>fireworks drowning out the audio of my video games
Fireworks drowning out the audio of my video games
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But it's a day early...
same here pham
>what are time-zones
It's not the 4th of July in any state of the US
>playing vidya instead of celebrating the independence of the greatest nation on earth
It's literally people who have to work on July 4th celebrating today since they are working tomorrow.
That's not Ancient Rome
>"great nation"
>fell apart
>didn't invent the internet, land on the moon, or create the KFC double down sandwich
nigga peoples started firing off fireworks two weeks in advance here and still haven't stopped
What ghetto do you live in?
Ancient Rome didn't have school shootings, a shit consumer based culture have huge race issues have a huge obesity and mental health problems all the while being the father of the West it's culture, religions, invent so much shit it's not funny be the base of the language your speaking now innovate laws and politics. And it's still influencing you right now
Rome shits on America
>had to work early shift today
>loud as fuck fireworks lasting until midnight last night
Thank god I get to sleep in tomorrow
You're right. England invented most of those.
Stay mad though, europoor.
Shit man, the same thing is happening to me. Fucking mexicans
Ancient Rome didn't have memes or Donald Trump, so it's objectively shit.
Plus, they lost to Muslims. Muslims!
You could just close your window OP
>have huge race issues
Ancient Rome had tons of slaves from their conquests in war
Unless you just mean that nobody gave a fuck about this
That doesn't help. They're literally firing of rockets 20 feet from my house.
>americans work on their independence day
But I have tomorrow off.
>not walking around tossing firecrackers at minorities and eating burgers with your massive hairy potbelly sticking out
Do you even USA
Is... is that not a thing? Oh shit, wow, my town is annoying.
>A drive by shooting actually happened
>our entire neighborhood thought it was fireworks
>winston ult.jpg
Many towns have their fireworks displays a day or two ahead of the 4th.
how about we exchange gifts on December 22nd?
why don't we go trick or treating in September?
fuck it, lets celebrate thanksgiving right now.
yes i'm mad
I've always thought that fourth of July would be the best time to commit a murder.
And Rome created England and in doing so created America plus the rest of the West, you can track everything back to Rome or Greece.
America is a dead fetus compared to Rome.
Rome did have memes read though some of this
The Byzantines lost to Muslims and they were thoroughly more Greek then Roman and they were backstabbed by Christians anyway so you can blame the pope for that.
Yeah but the slaves didn't do stupid political shit live of welfare doing nothing, commit a huge amount of crime be useless shits and couldn't vote
It's the night before July 4th.
Tons of people exchange and open gifts on Christmas Eve night.
>Ancient Rome didn't have school shootings
It had bestiality executions in the coliseum instead (as in woman / men getting raped by animals and then eaten for the entertainment of the masses), what a great civilization.
Rome is LITERALLY a dead fetus compared to America.
Stay mad though.
Some families do some of those. My buddy's family does their Thanksgiving after Black Friday shopping. He sees it as a reward for braving that nightmare all day
>romanticising Rome this much
They literally ate pig shit and their drinking water was riddles with feces.
Don't like it? Go back home.
>Yeah but the slaves didn't do stupid political shit live of welfare doing nothing, commit a huge amount of crime be useless shits and couldn't vote
Probably because they didn't live past 20.
At least the cops tazed him so he has a chance to live and reform his life. He would have been just been shot to death in America.
>four policemen
>three of them are completely unarmed
greetings reddit.
>Every criminal in America gets shot on sight
Did I accidentally got to ifunny?
That'd be racist.
We use tasers here in the US.
ironically liberals like you tend to still bitch about them
> Chavs
> Doing anything productive
It's britain. They must be armed with spoons or something.
The guy with the tazer is the sheriff, guaranteed.
>working on a holiday
Just eurocucks being jealous
>Get told to surrender and drop to the floor putting your hands behind your back
>Refuse and you get shot, if you get killed to bad you had a chance
>meanwhile eurocuck cops literally risk their lives and the lives of innocent people around because a criminal gets more rights than you
They're jealous don't have america's glorious golden hand of justice.
