey stupid goyim let's go there it's a friendly place you will earn lots of money
>Ohhhhhhhhhh it just happens I own the website but don't worry it's 100% random

They got back some half million people with their skin shit and 2 days later on their website

3 weeks later

That case has no legs. I can create a website right now hosting illegal content and add a link for your to log in via steam onto the site. Is Valve suddenly responsible for the illegal content?

>retards wrongfully thinking this is about valve and not syndicate & youtuber cunts literally breaking laws

Valve has to whitelist the site thus they are responsible for vetting them.

It's not that, it's how much the cs skin is friendly to gambling and given the fact that 99,9% of skins are purchased through illegal means such as "CS Lotto" ...

what am I gonna do with all my steam games

You could argue that Valve enables it

When will video games finally die? When will they realize that making things is bad?
I'm so sick of the game developers developing games, they make me so sick.
I wish games would hurry up and die. They'll send kill squads to every house and destroy ever gaming PC and console you own, only then can we be truly happy.

Thats not how third party linking works


>those first :40
>retards probably spent more than $600+ for a $100 knife
>western gaming

No you can't. You can argue valve shouldn't allow those under 21 to buy csgo boxes, but otherwise no. You can sue the fuck outta these youtubers for all their worth though, get to it~

>Goyims, great news. Gamble at CS Lotto
>No, I'm not the owner I don't even have access to the way the website operates
>The website is total fair and will never scam you


Who are you quoting?

>I owned a pot like 69 dollars
>very small pot like
>but like coolest feeling ever

This is the power of the millennials

>Valve exploits retards
Who cares. It doesn't affect the actual game like other games with microtransactions. This is literally the best system but people will shit on it regardless because someone always has to complain.

>it's illegal for a lender refers you to an appraiser they are affiliated with for a home loan
>it's illegal for a doctor to refer you to a hospital they're a part owner of
>car dealerships are legally required to give you a refund for your car if its proven to be defective

Holy shit. Vidya is a $90+ billion dollar a year industry. Why the fuck don't consumers have similar rights as compared to other industries?

>Should they have disclosed they own it
Of course
>Are CS:GO and gambling sites malicious and have ill intent towards children?
No go fuck yourself. Don't blame the platform blame whichever retarded teenagers spend all of mommy's money then try to sue.
>Is this a huge deal?
No jesus fuck who cares

that's literally not the point you fucking idiot
holy shit can you pay attention for longer than 30 seconds

Because gamers are the dredge of media.

I hope Valve gets in deep shit for allowing illegal gambling. Theyre such an awful company that for some reason people love to give money to.

Thank god for pc piracy otherwise all of those games you bought on steam wont be playable when they eventually go under or Gabe fucks off to his remote island

I'm so glad that some jews trying to overthrow rich jews. Maybe they will start making videogames again, but probably nothing will change. Greedy fucks will always find a way how to rob stupid people and do nothing.

>pc gaming

I hope these guys realize they're actually not just fighting Valve, they're also fighting Blizzard (loot boxes) and Activision (supply drops). There's no way this actually has any repercussions for any of those companies.

>Michael John McLeod


But CSGO is multiplatform :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

>people are only just now figuring out CSGO is online gambling

t. sony cuck

>I hope Valve gets in deep shit for allowing illegal gambling
Fuck off you autistic saint.

You're the same type of people that are fine with underage drinking, that yes happens fucking everywhere, but once an e-celeb you like calls out underage gambling it's al like "OMG VALVE IS SO EVIL :((("

>Is Valve suddenly responsible for the illegal content?
Valve absolutely should regulate the websites they allow to interact with Steam. In that way, they bear at least some of the responsibility.

>like those 15 children playing CS Go on Xbox One

What's the point? Valve trying to make money? What, you want them to jew people like Blizzard and EA by scalping our games? Fuck off, this is the best system.

The sad thing is most of Sup Forums won't understand the reference

I can update the site to host illegal content AFTER whitelisting. Is Valve responsible? How is Valve even supposed to know some 2bit youtubers are off illegally promoting their website? How is valve supposed to keep tabs on every gambling website that pops up?

it's actually better that it's targetted to kids, because kids don't have a large income, if any, it's not like they could go into dept if they tried

being against gambling in itself is just stupid. it's only illegal because the government can't profit off of unregulated cash flow

Chances are he's a massive weeb with a ps4 and vita that plays only yellow metacritic score idol/loli trash.
Not worth the headache.

if you open crates you get a ton of donations as a twitch streamer
for some reason these are the streams people love to watch

This has literally nothing to do with Valve
Do you think they aren't protected from this?

