It's been almost two years since the release of Sonic Boom...

It's been almost two years since the release of Sonic Boom, the latest and among the most severe in a long series of beatings the Sonic brand has taken. With the benefit of hindsight, though, can we really say it was worse than Sonic the Hedgehog 2006?

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Sonic Boom is just boring, Sonic 2006 is actively frustrating


If we're talking about the games themselves, Sonic Boom was worse. If we're talking about their impact in the franchise, 06 was worse.


06 is like one of those games that's so bad it's good, like The Room. Boom is just boring and a worse game.

I think pretty much everybody agrees that 06 is worse from a purely mechanical standpoint even if Boom is more boring. A better question is which of 06's 3 campaigns is the least shitty. I say Silver's, because at least with him the game never tries to put you on speed-boost pads that fling you directly into bottomless pits.

If you think 06 is better or "so-bad-it's-good" you've never tried to beat it

I'd rather play 06 than Boom.

Boom is very nearly as bad as '06, but because people had already been through '06, they were more numbed to the pain of Boom.

I'd rather play 06 than Boom, it's sorta like a Batman Forever And Batman & Robin situation, Sonic Boom & Batman Forever are both Bad and very Boring and Sonic 06 and Batman & Robin both are so bad they nearly destroyed their franchise however they are both hilariously bad, so when i play/watch i can at least laugh at how bad they are, while Boom/Forever are very bland and boring.

06 at least had some redeemable qualities about it, like the soundtrack and visuals.

I've played and finished both.
06 is worse because it's almost unplayable.
Boom is uninspired trash and is basically doing the same shit over and over.

You really haven't played 06 in a while if you think its visuals were good. The environments were all flat walls with ridiculously tiled textures, the models both human and hedgehog were low-quality without even token attempts at shading, and the animations look like guys in mascot uniforms trying to do acrobatics.

06 also had a few really good parts, like that one side quest near the forest and the second Mephiles fight
The PS3 version was unplayably laggy though, I'd rather play boom over that shit

Is sad that such a popular character has such terrible games. I want to like the next Sonic game that comes out.

>You really haven't played 06 in a while if you think its visuals were good.
They looked passable for an early gen title. Sonic Boom somehow looked worse despite being on better hardware.

06 is pretty fun at least, you can really enjoy the pain

The second Mephiles fight was garbage. For three minutes straight you fight a bunch of rock-golems with hitboxes so shit it's basically a dice roll of whether or not your attack is going to hurt them or you, and you do that over and over without variation until you fill up your gauge, at which point you mash X to hurt Mephiles and pray to god that you take him down in one go otherwise you have to do the exact same fucking thing all over again.

>They looked passable for an early gen title
They really didn't. Even reviews at the time specifically mentioned how the game barely looked better than a PS2 game. I can cite sources.

The ost alone makes 06 ten times better than boom, which basically had no soundtrack

>people think boom counts as a real sonic game

It was a tie in spin off game to go with the cartoon. never the main focus. fuck off already. 06 is bad because it wasnt finished. it wouldve been bad if it was finished.

2006 is horrendous and obviously the worse game of the two from a mechanical standpoint. It's gamebreakingly unplayable in some instances. A normal playthough won't just run into shitty game design, but an incredible amount of areas that are barely functional. However it is somewhat entertaining to see the sheer number of ways the game breaks through normal play, and that's before getting creative and trying to find something stupid. It also has a somewhat good soundtrack.

Boom is bad in the same manner but not to the same degree while also trying to be the farthest thing from a Sonic game. Sure you can break the game, but the majority of it will work despite being a pile of janky shit that looks and plays like garbage. It's still somewhat entertaining when you go out of your way to break it, but its more of a slog of mediocrity. The soundtrack is also garbage.

The first and only time I played 06 I burned up all five of my first lives on Wave Ocean's mach speed section, because the scripted loop-the-loop at the end just flung me into empty space every time.



PC port when?

I actually liked how open the levels were in 06 that and the music are the only compliments I'll give it.

Crisis City has so many branching paths. Sonic Boom pretty much has nothing going for it at all.

