Let's make a Sup Forums version

Let's make a Sup Forums version

Let's not.

that's the plebest list, is like someone listing call of duty, halo and uncharted

Deus Ex
Planescape: Torment
God Hand
Silent Hill 1-3
Shadow of the Colossus
Devil May Cry 1, 3

I don't feel like thinking of anything else. I think the only real reason that Sup Forumscore exists is because it was made before the boards became too contrarian, evident by how incredibly outdated the list is to begin with. I think Sup Forums's probably missed the boat when it comes to really getting any real kind of consensus anymore. Too much shitposting and casual browsers to have any real kind of community to really agree on anything.

Max Payne
Deus Ex

>Too much casual browsers
>no strategy in your "core" list at all

Of course.

Zero Escape
Megami Tensei
It's not Sup Forums without weebshit

Great choices

Ghost trick


literally gobble up and regurgitate the meta ad infinitum

RTSbabbies are even more butthurt than FGC

Sonic 3 and Knuckles
The King of Fighters '98
Dong Freeze
Megaman X2


Figures you were an idiot for whom strategy holds no appeal.

It already exists.I only have the incomplete version (i don't know if it was ever completed)

Deus Ex
DX Human Revolution
Persons 3/4
Metroid Prime
Super Metroid
Fallout 1/2
New Vegas
Planescape Torment
Mountain Blade
Silent Hill 1-3
God Hand
Witcher 1/2/3
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadowrun Dragonfall
Hotline Miami
System Shock 2
Alpha Centauri
Alien Isolation

It will never be complete because Sup Forums never agrees upon anything

>more than 1 game per franchise

God Hand is a meme. Get the fuck outta here.

>Japanese """"""""games""""""""

Thank you Sup Forums, first post is best post.

>Cave Story
>mother 3

>no Homeworld
>no Steel Battalion
>no Valkyria Chronicles
>no Gun Valkyrie
>no Metal Slug
>no Front Mission




>Witcher 2
>Silent Hill 3 without 2
>Human Revolution
>only the first Thief

The fuck is this named reddit faggotry?

>Sup Forums

not bad

>No fighting games.


fighting games are cancer

>my bloody valentine
>all that indie garbage

So Sup Forums knows nothing about music

You're cancer, faggot.

there's several

>any Persona

no, fuck off

>Zero Escape and Megami Tensei



Found the millenial.


theres that word again

freelancer is garbage


Get called that often do you?

>God Hand is shit
>Dwarf fortress requires severe autism to be enjoyable
>Compilations don't count you fucking cunt
>Morrowind being better than Oblivion or Skyrim is a fucking meme
>SF3 is easily the worst on the series. Study your shit, newfag
>Monster girl capture? Really? Oh, for fuck's sake...

>any of that

The Microphones, Slint, GY!BE and Swans are the only bands there that are signed to an independent label on release.

nope. I see a lot of people saying that word and not knowing what it means

>God Hand is shit

Thanks for the heads up so I don't need to read the rest of your post.

Thread should have ended here

Whoever made these is a complete fucking faggot

Oh, and My Bloody Valentine and Neutral Milk Hotel, but they only became popular on rerelease

Age of Empires II
Dorf Fort
Metal Gear Solid 3
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Warcraft III
Euro Truck Simulator
The Sims 2
Ace Combat 04
Rocket League
Super Mario 64


>Whoever made these is a complete fucking faggot
This one was made in a thread some months ago by anons,that's were i saved it from.

>CTR but no Diddy Kong Racing
simbly ebic man

>Whoever made these is a complete fucking faggot

Well it's obviously somebody from Sup Forums, so yeah

>Deus Ex: Human Revolution
>not the original

hahaha holy shit this is a new one
>labelling images is reddit

>No La-mulana


HR was an improvement in just about every way. But I'd be willing to hear an argument as to why it deserves to replace it.

I'd like to avoid more than one game in the same series.

>HR was an improvement in just about every way

Except for the hugely divergent story paths, which is the most fucking important part.

>short dumb nigger talking into a mic about how great he is
>good in any way shape or form

>I'd like to avoid more than one game in the same series.

That's because you are a pleb for whom the setting of a game decides more than the actual game itself.


Nothing I listed relies on story to make them good. I never found the story in Deus Ex, or HR to be particularly good. I've seen people agree with that, although they like the games.

If we're including story as a factor, there's going to be a walking simulator in that list. That's just the truth.

>let's distill the entire boards recs into a nice shareable image macro and literally spell out the titles word for word
Why don't we just pre chew the food before the spoonfeeding?

Deus Ex
Planescape Torment
Mask of the Betrayer
Mother 3
Shadow of the Colossus

>No Merzbow
>Sup Forumscore
o i am laffin

Unless the two games are incredibly different, I see absolutely no reason why more than one of the same series should be in it.