Shame on you for actually thinking you YouTube community whiteknight morals would resonate with a group of degenerates that actually have a bit of common sense.

This is nothing more than drama on the part of the site owners. Absolutely nothing wrong with Valve or Gambling sites

Do you buy your underage booze with your underage gambling?

An adult has to buy alcohol for an underager like yourself, actual underage gambling with thousands of dollars cant be done anywhere but the internet. Theres a reason casinos have such tight security, and your local 7 eleven doesnt.

>Is Valve responsible?

Yes. Vetting isn't a one time process, it's continual.

fuckin' lmao

The point of the vid is that the owner of CS Lotto is promoting his own site through supposed scripted betting videos.

No, it's not even about valve at all. Ethan was giving a background on what gambling in relation to the game even is. The focus is these youtubers trying to exploit csgo players for their own wealth - breaking numerous laws from not mentioning sponsorships or that you own the damn gambling company.

>idiot kids gamble and lose money
>"this isn't fair im going to sue"

America ladies and gentlegoons

Stop being retarded please.

video games are children's toys and children don't rights.

>What's the point?

if only there were some kind of video you could watch on the subject to inform yourself instead of shitposting

You guys don't get it. The skins was already meant for this in the first place

Or you do you SERIOUSLY think that CS bet making billoins of dollars go directly to that dumb white trash people?

No, of course not. Those retards can't even make a fake reaction video, let alone a fucking gamgling company.

the only good game valve made was vanilla tf2

I really hope for Valves sake they lose the case and would have to pay out billions. Maybe that will make them wake the fuck up and start making games again

>whiteknight morals

>Absolutely nothing wrong with Valve or Gambling sites

Neo Sup Forums


>Do you buy your underage booze with your underage gambling?
That sentence didn't make any sense

>An adult has to buy alcohol for an underager
So hypothetical here, let's say they slap a "Pls be 18+ to use our site" Do you actually think that will stop teens from using it? You're retarded.
Kids barely have money to play with, the ones that do and fuck themselves over suck and the onus is on the parents. Just like the simple purchase of anything online.

Everyone sees games as toys.

It's why nobody gives a shit.

why would they start making games again (something that costs millions) after losing millions, when they can just wait a couple months and make that much off steam game sales...

literally use your fucking head retard

Most of Sup Forums was probably born 15 years after the movie

>mfw if Valve gets sued they'll realize they can't make successful games by only having microtransactions in them
>mfw trading communities could potentially go back to trading in-game items for other in-game items instead of having a set system of currency
>mfw they might be forced to actually make games again instead of just updating 5+ year old games with more DLC if they want to look like a video game company anymore

>why would valve undertake activities that generate a profit

Gee, I wonder

If you think skin gambling promoted by Valve is bad

>I'm unable to make sound arguments so i'll call you out and put you in an arbitrary category!!

>suing Valve for what people do with in-game items

what's next, someone's gonna sue McDonald's for making them fat? oh wait, people ARE that fucking stupid

I see keys and skins more like buying trading cards then downright gambling.

But instead of getting a whole deck of worthless cards you get one worthless virtual card.

HL1 and Portal are great you faggot.

>Fat jew who doesn't even play video games and is just a friend of JonTron whining about how other people make money

It seems you have difficulty reading, that's ok friend!

>ITT Sup Forumsirgins show a lack of understanding of tort law and duty of care

Can I sue Nintendo for encouraging gambling with their pokemon booster packs?

Im not sure anybody told you this but hats are more profitable than games. This is the world we live in

>sound arguments

Yes, you can

Why? This case doesn't have a leg to stand on, using valves steam api doesn't mean they endorse or operate your website

Libertarians will defend this.

Thing is a large number of people who buy skins are little kids who took their parents credit cart and it's said parents that are suing.

So it's more like suing McDonald's because your 11 year old brat took mommy's credit card and bought 100 burgers.

>he actually needs somebody to argue why jewing dumb teenagers like him is generally immoral

literally Sup Forums-tier

If you're old enough to play with blocks, you're definitely old enough to play with glocks

you can't fucking sue people for what your shitty kids do


Who created libertarianism by the way?

Ok so everyone FOR this. What do you propose?

All gambling sites slap an 18+ logo on it?
Strip game of all crates? No more microtransactions?

Please enlighten me how you solve this nonexistent problem