Somebody post that webm of the negro on angel dust pulling the cable out of his chest and acting like nothing happened.
You fucking sexist pig. The term is Police Officers.
American television glorifies violence anyway. >How much media attention do serial killers get?
>How about school shooters?
>How about white shooters?
Could say the same about the rampant pornography and violent crimes in the states anyway you just changed the coliseum for the tv and cinema screen
America is a half white culturally almost dead fetus.
Maybe only the lower classes, anyway lets not pretend the lower class Americans don't have shit water and eat deep fried rats.
Common misconception many slaves lived for a long time and earned their freedom, Pompeii had a significant freed slave population many of which took their masters family name as theirs
Rome is dead. America is the new empire. You're so cucked that you have to use our inventions.
Well, doctors have to be on duty so that they can fix up the dumbasses that blow themselves up.
>retail workers still work on july 4th
>however none of the retail workers want to pay holiday pay so they give them the day off
>retail businesses are overloaded with customers trying to get ready for the holiday
ah, democracy is wonderful
>shopping on holidays
Subhuman behavior 2bh
People have been setting them off for the last three days. They're doing it right now. Zero patience I tell you.
I don't think you understand the difference between people doing illegal acts / fictional entertainment and a civilization doing legal, ruler sponsored, crimes against humanity for entertainment.
I work at a liquor store and can confirm this shit. Always a shit ton of people do last minute shopping. We close at 9, but had people lingering in the store for a good 20 minutes after close trying to do their shopping only for them to chimp out when we tell them we can't legally sell after 9:15. Being a retail cuck is terrible.
>implying I'm a legion fag
Some roleplaying nerds running around in the desert barely with any guns at all are just waiting to get shat on.
Do something illegal in America become a celebrity and get possibly months if not years of Media attention. doesn't matter if it is illegal or not your media blows it up and these shootings and killings happen often enough it keeps you occupied and interested. And this in turn creates more of these killings
>America complaining about crimes against humanity. Oh I am laffin
Fuck off
I don't think you understand the difference between people doing illegal acts / fictional entertainment and a civilization doing legal, ruler sponsored, crimes against humanity for entertainment.
Spin it the way you have, if that shit happened in america there would be a nation wide outrage. That is the difference between barbarians from rome and america.
>barely with any guns
To be fair, in New Vegas you can take like 50 bullets to the face so fist weapons are just as viable as guns.
The LA riots were a good time. Koren shop owners fortifying their stores and shooting at nigs and mexicans who were trying to loot shit.
>thinly veiled Sup Forums thread
good one folks but im afraid you're all going to have to leave
>it's ghetto for people to light fireworks 2 weeks early
Holy fuck you are literally retarded
>Not going outside and watching them with your friends / family
And that nationwide outrage keeps happening and you glorify it making music, movies out of these killers. Broadcasting their faces look at how many copy cat killers of the Columbine killers there are because your media blow it up so hard.
>Bringing in modern day Christian ethics to Ancient times
If we were having this conversation in the future would we be complaining about Americas treatment of Arabs and how barbaric it was?
Or the kkk and slavery
Romans didn't see that that much wrong with gays but Christians do are you gonna go bringing in ethics like that?. And to be fair you guys still execute people and your criminal justice system works on more of a punish rather then teach not to commit crimes or help to get jobs
Eventually you'll come to understand that degenerates killing people and acting outside the law does not equal a civilization willingly participating and encouraging live bestiality and murder for entertainment.
No ammount of Sup Forums meme posting will change that.
And your bringing in modern day ethics to Ancient times. Will our grandchildren look back and the evil capitalist west and argue over whenever old America or nu Communist Europe was better.
Anyway the coliseum was only one of many ways Romans enjoyed free time and you seem to think it was only used for senseless violence and such events like that were much rarer then you think. Most of the time two gladiators beat each other up then got to go back to training without a single casualty as it was nowhere near as dangerous as people uneducated on the topic think. It was also used for animal displays and other such things
Such as teaching elephants to write the Emperors name in the sand
>Chilling round the forum
>Playing sport
>Tending to your farm or household if you didn't have a good wife or slave
The list goes on and on