Unless we want a complete cluster fuck like the ones that currently exist. That's some pleb shit if I ever saw it.

I honestly think that AoE II and WC III should be either or, but they are different enough in how they work as an RTS that I see enough reason to have both.

But you do?

You are very clearly blinded by racism and shitposting. Or you're just stupid.

Kanye is a god tier producer. I hate the guy, but that's a fact.


>god tier producer
Stale meme



>I'd like to avoid more than one game in the same series.
>not knowing that some games in the same series are really different from each other despite still being the same genre and can have strengths and weaknesses that complement each other

>hasn't played Deus Ex
>thinks the post was about story

It's about INFLUENCING the "story" you fucking plebbite.

Deus Ex has a damn good malleable story; for example you can literally choose whether to kill a character in a place where it doesn't seem like you would be given the option to, and the game will keep on rolling as if it planned for you to do so the whole time. You can find end game secrets early on that reveals potential twists later on and you can plan for that shit in advance and act accordingly.

And yet plebs like this faggot post their dumb garbage as if they knew anything about "Sup Forums core" LOL

>I honestly think that AoE II and WC III should be either or

lol, you haven't even heard of Total Annihilation or Supreme Commander, and you want to make a judgement call for Sup Forums as if you are the spokesman for the genre.

I played both.

Stop shitposting for ten minutes and make your case.

> Shit taste

Please. Go on and rattle off some musicians you think are good so I can laugh at you.

Monkeys like you can be shown the most profound shit right in front of your eyes, and yet you still wouldn't notice it.

>implying I give a fuck about what someone who likes Kanye thinks about anything

Heard of TA, haven't played it. Played SC, AoE II is worlds better. It's not even really a contest.

Most of Sup Forums tends to agree that AoE II is core. And this is before any kind of core meme talk was ever being had like ITT. It even survived the influx of newfags and reddit. No one shat on that game for ages. It's only gets shit on now because WE WUZ KANGS.

Came here to post this.

The Black Dog
Kruder and Dorfmeister
808 State

Each and every one of them are much better producers than Kanye West

nth for Trout Mask Replica and ITAOTS are mediocre

Not him but DX has a better story, manages to create a more realistic world, has better pacing, level desing and freedom of playstyle.

HR is breddy good but the clear bias towards stealth, the yellow filter and the god awful boss battles take it down. Also the story is less smart and more casualized.

From sutle hints to greek mythology and historic references as well as well thought out predictions of the future, the series went into a ICARUS YOU FLEW TO CLOSE TO THE SUN, WAR WAR WAR, MAD HACKER SKILLZ, AUGMENTATION IS LIKE MAGIC

Again, there's worse. But HR is just not better.

Why the fuck do Sup Forums hipsters love Kanye West so much?

So you have no argument. Cool.

Moving on, then.

John field

>in b4 you imply classical music is bad and nigger noise is better
>in b4 you claim any of the above listed are bad

>Played SC, AoE II is worlds better

Well that's all I really needed to hear. Awful taste. You clearly have no idea that Sup Com never gets shit on in any RTS related talks.

The earlier posts were full of my argument, and you couldn't see that. QED

Zero escape definitely isn't. It's a cool game but nothing that will last for years.

If you want to not look like a complete newfag at say contrarian.

Wow. You're a retard.

If I wanted a list of the original innovators of music, I would've gone to wikipedia. At least fucking tried.

What? Why? Zero Escape much like TWEWY is a unique game in like it has one of the best stories ever told in vidya.

Hell, Sup Forums was the one that basically made the sequel happen with Project Blue Bird.


literally who

Literally Google

shit like this exist

3/10 for making me reply

I agree that there was alot more freedom in DX, but you're over generalizing HR way too much for me to take your other comments seriously. I personally had no problem deviating from the stealth aspect, but that is admittedly my personal experience.

Sup Forumscore is a boring topic. Vidya has a much more shallow pool of options than music. People discover and rediscover masterpiece albums all the time, but that seldom happens with videogames.

A Sup Forumscore list would look a lot like a "top 10 games ever" list anywhere else.

add undertale

Enjoy your Linkin Park and Twenty One Pilots albums pleb

Man, when's the last time you heard someone talk about Planescape Torment?

The strangest thing about Sup Forums is (barring a few exceptions) boards about a topic both have the worst taste on said topic and know the least about it

/fa/ is filled with a bunch of faggots who think dressing like ninja is good
Sup Forums is filled with a bunch of faggots who think Kanye is good
Sup Forums is filled with faggots who live shit like got

Even Sup Forums has terrible taste in vidya. If you ever want advice on a topic seek it on a board not dedicated to it. The few exceptions are boards where the hobby is active and as such there are objective measures of success like /out/ and /fit/ (though they still can often be wrong) and super slow moving boards

It's old as fuck so some outdated memes may be there

>if something is old it can't be good

I hate you and people like you

>no Dark Souls or Bloodborne