Then cite them

It's no use. Sonicdrones will defend anything.
>...the majority of stages appear vaguely last gen, with only slightly enhanced textures and massive amounts of motion blur
>The graphics are limp and lifeless: Objects constantly pop up that should have already been visible, animations are limited, and the hedgehogs appear to be made of clay.
>Graphically, Sonic the Hedgehog is a glitchy mess that usually looks extremely bland. The town that Sonic spends most of his time saving looks like someone dug up some old Dreamcast-era artwork, brushed it up a little bit, and released it onto current consoles.

Sonic Boom:
>horribly broken
>false previews
>very boring
>horrible writing and dialogue
>shitty redesigns
>completely void and depth and shares zero continuity with the rest of the Sonic series
>music is garbage

Sonic 06:
>horribly broken
>false previews
>fun sometimes
>hit and miss writing and dialogue
>some depth and continuity
>music is great

Yeah, Sonic Boom is worse.

Boom is just the most boring piece of shit you can ever touch. The only thing worse than a broken glitchy game like 06 is a painfully broken boring one like Boom.

There's nothing wrong with booms redesigns. They look like the same characters.

>There's nothing wrong with booms redesigns.

Chris chan please leave

Whats even funnier is that soleanna looks like the main city in final fantasy 15

Honestly, as bad as 06 turned out I can at least appreciate what they tried to do, they wanted to create the magnum opus of Sonic games with a rich story and deep lore, they wanted you to care about the characters, they wanted to make the Final Fantasy 7 of Sonic.

Boom is corporate and shallow and has no effort put into it on any level.

Got 'em the other way around, pal. Boom got toys, a comic, a show, and a sequel. At least with '06 we only had to deal with it once, all this boom stuff is like Sega pissing on their fans

>all this boom stuff is like Sega pissing on their fans

That's because the Boom show and toys are doing decently enough.

The TV show was actually above average and has good production quality.
There have been Sonic cartoons since before there were 3D Sonic games.

>The TV show was actually above average
Is cartoon industry's current state really bad?

Also, no other Sonic cartoon/anime/comic has been so pushed as Boom

*really that bad

The cartoon was basically sent to die with its timeslot and still managed to get decent ratings, and the comic got cancelled after a year because Archie didn't think the game series/cartoon would last (but then Sega announced Fire and Ice and Season 2 shortly after).

It's hardly being "pushed" at all. It only feels like that because Sega has been keeping tight lips on the next mainline Sonic game.

Boom's Comic also died because of the second crossover that dragged in Sega and Capcom in general instead of just Sonic and Mega Man, which managed to fall apart very quickly.

Game is shit but cartoon is hilarious

if Sonic can't have good games anymore at least he can rely on having good brand recognition in other mediums

Without mentioning blue arms what's wrong with them?

>It's hardly being "pushed" at all

>four games in just three years
>three of them even got a japanese dub
>a comic
>Sticks' cameo appearance in Rio 2016
>wallpapers in Sonic Channel
>one of the three Sonics in the official anniversary website

>not pushed

Knuckles the arrrgh

Amy SJW Rose.

This isn't about blue arms my shitposting friend. The designs are just terrible all around, save for Eggman which is debatable, and Amy who is an improvement, but this isn't saying much since her official design is godawful.

Anyone with half a brain understands that after 06 the franchise was reduced to an irreversable state, had Boom came out instead of it no one would've given two shits

Someone with a brain also knows that Boom was never intended as a reboot, and that as much of a buggy mess it is it's still leagues more playable and acceptable than 06

I will never understand why they needed another cross over out considering it didn't really amount to anything in the end other than a cancellation of 2 comics. Biggest cock tease of a cross over as well
>Worlds Unite!
>Only for the last 2-3 issues
>Team Dark? Yeah they're dead
>Bad art every few issues? you got it
The most soulless crossover ever.

You could argue the same thing for Boom and still think 06 was the worst thing.

No one gives 2 fucks about what they were trying to do with 06, it's a pile of shit with unredeemable qualities, Boom follows suit except it's more competently designed/planned than 06, the fact that they bothered patching the game up already means a lot.

The only good thing about Boom was the show and the comics

Sticks is a slut who doesn't wear panties

Shadow because 10 jumps in a row

I would actually want to play a fully debugged version of 06
to finally beat the Rouge mission with the breakable platforms

>making Sonic into Seinfeld