Why is Sup Forums so heavily moderated compared to other boards?
Does Hiro want it to look nice for advertisers?
Why is Sup Forums so heavily moderated compared to other boards?
Does Hiro want it to look nice for advertisers?
It needs to be.
We need to be watched very closely
Roll boy
Because there's fucking rules, and it's a blue board?
God damn you weebs are thick.
>heavily moderated
Rule 6 barely gets enforced
>Sup Forums
>Heavily moderated
Is a newfag?
Delicious camel toe
Will I ever find love?
Do I fap tonight?
Have I found true love, Bill?
will i marry her?:3c
Will I finally bang Elena?
pretty hot
Post cheese pizza before 404
Trips decide
Does life matter?
fap y/n
Is Sup Forums the gayest board?
nothing matters
For you.
Do nudes exist?
Why do other lots of other boards have a permanent sticky with strict rules defined out and moderated while Sup Forums is a cesspool?
Are women nothing but bitches and whores?
I'm cool for doing what I did last night?
>heavily moderated
compared to Sup Forums, there's barely any moderation
Ans I wouldn't have it any other way.
Am I a big guy?
Trust i see and i find in yooouu
>heavily moderated
Am I browsing the right board?
Is Lara coming back to my country before I leave for college?
Are they?
Which one, Sup Forums?
Rolling for trips.
Will I ever fix my life?